You/Jesy/Dinah/Ally part two.

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You watched as your mama's two dogs chased one another around the backyard as your mama and step mom talked endlessly in the kitchen, a little too loud at times and a little too low at others; it didn't take a genius to figure out they were planni...

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You watched as your mama's two dogs chased one another around the backyard as your mama and step mom talked endlessly in the kitchen, a little too loud at times and a little too low at others; it didn't take a genius to figure out they were planning something that you weren't supposed to know.

"Mama?" You called out once the whispers seemed to pickup once again as your mother popped her head out from the backdoor; her green eyes seemed a little too bright and her smile was a little too eager; whatever was going on with her was making you nervous and just inched closer to you wanting to go home to your mom.

"Yeah y/n?" Jesy's accent flowed out easily as if she hadn't been living in America for more than 20 years and she had easily hidden it, that was until she got involved with Dinah who "loved" her home grown accent.

"Why are your bags packed? Are you two going somewhere after I go home or something?" You said point blankly; it wasn't that you disliked your mama you loved her more than life itself but in the three years she had been married to Dinah, it was clear that she was a little bit more obsessed with her new wife instead of you and to be honest you knew she had started the affair with Dinah while she was still "happily" married to Ally.

"What are you talking about? Were you in our room?" Jesy furrowed her brows as she stared at you with the same look your other mom gets whenever you use "foul" language, gulping slightly you shrugged your shoulders "I followed the dogs in there and they were smelling around it so sue me for being curious."

Jesy gave another pointed look; she was always the one you never really talked to considering she had a slight hard side but figured since you were grown now things would change. Before you knew it the green eyed girl was seated at the patio table next to you as Dinah took the seat across from you with a shrug "Just tell her babe."

"We're taking you to England for the summer!" Jesy mused with a grin on her face, as you took in what was being said you began to panic a whole summer in another country away from your friends and everything you've become to know and love.

"You can't do that..Does mom know?" You made a face before reaching across the table for your cellphone in a slight hurry to get your other mom over there to back you up but was quickly stopped as Dinah had seemed to swipe the phone from your grip.

"Come on y/n, it'll be fun and you're basically an adult now Ally doesn't have to know everything so stop being a chicken shit." Dinah let out a laugh before rolling her own eyes as Jesy's scowl and excusing herself from the table leaving your mom and you to sit in silence.

"I'm not going mama, not for the whole summer and not if mom doesn't know. That's just shitty, you see me what, twice every few months and expect me to just pick up and leave the country with you? Like your little whore said I'm an adult now I can make my own decisions." You pushed back from the table as soon as the words left your mouth and made your way back into the kitchen; your moms hands seem to smack down on the table as she called your name before following behind you quickly; her voice seemed to harden and her accent became even more heavier that you weren't completely sure exactly what she was saying but was finally thankful for Dinah for once as she intercepted her and tried to calm her down.

Giving you enough time to slip up to your room and send your mom a SOS text before laying back on the bed and counting the minutes till you got to leave.

A few hours later.

Jesy had already cooled down from the previous events thanks to Dinah and a few glasses of wine as the knock on the door came to be heard around the house, it was soft at first then proceeded to get harder before she let out a loud grumble and went over to the door pulling it open but not bothering to close her robe that left much exposed figuring it was probably the take out Dinah had ordered.

"Hi Jesminda, so happy to see you as well." Ally's voice was dripping with honey covered in fire ants as she locked eyes with the brunette before stepping into the house not bothering to wait for an invitation inside; pulling her own suitcases behind her in easy motions.

"Allyson what the fuck are you doing here? It's late and the suitcases? Did y/n really need all that stuff?" Jesy made a face at the shorter latina before closing the door behind her but leaving her robe open as she walked back into the foyer not waiting for the other girl to catch up with her.

"You didn't really think I would let you take y/n all the way to England and not come with? Not to be crude Jesminda but you are not really the mother of the year." Ally let out a laugh as she took a seat in one of the recliner's and filled up her own wine glass before looking up at the brunette who didn't seem to fully comprehend what was exactly happening.

"Fuck you Ally, seriously. Stop obsessing over y/n, I'm her other mother and I know how to keep her safe I've done it for years." Jesy stated before stopping when Ally's voice got higher.

"Wait a minute I've done it for years, you left! You ran off with Dinah and drank yourself stupid so please don't say that you've done it because all you did was create a mess that I had to clean up alone so please make me laugh again." Ally's voice had never been more bitter and her stare was practically tearing Jesy up inside.

The stare contest went down for a bottle of wine and a few hours after but the next morning when you woke up all you knew was now both your moms were going to England, Dinah was very pissed off at Jesy and you were about to have a very interesting trip and was that a hickey on Ally's chest?

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