||Jesy & Ally. ||

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 I am so insanely sorry for the lack of updates, I'm trying to find inspiration once again and found this in my drafts so I figured to share it with all of you

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I am so insanely sorry for the lack of updates, I'm trying to find inspiration once again and found this in my drafts so I figured to share it with all of you.

Sorry for any misspelling, mistakes and or confusion. (:

Ally looked around at the busy street as she waited for the walk sign to blink as she avoided eye contact with anyone and everyone, it's not that she was worried about being noticed; she never really did mind being stopped by fans but today she just wanted to send off a letter for her mom and then make it back to the hotel room. Seattle weather was to say the least not very kind to her as Texas weather usually was.

And what was she exactly doing in Seattle? No clue, she picked a random flight the week before and before she knew it she had fallen in love a little bit more with the city every day that past but that's not to say she wasn't lonely; she would walk around, shop, eat and make it back to the hotel before the night fell. She had burned herself out by releasing single after single, radio tour after radio tour and video after video only to lose herself in the music and her inspiration in trying to please everyone who wanted something from her.

"It says walk so can you go?" A voice interrupted her thoughts as she looked up at the man behind her who was desperately trying to get around her with a scowl on his face; blushing slightly she walked the distance from the sidewalk to the post office.

"Shoot..." She mumbled slightly as she tried to open the door as the wind took it causing her to fly back as she came smack into a taller woman who was carrying a box and stack of letters that seemed to go flying when Ally came into contact with her.

"I am so sorry!" Ally blushed an even deeper shade of red as she tried to unsuccessfully capture the letters that flew from the taller woman's hands but still keeping her own in her hand tightly.

The taller woman let out a laugh before waving her hand away "Don't worry about it, they were just postcards nothing too special I can get more later."

"Let me buy you more, it was my mistake!" Ally sighed slightly as the taller woman opened the door and held it open for the shorter girl as she walked in after her and looked around the post office.

"It's fine really love, I just gotta get this package delivered and I'll go buy more."

Ally watched the taller woman, her eyes lingering on the curves of her body, the shape of her lips and the green of her eyes not even realizing her mouth had fallen slightly open until the taller brunette broke her train of thought with a laugh.

"I take it you are not from here? Nobody ever just stops and stares for no reason at all. I'm Jesy, I' I'm not from here either but I've learned to not stare." The taller woman finally broke Ally's train of thought but before she could reply to her the girl was already up at the counter trying to send off the package.

Ally's curiosity always got the best of her and one day just like the cat it will kill her; she avoided looking at the girl while she listened to the argument between Jesy and the post office worker before watching the taller woman move away from the counter and over to the side, setting her package on the counter.

"What happened? Did you forget something?" Ally asked as she placed the stamp on her own letter and slid it into the mail bin before walking towards the taller brunette.

"Ah hell just tried to send this box off to my ex girlfriend and get it out of my hands but that lot over there is trying to charge me an arm and leg for it." Jesy's voice seemed to get an even higher annoyance as she looked towards the worker then back at the shorter girl before looking down as her phone rang "I got to get this, I'll catch you around." Jesy gave Ally a smile with a wave before making her way through the now crowded post office.

Ally parted her lips to wish the girl a goodbye but the woman was away from earshot before she could even connect the dots; letting out another sigh she turned to leave before the package caught her eye.

The same package the girl was going to send off to her ex, her ex girlfriend.

Which means she was gay, which means Ally had a shot.

Ally wasn't big on love at first sight or soul mates but after weeks of tours and a week of lonely dinner dates she instantly felt a connection with the woman.

But how could you make a connection with someone who didn't even know your name?

In a state of panic as the janitor made their way to collect the box, Ally grabbed it and ran out of the post office she wasn't completely sure what she was going to do with the box but figured maybe she could return it to the girl or possibly found out more about her from it?

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