|Leigh Anne.|

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I know I've been completely gone for a while and to make up for it I'm going to write short little stories for each girl before getting back into my writing and i will start adding more smut into it as it goes on.

Thank you all for the endless support. xxx

You leaned against the barrier of the pit area awaiting for your girlfriend and her mates to get on stage and finally share with the world their new album

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You leaned against the barrier of the pit area awaiting for your girlfriend and her mates to get on stage and finally share with the world their new album. Just seconds before you were backstage watching your girlfriend bounce off the walls with excitement and nerves and if it was anyone else you would be overly excited for them but you knew how bad Leigh's nerves were and they usually got the best of her.

"I don't get why Perrie just doesn't pull a Camila and leave the band." A girl next to you said to nobody in particular but her voice caught your attention as you glanced over giving the girl a small smile as to encourage her words.

"Perrie's your favorite, hm?" You caught the girl's eyes as she blushed momentarily before continuing on her rant "I mean yeah, she's gorgeous but I also like Jade and Jesy not a huge fan of the other one you know?"

"Oh yeah, I don't like her that much actually..." You were cut off once again by the girl's voice who seemed to be talking at a faster speed than before probably just excited to have someone listen for once.

"Leigh just isn't that talented, I mean what does she truly bring to the band? Being a diva" She laughed once more before holding her cup of beer up towards you as the music began to play "Cheers babe."

You bit the inside of your lip and looked over towards the stage as the girl's came out and the crowed exploded in cheers as the spotlight shined down on each girl one by one once the spotlight hit Leigh Anne your voice seemed to be carried over the audience "Yes baby, get it! I love you!"

Leigh Anne instantly spotted you and gave you a grin with a small wink before starting her performance as the girl next to you stood with her jaw open "Wait, you're y/n? Leigh Anne's girlfriend but you said you didn't like her." Her voice turned into a small whine as she debated on if she had gossip to spill to the blogs or just made a complete ass of herself.

"I don't like her, I love her. Also she brings me the most joy and she's a light of the band, next time you have something negative to say about my girlfriend it would be in your best interest to keep your mouth shut because I would hate to have to do something about it, got it?" She hissed and smacked the cup out of her hand before making your way through the crowd to head towards the backstage area.

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