O4. Jesy/Dinah/5H/LM

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Dinah's POV

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Dinah's POV

Watching Camila talk before our performance my mind couldn't seem to concentrate on anything she's said nor anything that anyone has said throughout the whole award show. Other than the brief moment where Little Mix was on stage; Jesy hadn't talked to me in the days leading up to the show but word from Jade came to show that Jesy was having contractions right before we got ready for the show so to say my mind was a mess was saying it kindly.

"Dinaaaaah!" Perrie's voice came from the side of the stage as the blonde was bouncing on her toes; waving her arms frantically. "The baby is coming."

Squinting my eyes at the blonde; panic struck my own face as I glanced around towards the audience and back to the four girls that were my best friends back in my younger days. "Sorry to disrupt but my wife is having a baby and I really got to go. See you all in another ten years." I tossed my mic over to Normani before racing off stage; leaving the three girls and audience with confused looks and whispers.

Running down the hallway of the hospital still in my heels and pantsuit from the award show I nearly knocked over a few nurses by the time I got into the room of a very pissed of English girl.

"Where the fuck have you been!" Jesy hissed as soon as her eyes met mine; makeup smeared in all directions, her curls now tugged into a ponytail yet a few had found their way in her face. She was beautiful.

"Well I mean a certain someone hasn't talked to me in days so I was the last to know that you're in labor." I snapped back at her and quickly winced when her green eyes turned watery and her chest heaved.

"Babe, I didn't mean that." I sighed and walked over towards the hospital bed once Jesy let out a piercing scream and nurses came from every direction to check on her. Time seemed to slow down as doctors were called in and nurses where poking Jesy in every direction with needles and getting sonograms of her belly. My questions going unanswered and the girls being ushered out of the room as Jesy was prepped for surgery.

A few hours later.

Rubbing the back of my neck I stared at the double doors waiting for someone to walk out and tell me any information. All anyone had told me was Jesy was bleeding out from somewhere and delivering the baby was nearly impossible without losing one of them. Jesy wanted her mom in the room with her even though she was going to be out for most of the surgery. I contemplated a lot of things, discussed different situations with the girls and couldn't wrap my mind around what and if I could go on if something happened.



Looking up at the doctor who was now standing right in front of me helped me up from the chair before guiding me away from the group of listeners.

"You've got two girls who are very exciting for you to come see them." He smiled gently before guiding me towards the hospital room; taking in a breath I pushed the door open and let a sigh of relief at the sight in front of me.

"Hi mama." Jesy said in a sleepy voice and smiled over at me "Come meet your daughter."

Looking down at the small girl bundled against Jesy's chest I felt as if my world had completely changed; from now on it wasn't just me. I wasn't just Dinah. I was someone's mom, she was going to need me for anything and everything possible.

"Harmony Rose.." Jesy whispered over to me as she laid her head back onto the pillow her green orbs closing and opening with every breath.

"I love it." I smiled down at the green eyed angel then back to the mini version of her.

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