Jade Thirlwall.

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I know it seems like forever that I've updated this story but I had no inspiration at all but thank you for all the comments and likes that encourage me to continue on with this book

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I know it seems like forever that I've updated this story but I had no inspiration at all but thank you for all the comments and likes that encourage me to continue on with this book.


"What are we doing here exactly?" You questioned your friends for the millionth time as your hand was stamped as you all were guided into the club lounge area. It wasn't a normal club you all were at, it was a gay club as far as the eye can see and to top it off it was drag night so you were prepared to be sexually confused as to if you were attracted to a girl or a guy which for you was never any different you liked both equally and heavily.

"Oh y/n can you chill? Just have fun that's what we are here for so stop being so serious before I shove whatever is up your ass even higher." Your friend exclaimed in a teasing tone before taking a sip of the drink she was holding as the lights began to dim and the show began.

You watched the show half heatedly as you nursed the drink in your own hand, it wasn't that the show wasn't good it was; great even but you heart hadn't been in going out since you and your recent ex had broken up days earlier. You felt as though you would never move on from that relationship and going out seemed like a waste of time that's till the music changed and a certain drag queen walked out.

"Wait that cannot be a guy?" You breathed out as you locked eyes with the petite brunette on the stage. She seemed to be eye fucking you throughout the whole performance or at least that's what it looked like to you and hopefully it wasn't all in your head.

"Ooou, I think y/n has a girlfriend." Your friend sang in your ear as the rest of the show went on. The brunette never left your mind for the rest of the evening and as soon as the performers came out from the back to mingle and drink you made a beeline for the brunette who was in conversation with three other girls. Taking a deep breath you stepped into the brunette's breathing space and offered her a smile "I just wanted to say you did amazing tonight and you look gorgeous!" Your mouth seemed to be moving at a faster pace than your brain and you soon realized that everyone was staring at you.

The brunette offered you a smile as her eyes batted just so the glitter on her eyelashes caught the line making you stare even harder than before "I'm Jade by the way and you're sweet thank you so much!"

Her voice had caught you; you were pretty sure no guy should have a voice that soft and sweet almost as if she should be spitting out honey with every word she says "And you're a..."

"A girl. I'm a girl." She let out a laugh at the sight of your blush before shaking her head "And you're as sweet as can be, enjoy your night and take care of yourself." She reached over and squeezed your arm before making her way back towards the bar area where the rest of the "girls" were huddled around.

Way to go y/n, you really put your foot in your mouth this time.

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