|Jesy Nelson & Dinah Jane & LM.|

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"She did fucking amazing." Jesy said her voice dripping with pride as she grabbed Perrie's hand and gave it an excited squeeze as the blonde let out a laugh and admired her friend beaming with pride at her wife's first official Jingle Ball as a solo artist.

"Jessica, stop holding my hand and go find your girl, we know that's what you want to do. We'll be here." Perrie nudged the other girl out of the chair as she exchanged a look with the other two girls but before another word could come out of the blonde's mouth the curvy girl next to here had already ran out of the VIP area.

Jesy wasted no time in getting distracted with fans and paparazzi alike as she walked through the packed arena and made it backstage in a matter of minutes as she saw the taller blonde walking down the hallway towards her; full of energy and pride. Jesy waited a moment before taking off towards the girl and flung herself onto her.

"Fuck." Dinah let out a small grunt as she tumbled back for a moment before wrapping her arms around Jesy's legs keeping the other girl up.

Jesy smiled at her lover and placed a long kiss against her lips, not bothering to break it once people from all directions starting to call out for Dinah and a few flashes of camera's went off; she honestly didn't care she beyond proud of her wife, from the bottom of her heart Jesy truly was Dinah's number one fan.

Dinah smiled after a few beats as she leaned back just to get a breath of air as she placed her forehead against the other girl's; gazing into her green orbs.

"You did amazing baby, I knew you would and I'm so proud of you. You never fail to show me how talented you are and I can not wait for the rest of the world to see it too." 

"I love you so much." Dinah smiled and gave the girl one last kiss before walking down the rest of the hallway keeping a tight grip on Jesy; not wanting to let the girl go for a moment longer.

"Good job D!" Jade smiled once she saw the two girls appear into the VIP area she scooted over towards Perrie so Dinah could set Jesy down before taking a seat herself.

"You did great! Teach us your ways." Leigh Anne said with a playful tone before giving Dinah a high five.

Dinah chewed on her lip as she took in the compliments and wrapped a tight arm around Jesy pulling her close enough so that she was almost on her lap "Thank you guys so much, it means a lot to me that you went out of your way to come see me."

The four girls exchanged a look before smiling at Dinah as each girl took a beat to see who would break first.

"You're coming on tour with us!" Perrie chirped happily as their bodyguard appeared behind them with two cakes one congratulating Dinah on her performance and another with the tour announcement.

Dinah's jaw dropped as she stared between the cakes to the girls and then back to her wife for a few moments; stunned and excited. I mean a tour with your wife and her three best friends should be fun. 


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