You/Jesy/Dinah/Ally part three.

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The eleven hour flight seemed as though it was more like eleven days since you could cut the tension in the room with a knife

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The eleven hour flight seemed as though it was more like eleven days since you could cut the tension in the room with a knife. Normally a private jet seemed like way too much room but for this one specific flight it seemed as though you could never quite get far enough from Ally, Dinah and Jesy.

Time pass.

"Excuse me Dinah Jane Milika Ilaisaane Hansen, I am talking to you don't you dare walk the fuck away from me this time." Jesy called out towards the taller brunette as you made your way passed the both of them to not disrupt their argument but also not to keep from hearing exactly what they were fighting about you looked towards the living room area and spotted your mom reading a newspaper rather intensively.

"What's up their asses?" You made a face as you took the empty spot next to her but instantly got a disapprovingly look from Ally as you mumbled an apology and pointed back towards the woman with a raise of your eyebrow.

"It's not any of your business y/n, you shouldn't be listening to their personal drama." Ally mused as she flipped the newspaper that you were pretty sure she was not actually reading.

"Aren't you listening to their business?" You questioned the smaller Latina before offering her a playful eyeroll and smile to show that you were joking the last thing you truly needed was to get a talking to and sent to your room; even if this wasn't Ally's house she was still your mom and could easily send you away from the action.

"If you don't understand why am I'm upset Jessica then you really are stupid." Dinah's voice seemed to carry on throughout the house as she inched closer to the woman who had pissed her off earlier without much hesitation she grabbed onto Jesy's arms and gave a more generous squeeze before relaxing when Jesy let out a small hiss and pushed away from the taller woman.

"And if you think I actually fucked let alone did anything with that woman out there then you are truly stupid." Jesy retorted back with the same amount of sass and upset in her own voice. "Do you not remember that I not only cheated on her with you for years but also left her for you? Why on God's green fucking earth would I do the same thing to you that I did to her? If I wanted to still be sleeping with Allyson wouldn't I have stayed married to her or did that not cross your mind sweetheart?"

Dinah finally let out a laugh after a pregnant pause and wrapped her arms around the shorter girl "I guess you're right, I mean who knows what kind of shit Ally's getting into now and days I just assumed with her hickey and then you staying up late last night talking to her..I guess I didn't know what I was thinking exactly."

Jesy let out a throaty laugh as she played with the ends of Dinah's hair as she listened to her words "You already know that I'm yours in all ways plus Ally could never quite fuck me the way you do." She let her voice fall slightly before bumping her hips against the taller woman's "She could never eat me the way you do, the way your tongue plunges inside me just to be pulled away painfully too soon and your fingers, fuck don't get me started on those they're god sent truly.." She bit the other woman's earlobe as she stood on her tip toes to do so.

Ally let out a small chuckle from her spot on the couch as she watched the two woman casually make their way upstairs, she waited for the door to close before turning her attention back to you almost for a moment forgetting that you were there "You didn't actually hear all that, did you?"


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