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Dinah's POV

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Dinah's POV

The baby shower is going perfectly, Jesy looks beautiful in her black negligee and the girls surprising her with a "sleepover" was everything I could have asked for because the smile hasn't left her face all night. I'm just grateful that everyone has played nice so far I mean considering the circumstances I felt as if tonight would have been awkward but it's been anything but that and after tomorrow when the girls go home after our performance I actually will miss them.

"How's my baby daddy?" Jesy's voice broke my thoughts as her arms wrapped around my middle and she gave me that same shit faced smile that got her pregnant to begin with.

Lingering my lips against hers playfully, rubbing circles against her back "Good, just a bit tired from planning all this but seeing this beautiful smile on your face makes everything worth it. Are you having a good time princess?"

"Mm.."Jesy replied pressing her own lips against mine before leaning back "Thank you for this..I'm sorry for not telling you I wanted one but I just didn't want to be a fuss, you know?"

"Jessica.." I laughed and cupped her cheeks, gazing into her emerald eyes "Nothing that ever concerns you or our baby girl is ever a fuss. I'm here to please you and to make all your dreams come true, got it?"

Jesy nibbled on her lower lip before grinning up at me "Oooh daddy, you're definitely getting ass tonight." She turned with her back towards me before pulling out the silk fabric from her ass before bouncing it playfully and walking back towards the couch where her mom and Perrie sat.

"Nasty we all heard that!" Normani laughed and high fived me before leaning against the bar, looking around the backyard "Gotta give it to you D, you threw a hell of a baby shower." She held out a glass of some brown liquid to me before taking one for herself.

Lauren cleared her throat as she followed Jade to the small stage area and held up her own glass indicating that she wanted everyone else to mimic their action "I for one just have to say how proud I am of Jesy and Dinah, I mean it would have been nice to be invited to their wedding or just know that they're dating.."

"Get over it!" Jesy hollered as she cuddled into her mom as Jade made a 'tsk' sound and took the mic from Lauren.

"Well I mean we were invited to the wedding and we got to actually witness Dinah and Jesy grow as individuals and as a couple and to be honest they are probably the most in love couple that I've ever seen, they're such a lovely couple and their new baby girl is going to make them such a beautiful family that word cannot even begin to express how excited we all are for the next chapter in their life. To the Hansens." Jade grinned and held her glass out as everyone copied her before repeating the last word.

Leaning against the bar I lost myself in conversation before Normani and Leigh Anne that I didn't realize what exactly the noise was until Jesy ran over to me; tears running down her cheeks.

"Hey, what's wrong? Talk to me." I placed my hands over hers that was now gripping my shirt as her breathing became more sharp "Is it the baby?" I looked down at her belly before up as to where everyone else was looking as a swarm of helicopters flashed lights down onto the backyard as cameras flashed from all directions even from behind fence and flower walls we h put up.

"Get her inside." I breathed over to Leigh Anne as I quickly went to help Perrie and my mom take things down and inside. That's the thing other than close family members nobody knew Jesy and I were expecting a baby. We wanted to pull a "kylie jenner" just for the sake of our careers and privacy for the baby.

After what felt like hours the paparazzi finally left us alone and the house was peaceful as the girls were laid around the living room watching old music videos and interviews. I looked around and only noticed that Ally was missing, excusing myself to the kitchen.

"Duh, I'm the one that tipped off the paps, I mean she doesn't even tell anyone they got married and now she wants to have a baby with her.."

"Excuse me?!" I slammed my hands on the table making Ally jump, causing her phone to fall to the floor as her face tuned an even brighter shade of red than her outfit.

"Oh hey Dinah..."Ally's voice broke as she forced a smile "Didn't see you there.."

"You called the paparazzi? What the fuck Allyson you knew how important this day was to me and Jesy."I reached over and grabbed the fabric of her shirt roughly, lifting her up slightly "Are you just that fucking jealous? Jesy didn't want you anymore Ally it's not my fault. I should beat the fuck out of you right now."

"Dinah Jane Milika Ilaisaane Hansen Amasio, put her down right now." Jesy's hands suddenly moved to my arms and without realizing what was happening I was pushing my weight back against her body knocking her to the floor "Stay out of it."

"Dinah!" Camila's voice rang from the living room all the way to the kitchen "Focus, look what you just did. What Ally did was fucked but you just knocked the love of you life and mother of your child to the floor, I know you're pissed but is she worth it?"

Ally's face froze as her focus turned over my shoulder at Jesy who was now clutching her stomach "D, I'm sorry really am but I think Jesy needs you."

With a last glance at Ally I quickly placed her back on he own feet before crouching down next to Jesy "Baby, I'm sorry fuck, I'm such a fuck up. Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Moving my hands to touch her belly before jumping back when her hands smacked against mine rather harshly.

"I can't even look at you right now, grow the fuck up." Jesy's voice was filled with venom as she let Perrie and Lauren help her up before walking up the stairs not even casting a last glance at me.

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