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slight smut.

Dinah GIP.

Dinah GIP

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Jesy's POV

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Jesy's POV

Moving my fingers to grab onto Dinah's hair I pressed my lips against her cheek to stifle my moans as she continued to pound away the only sound in the room where the faint moans between the both of us, skin being smacked against one another and the knocking of the headboard against the wall; such a cliché yet blissful.

"Holy fuck!" Dinah suddenly exclaimed jumping off me and almost off the bed in one brief motion her eyes going wide as she tries to piece together exactly what had just happened.

Letting out a small groan from the lack of affection I threw my head back before looking over at my very panicked wife "Love, the baby just kicked, she's fine now get back over here and finish screwing me."

"Jesminda no, what if I hurt her or something? She's never done that before when we're you know having sex." Dinah's voice grew quieter and in the eight years that we've been together I slowly realized that to my thirty four years of age Dinah was still only just twenty eight.

Sitting up and resting my hands against my stomach, I let my finger follow the small trail of kicks the baby was leaving against my swollen stomach "The only reason she's kicking is because she heard your voice, she knows you're around and she loves her mommy. You are not hurting her or absolutely anything that you think she simply just wanted to be near you. So calm down my love and lay with your girls."

Dinah shifted her weight onto each of her feet as her eyes glazed over; she was in deep thought and before I realized she was running off of the room and pulling all four of her old bandmates into the room and explaining exactly what had happened before pushing them towards the bed with my full nakedness on display for all to see.

"Sorry Jesy, she probably won't shut up till we do this..."Camila blushed before helping me lift the blanket around myself just to ease the embarrassment before her hands moved onto my belly, moving them around before looking up at me and back at Dinah "There's no kicking?"

"Let me try." Lauren pushed the smaller girl out of the way before cooing at my stomach and copying the movements that Camila had just made before shaking her head as well "Nope, nothing. Maybe Jesy just had gas?"

"Fuck you Lauren!" I let out a laugh before leaning back on my elbows as Normani came to examine my stomach, pressing down a bit harder than the other girls "Wait D, maybe you should get on top of her and do what you were doing when the baby kicked! That might help right girls?"

Lauren and Camila exchanged a look before shaking their heads "Mani they were fuckin so we're better off not knowing."

"Let me try." Ally offered before climbing onto the bed and rubbing circles against my stomach "Hiya baby, it's Ally! I know you're probably freaking out wondering why everyone's touching your home but we're just excited that you're almost here. You don't even realize how lucky you are to have Jessica as your momma, she's so beautiful and amazing and I know you probably are already in love with her voice and her she's an angel..." Ally's sentence was cut off as she smiled brightly over at me "She kicked."

"She likes you.." I whispered and smiled over at Dinah and the girls.

"You like me." Ally teased before moving away from the bed letting Dinah touch my stomach rather possessively.


Dinah's POV

Watching Ally last night as she talked to Jesy and our baby just had set me off for the rest of the night; even when the baby kicked as Ally spoke it had to be just a lucky thing Ally had as much connection to that baby as the other girls and that was a small one. I was probably thinking too much of it plus Jesy was my wife we weren't kids anymore.

"Dinah are you going to help us plan this baby shower or just stare at shit all day?" Lauren's voice chimed in as she handed her laptop over which contained one too many boards of baby shower ideas.

"Guys you really are wasting your time, she doesn't want one." I shook my head, setting the laptop down and looking over at the four girls who seemed to have made themselves at home in my kitchen spreading out with magazines, notebooks and laptops.

"Is that why she was crying when we watched an episode of the Kardashian's when they had a baby shower?" Ally raised an eyebrow over at me; almost as if she was challenging me.

"Excuse me?"

"This morning. Why else do you think we're planning her one?" She gave a slight smirk before looking back at the magazine she was flipping through.

Gritting my teeth, I grabbed the laptop and began typing away "Fuck it, I'm giving my wife the best baby shower, better than those Kardashian's combined." I puffed my chest out slightly the annoyance of Ally just fueling the fire.

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