The Satan Pit Pt. 2

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The ten miles of cable is now wrapped around a drum, with one end tied around the Doctor's waist while he holds onto {Y/N}'s hand

"That should hold it. How's it going?" Ida asks.

"Fine. Should work. Doesn't feel like such a good idea now" the Doctor says as he steps onto the rim of the trapdoor

"Hmm, there it is again. That itch. Go down, go down, go down, go down, go down" {Y/N} says.

"The urge to jump. Do you know where it comes from, that sensation? Genetic heritage. Ever since we were primates in the trees. It's our body's way of testing us. Calculating whether or not we can reach the next branch" Ida says.

"No, that's not it. That's too kind. It's not the urge to jump. It's deeper than that. It's the urge to fall!" the Doctor wraps his arms around {Y/N} and launches himself as well as {Y/N} into the chasm, due to no warning beforehand {Y/N} lets out a small shriek making the Doctor laugh.

"Doctor! {Y/N}! Are you okay?"

"Not bad, thanks. The wall of the pit seems to be the same as the cavern, just not much of it. There's a crust about twenty feet down and then nothing. Just the pit. Okay, then. Lower us down" {Y/N} places her hands on the Doctor's shoulders and looks at him with squinted eyes.

"Well, here we go then!" Ida shouts.

"You get representations of the Horned Beast right across the universe, in the myths and legends of a million worlds. Earth, Draconia, Velconsadine, Daemos. The Kaled god of war. It's the same image, over and over again. Maybe that idea came from somewhere, bleeding through. The thought at the back of every sentient mind" the Doctor says after while of descending.

"Emanating from here?" Ida asks.

"Could be."

"But if this is the original, does that make it real? Does that make it the actual devil, though?"

"Well, if that's what you want to believe. Maybe that's what the devil is, in the end. An idea" {Y/N} says, suddenly they run out of cable, leaving the Doctor and {Y/N} dangling mid-air.

"That's it. That's all we've got. You getting any sort of readout?" Ida asks.

"Nothing. Could be miles to go, yet. Or could be thirty feet. No way of telling. We could survive thirty feet" {Y/N} looks at the Doctor with wide eyes.

"Oh no you don't. I'm pulling you two back up" Ida says, she starts pulling them back up but the Doctor stops it.

"What're you doing?" Ida shouts.

"You bring us back, then we're just going to sit there and run out of air. we've got to go down" the Doctor says.

"But you can't. You can't."

"Call it an act of faith" the Doctor says.

"But I don't want to die on my own" Ida says.

"I know" the Doctor replies, he nods at {Y/N} who starts to undo the things holding the cable in place around him "we didn't ask. Have you got any sort of faith?"

"Not really. I was brought up Neo Classic Congregational, because of my mum. She was. My old mum. But no, I never believed" Ida says.

"Neo Classics, have they got a devil?" {Y/N} asks.

"No, not as such. Just er, the things that men do" Ida says.

"Same thing in the end" the Doctor replies.

"What about you two?"

"We believe, we believe we haven't seen everything, we don't know. It's funny, isn't it? The things you make up. The rules. If that thing had said it came from beyond the universe, we'd believe it, but before the universe? Impossible. Doesn't fit our rule. Still, that's why we keep travelling. To be proved wrong. Thank you, Ida" the Doctor says, {Y/N}'s fingers hover over the last latch.

"Don't go!" Ida shouts.

"If they get back in touch, if you talk to Rose, just tell her. Tell her. Oh, she knows" {Y/N} says shaking her head and releases the latch and both the Doctor and {Y/N} fall into the pit, the Doctor lands with {Y/N} on top of him

"We're breathing. Air cushion to support the fall. You can breathe down here, Ida. Can you hear me, Ida?" the Doctor shouts with no reply from Ida, that's when a sound sounds from overhead.

"A rocket" {Y/N} says looking up as the Doctor shines his touch on the walls.

"The history of some big battle. Man, against Beast. I don't know if you're getting this, Ida. Hope so. Anyway, they defeated the Beast and imprisoned it" the Doctor says.

"Or maybe that's the key" {Y/N} says touching one urn which lights up as well as the one next to it.

"Or the gate, or the bars" they both look up to spot an impossibly big horned creature which was looking at them. It is chained to the wall by its horns and limbs.

"We accept that you exist. we don't have to accept what you are, but your physical existence, we'll give you that" {Y/N} says looking at the creature.

"We don't understand. we were expected down here. we were given a safe landing and air. You need us for something. What for?" the Doctor asks.

"Have we got to, we don't know, beg an audience? Or is there a ritual? Some sort of incantation or summons or spell?" {Y/N} asks.

"All these things we don't believe in, are they real? Speak to us! Tell us! You won't talk. Or you can't talk. Oh, hold on, wait a minute, just let us..." the Doctor taps his helmet.

"Oh! No. Yes! No. Think it through. You spoke before. We heard your voice. An intelligent voice. No, more than that. Brilliant. But, looking at you now, all we can see is Beast" {Y/N} says pointing, the Beast leans in as close as possible.

"The animal. Just the body. You're just the body, the physical form. What's happened to your mind, hmm? Where's it gone? Where's that intelligence? Oh, no. You're imprisoned, long time ago. Before the universe, after, sideways, in between, doesn't matter" the Doctor says.

The prison is perfect. It's absolute, it's eternal. Oh, yes! Open the prison, the gravity field collapses. This planet falls into the black hole! You escape, you die. Brilliant! But that's just the body. The body is trapped, that's all. The devil is an idea. In all those civilisations, just an idea. But an idea is hard to kill. An idea could escape. The mind. The mind of the great Beast" {Y/N} says.

"The mind can escape! Oh, but that's it! You didn't give us air, your jailers did. They set this up all those years ago! They need us alive, because if you're escaping, then we've got to stop you. If we destroy your prison, your body is destroyed. Your mind with it" the Doctor says picking up a rock and smashing an urn.

"But then you're clever enough to use this whole system against us. If we destroy this planet, we destroy the gravity field. The rocket. The rocket loses protection and falls into the black hole. we have to sacrifice Rose" {Y/N} says.

"So, that's the trap. Or the test, or the final judgment, we don't know. But if we kill you, we kill her. Except that implies in this big grand scheme of Gods and Devils that she's just a victim" the Doctor says.

"But we've seen a lot of this universe. we've seen fake gods and bad gods and demi-gods and would-be gods, and out of all that, out of that whole pantheon, if we believe in one thing, just one thing, we believe in her" {Y/N} says smashing another urn.

"This is your freedom. Free to die. You're going into that black hole and we're riding with you" the Doctor says a smile on his face.


~Bread 🍞

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