The Runaway Bride Pt. 4

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"There's someone behind this, directing the roboforms" {Y/N} says looking around.

"But why is it me? What have I done?" Donna asks.

"If we find the controller, we'll find that out. Ooo! It's up there. Something in the sky" the Doctor says pointing his sonic screwdriver in the air. A while later ambulances have arrived "I've lost the signal. Donna, we've got to get to your office. HC Clements. I think that's where it all started. Lance! Is it Lance? Lance, can you give us a lift?"

*Time skip*

"To you lot this might just be a locksmiths, but HC Clements was brought up twenty-three years ago by the Torchwood Institute" {Y/N} says.

"Who are they?" Donna asks.

"They were behind the battle of Canary Wharf. Cyberman invasion. Skies over London full of Daleks?"

"Oh, I was in Spain."

"They had Cybermen in Spain."

"Scuba diving."

"That big picture, Donna. You keep on missing it. Torchwood was destroyed, but HC Clements stayed in business. I think someone else came in and took over the operation" {Y/N} says.

"But what do they want with me?"

"Somehow, you've been dosed with Huon energy. And that's a problem, because Huon energy hasn't existed since the Dark Times. The only place you'd find a Huon particle now is a remnant in the heart of the TARDIS. See? That's what happened. Say, that's the TARDIS" he picks up a coffee mug.

"And that's you" {Y/N} says holding up a pencil.

"The particles inside you activated. The two sets of particles magnetised and whap" the Doctor and {Y/N} start shaking the mug and pencil, {Y/N} then drops the pencil into the mug.

"You were pulled inside the TARDIS."

"I'm a pencil inside a mug?"

"Yes, you are. 4H. Sums you up. Lance? What was HC Clements working on? Anything top secret? Special operations? Do not enter?" {Y/N} asks.

"I don't know, I'm in charge of personnel. I wasn't project manager. Why am I even explaining myself? What the hell are we talking about?" The Doctor gets a computer screen to work. It shows a plan of the building.

"They make keys, that's the point. And look at this. We're on the third floor" the Doctor says, they all walk towards a lift.

"Underneath reception, there's a basement, yes? Then how come when you look on the lift, there's a button marked lower basement? There's a whole floor which doesn't exist on the official plans. So, what's down there, then?" {Y/N} asks.

"Are you telling me this building's got a secret floor?"

"No, I'm showing you this building's got a secret floor" {Y/N} says pointing to the button.

"It needs a key" Donna says.

"We don't" the Doctor says as he sonics the LB button.

"Right then. Thanks, you two. We can handle this. See you later" the Doctor says getting ready to get into the lift with {Y/N}.

"No chance, Martians. You're the one who keeps saving my life. I ain't letting you out of my sight."

"Going down" {Y/N} asks looking at Lance.


"Maybe I should go to the police" Lance says.

"Inside" Donna says pulling him in.

"To honour and obey?" the Doctor says.

"Tell me about it, mate" Lance says.


*Time skip*

The Doctor, {Y/N}, Donna and Lance step out of the lift and into a lit eerie green corridor.

"Where are we? Well, what goes on down here?" Donna asks.

"Let's find out" the Doctor says.

"Do you think Mister Clements knows about this place?"

"The mysterious HC Clements? I think he's part of it. Oh, look. Transport" {Y/N} says pointing at four Segway's. Donna can't help laughing as the four travel down the corridor. They arrive at a bulkhead door labelled Torchwood. Authorised personnel only. The Doctor turns the wheel to open it to reveal a ladder.

"Wait here. Just need to get my bearings. Don't do anything" he points to Donna and Lance "look after them will you" {Y/N} nods.

"You'd better come back" Donna says as the Doctor starts up the ladder.

"I couldn't get rid of you if I tried" with that the Doctor disappears up the ladder, {Y/N} leans against the wall.

"Donna, have you thought about this? Properly? I mean, this is serious! What the hell are we going to do?" Lance says, {Y/N} rolls her eyes.

"Oh, I thought July."

"Thames flood barrier right on top of us. Torchwood snuck in and built this place underneath" the Doctor says as he gets back to the ground.

"What, there's like a secret base hidden underneath a major London landmark?" Donna says.

"Oh, I know. Unheard of."

*Time skip*

They all soon walk into a lab which was filled with lots of bubbling tubes.

"Oo, look at this. Stunning!" the Doctor says.

"What does it do?" Donna asks.

"Particle extrusion. Hold on. Brilliant. They've been manufacturing Huon particles. Course, our people got rid of Huons. They unravel the atomic structure" {Y/N} says.

"Your people? Who are they? What company do you represent?"

"Oh, we're freelancers. But this lot are rebuilding them. They've been using the river. Extruding them through a flat hydrogen base so they've got the end result, Huon particles in liquid form" the Doctor says.

"And that's what's inside me?" Donna asks. The Doctor turns a knob on top of the container, and the liquid glows gold. So, does Donna.

"Oh, my God!" Donna says.

"Genius. Because the particles are inert, they need something living to catalyse inside and that's you. Saturate the body and then. Ha!" {Y/N} jumps backwards "the wedding! Yes, you're getting married, that's it! Best day of your life, walking down the aisle."

"Oh, your body's a battleground! There's a chemical war inside! Adrenaline, acetylcholine. Wham! go the endorphins. Oh, you're cooking! Yeah, you're like a walking oven. A pressure cooker, a microwave, all churning away. The particles reach boiling point. Shazam!" Donna slaps the Doctor.

"What did I do this time??" he asks holding his cheek.

"Are you enjoying this? Right, just tell me. These particles, are they dangerous? Am I safe?"

"Yes" the Doctor replies.

"Doctor, {Y/N}, if your lot got rid of Huon particles, why did they do that?"

"Because they were deadly" {Y/N} says.

"Oh, my God."

"We'll sort it out, Donna. Whatever's been done to you, we'll reverse it. We're not about to lose someone else" {Y/N} says.

"Oh, she is long since lost." the wall in front of them slides up to reveal a tiered hole descending into the earth "I have waited so long, hibernating at the edge of the universe until the secret heart was uncovered and called out to waken!" Lance runs away. Black robed robots turn their guns on the Doctor, {Y/N} and Donna.


~Bread 🍞

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