chapter 8

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Being tied up is a strange situation but it's another thing to be tied up when you're turned on. Bree felt this as she struggled to get out of her skin tight binds. It was useless. Dean had only done it to teach her a lesson. "If you piss me off again, I swear to you that I'll tie you to that chair." He had said before disappearing into his room.

Bree had now wished she didn't say all the words she had said to piss him off, and she certainly now wished that she was tied up right now but in a more recreational manner. Unfortunately, she's not. She was only receiving it as a punishment for her words and yet she could hardly deny that she was warm in her lower regions.

She was going to try again to get out of the bonds when Cas had appeared, walking in the front door, nearly going past her when he sensed her presence and turned to look at her. "Didn't Sam get you out of that chair last night?" He asked her, his head tilted to one side. Shannel felt her cheeks go red and swore that she would get Dean Winchester back.

The humiliation she was feeling was now unbearable due to her accidentally being in the mood. "I'm gonna help you out of the chair; please try not to be there again." Cas said, moving towards her. Shannel felt as if she would explode. The situation was made worse by Cas's raspy voice—which was admittedly hot.

'Fuck my life' Shannel thought as she was swiftly let out of her binds, the vague itchiness of them upon her arms. She absentmindedly rubbed them. Cas held the rope by his fingers, turning it around. If Cas wasn't so innocent looking to Shannel, she might've deemed him dangerously sexy with the rope and his trench coat that he wore.

"Where's Dean so I can go kill him?" She asked Sam who was now coming out of his room fully dressed. Sam shot her a questioning look and gave Cas the same look as well. Assumedly, he had no answer so he asked Bree what did she mean in sign language. "I mean to kill your brother..." She replied angrily.

Before Sammy could comprehend her meaning, Bree had already sauntered off down the hall in search of his big brother, as he followed after her, he wondered what the hell happened while he was trying to sleep in. Seeing her open the door to Dean's room, Sam hoped once more he wouldn't have to physically stop a fight.

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