Chapter 35

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Night 4

It was now evening on Earth, the cold of the night hardly affecting Dan but some small part of him wished it did. It would always be that way for him now. He could almost swear his past life might come back to haunt him. This type of weather reminded him of the incident...

Dan sighed to himself, there was no point, he had lived the way he wanted and there was no going back to it now that he lived under Crowley's rule. Crowley controlled him and the others with damn near imperceptible subtlety. There was no chance he could even derail from the plan Crowley told him.

He went up in smoke and disappeared. A few moments later, he was in Crowley's lair. "Yes?" He said to him, bowing slightly. "I want you to invade her mind, give her thoughts of Dean Winchester so she can pick him and hold her end of the contract." He ordered him, not even giving him a glance in his direction from the desk he worked at.

Dan bowed again and and disappeared. He was once again on earth, the cold air slightly irritating him. He wished it wasn't like this but it was so, the harsh reality of the incident was in his mind; the blood, the fear, anger setting in, and finally the door of an unhinged mind being opened. He sowed what he reaped and now here he is.

Walking along the few blocks to the small house where Winchesters are, he peeked in the window, seeing the four men in their separate spots in the living room, two of them were asleep, the one Crowley called Moose and the Angel Crowley called Zion, the other pair were playing cards at the table.

Not bothering with the conversation, Dan focused on the window facing the one bedroom and he felt himself phase through the window. He stood at the window a second and sat down in the rocking chair, choosing not to stare at the girl and give her a heart attack by leaning his head on his hand.

A moment later, she awoke with a start, almost about to scream at him. He could almost swear he smirked at this. Despite this, he didn't. "Sleep well?" He said. She shook her head at him and whispered angrily, "When the fuck are you gonna stop doing that?" Dan said nothing to that. Only inclined his head towards her slightly.

"What's the status?" He asked. "I haven't decided yet, jeez!" She replied. "I expect an answer quickly." He said, and with that he disappeared in a puff of smoke. Now he was back outside surveying the house. The air had not grown warmer and it was still irritating him.

Dan sighed once again and the thoughts of the incident flooded his mind. He wished dreadfully he didn't have to do this job in this type of weather. It would be better for him and for his memories. He walked the few blocks back, intent on blocking out the memories of a brunette little girl smiling up at him, her pearly whites visible.

The memories were coming back full tilt and it was only now he noticed that he was in a half empty parking lot, there was a group of biker men huddled together talking in one area, it dawned on him that this was the spot where the brunette girl was last seen. He glared at them from the lot.

One of the men turned to him, yelling what was his problem. Dan knew what was the problem, it was the man himself. He was one of his offspring, the child of the man who hurt the brunette girl. He was no longer 6 years old but now 37 years old now, face weather worn and starting to gray dark hair a slicked back mess.

"I know what you're doing and you should stop." Dan said. The man paused briefly, clearly bewildered. "Hey, man, fuck you!" He said a moment later, a bit nervous. Dan could feel his aura, he was afraid and Dan was loving it. It reminded him a little of his father's aura.

Another man from the group turned, telling him to back off or they would kick his ass. The group turned and a few of them laughed. Dan couldn't help but actually smirk, it caused his face to hurt when he did so. "Fuck you too." He said. The men began to face him and the first one moved up a few paces intent on a fight.

He snapped his fingers and all the men in the parking lot dropped dead, some dropping beer bottles, the sound nearly deafening but nothing compared to Dan's mystery girl screaming in his head. Worthless of a fight. He began to see why he became this way, if only the time of when he was born was kinder to him and her.

Dan walked across the parking lot and glanced down at the first man who confronted him, now seeing him up close, he noted he looked more like the unknown mother than the monster. He began to nudge his dead body and move him away from his friends. He was the furthest from the group anyway.

He could see a few of the broken beer bottles a few feet away from each other, the shards facing the night sky. He moved each of them and began to implement a spell where each of them would have cuts and bruises and stab wounds on them and it would not be post rigor mortis.

"What the hell are you doing?" A voice came from behind him. Dan did not flinch at the voice, he knew it was. "Crowley," he said, careful not to act as if he felt guilty. He didn't but he wanted him to know that. "I'm implementing these men so it doesn't look as if they dropped dead. I wouldn't want to see them in Hell." He answered him.

"They do, and that's not your decision to decide, Dan. Nor is it mine." Crowley told him. Dan began to feel a sliver of emotion pop up. "I know," he said. Crowley looked at Dan. "Is it..." Crowley suddenly said in a strange soft voice. Dan looked over at him, he was only a few paces away.

"Yes," Dan replied, giving no more answer than that. He knew Crowley read his file when he first came to Hell in the 70s. "Understandable, but there is still a price to pay for Purgatory passes for these men." Crowley said, his voice back to normal. He shook his head in a disapproving manner.

"Purgatory? That's not easy..." Crowley said. Dan began to feel the sliver of emotion pop up again. It rained down on him, making him feel volatile but he tried to push it down while in Crowley's presence. Crowley eyed the men on cement. He tsked to himself. He looked towards Dan again. "I'll pay it after we get her to sign the contract for Dean Winchester." Dan said.

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