Chapter 27

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Dan's P.O.V.

The paramedics took Jay away incredibly fast, on a stretcher with a neck brace. Phil was crying and he bought me into a hug, rocking us back and forwards on our feet.

One of the police officers pulled us apart and took us to one of the two police cars that had been pulled up outside the house, clambering into the back of ambulance to talk to someone before coming back to us.

"Are you the parents?" I nodded, Phil seemed to be to overwhelmed to talk.

"Adoptive. She's only been with us for a few days." He nodded.

"What officer was in charge of the adoption?"

"Officer Briny, that was all we really know about him."

"I'll call him now, Jay's probably his charge so he'll want to know as soon as possible."

I nodded, he took us into the police car, and, following behind the ambulance with its lights blaring, we speed behind it with our lights blazing also.

It didn't take long before we were at the hospital and Jay was rushed inside, leaving Phil to cling to me as we were lead into the hospital, through what seemed like miles upon miles of corridors, never ending walking.

The officer took us into a room and told us to wait, leaving us alone to sit and think, for what felt like hours. All was silent other than the buzzing of what I assumed to be electricity and the occasional footsteps outside the door.

The door burst open and Officer Briny, his eyes wide with shock, burst in through the door.

"What the hell happened!" I was shaking, Phil was still clinging to me as hard as possible.

"She- she fell down the stairs, I don't know if she was running or anything, but-." Beside me, I looked up to see Phil with silent tears streaming down and I moved to comfort him, letting him cry. Officer Briny let out a sigh.

"I know, I know, I don't blame you for anything I'm just worried about her so much."

"Do you know what happened to her?"

"She's definitely got a broken leg and possibly some broken ribs, it was quiet a long fall according to the emergency workers. They've just taken her to have a CAT scan to check there's no damage to her brain."


"Any fall from a height with a possible hit to the head could be serious, there could be brain bleeding or swelling or, although very unlikely, there could be brain damage."

He stayed with us for about half an hour, just talking. He discussed how Jay was at home, what we knew about her and so on. I think he was quiet impressed when he learned that we had come out to our audience, even if it was only yesterday.

He talked a little more about some of paperwork we had done in the days before and then we moved onto the topic of school, which she would have to start sometime in the near future. I was listening intently to everything he was saying and noted that he said the public school, which was about a five minute walk from the house, was very good in dealing with difficult students and ones that needed to catch up.

We mentioned Vidcon, which we were flying to in exactly a week and he cringed a little, making me worried.

"I really don't know if she'll be able to go, it'd have to be a pretty fast recovery, like out of here tomorrow before the nurses would even consider letting her go." He paused. "Did she tell you how she feels about flying?"

"She said she's okay with it, it's just got a lot of memories attached to it."

The door opened and a doctor in white and blue scrubs came into the room holding a clipboard, a relaxed look on her face. I stared at her, hoping for news and she smiled at me reassuringly.

"She's just come back from the scan and x-rays and we've sent her off to have her legs wrapped up. The results have just come back so we'd like you to come see them, so we can explain everything. Just so you know, she's completely fine, just a little shell-shocked I think."

We followed her down the hallway and into a big room, black and white pictures lining the walls. She lead us to the ones furthest along and pointed at them, one picture of a leg, one of someone's chest and the other of a head.

"These are Jay's scans and x-rays, the leg," She pointed at it. "Has a clean break so the others will just wrap it in plaster and she'll be on crutches for a good while, so just be aware of that."

"Moving on, the next one is an x-ray of her chest. There's nothing broken, it's just a small amount of bruising and such, so it might be a bit sore for a while." Officer Briny was ignoring the first two, he was staring straight at the other picture, which was of her head.

"We did a CAT scan just to make sure there's no swelling and fortunately there's nothing we could find. Some of the senior doctors have decided to keep her here overnight just to make sure nothing happens." Looking out the door, she watched as a bed went past and then turned back to us.

"She'll stay in the children's ward, I think there's a few others she'll get along with quite well. She's still under anaesthesia from the CAT scan, Briny you gave permission for that one didn't you?" He nodded.

"Technically speaking I'm still one of Jay's legal guardians, they haven't removed my rights yet so I gave permission for you." I nodded, but I didn't really understand what it meant, so I just ignored it.

"I think she might be in the ward now, I'll take you to her and then I've got to head to another job, some kid has managed to stick a peg up his nose I think."

Officer Briny laughed, typical kids.

She took us down the hallways again and then took us into a long room, curtains pulled around beds, many of them filled with young children and teenagers, several of whom were crying.

Jay was in a bed on the end, curtains pulled around her to give her some privacy. She was half-awake, her eyes open but bleary and she didn't move when we came closer. There were two chairs beside the bed and Phil sat down in one and myself the other, while Officer Briny stood outside the curtain.

I could see the cast through the blankets, it was creating a huge bulk that wasn't there normally and Phil, his hair falling in his face, ran his hand gently over it, knowing she couldn't feel it.

I pushed my hand through her hair and she let out a quiet whine, trying to catch my hand again as she struggled to open her eyes. Her bluey-grey eyes opened and she looked at me, her other hand reached out for Phil, who too it.

"You feeling okay?"

"My head... It hurts!" She wailed and I sat on the side of the bed, pulling her head gently onto my lap.

"I know, I know, it'll go away soon... hey you're okay." She was still whimpering quietly, and as she attempted to roll over onto her side, she felt the cast for the first time.

Looking down, she gasped and pushed her hand underneath the blankets so she could feel the cast. She looked up at me and I hugged her, careful to avoid the massive bruise on the side of her head, which looked very painful.

"They might not have told you this, but you've broken your leg, it'll be in a cast for a good few weeks. They've also said you might not be able to come to Vidcon, it depends how your recovery goes." She made a little oh noise before she tried to roll onto her side again, resting her head in my lap.

"You sleepy still?" She gave a little nod and then moved her eyes so she was looking at Phil, who blinked back.

"You lot okay in there?" It was Officer Briny, he had poked his head around the curtains and was watching Jay as she lay there, his foot tapping gently.


"Well I wouldn't expect anything less, you did fall quite a long way."

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