Chapter 37

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Phil's P.O.V.

Louise was going to meet us at the airport and as soon as we got there, we say her standing just inside the main door. She pounced on Jay, wrapping her in a huge hug and Jay dropped her crutches.

I was carrying Jay's case for her, she couldn't pull it and walk at the same time. Looking up at the board which displayed the times that the planes left and arrived, I saw that our plane was due to leave in just under 2 hours.

Going through security was fast, we managed to make it to the waiting lounge in less than half an hour which was good, because didn't seem like she was going to be able to stay on her feet much longer. In the lounge Jay collapsed onto one of the seats, dropping her crutches to the ground.

I looked over at Dan, we had something to give Jay but we hadn't up until that point, waiting until we had time to show her how to work it. We had already set it up, knowing it was similar to her phone. If you hadn't guessed it, it was a laptop.

I had it in my backpack and just as we all sat down I pulled it out, handing it to her. She looked at me in shock, balancing it on her lap but not touching it.

"Is this- is this mine?" Dan nodded and she opened it carefully, jumping when it turned on.

"It works just like your phone but it's not touch screen, we've contacted the school and they said you'll need a laptop." She nodded, there wasn't a password so she just flicked the screen up with the mouse and the home screen appeared.

We hadn't done much, just downloaded a few apps and made sure the whole thing was set up but Jay seemed a little distracted, she closed the bag we had given her, which contained her phone, chargers and the first two Harry Potter books, which she had heard a lot about and wanted to try and read them.

"Thanks!" Instead of the laptop, she pulled out the first book and opened it up, turning to the first page.

"Do you want something to eat Jay?" She looked up, both Louise and I had stood up to grab something to eat. The plane food wasn't very good most of the time, and they mostly ignored the fact that I was lactose intolerant so I tried to eat when I knew what was in the food.

She nodded and Dan did too, he hadn't moved either but had pulled out his laptop and I could see he was scrolling through the comments of the video were we told everyone about Jay.

Our audience had basically gone silent for a day, they were in shock about our announcements so close to each other. The video was very well received, there were a few negative and hate comments and most of them were directed them towards Jay, but she didn't seem to mind.

We had shown her some of the comments ourselves and she had just laughed, shaking her head at them. We had worried what she would think about them but it didn't matter.

Louise and I made our way over to the buffet table and took a few plates, filling them with things for ourselves and I got some stuff for Dan, while Louise took some things for Jay. It was quite interesting, deciding what to take because the majority of the food was fancy, pasta with a million different toppings, crackers covered in fancy looking dips.

On the bench opposite us, there were two trays of covered, warm food. One held white rice and the other butter chicken, which I took for both me and Dan thankfully. Neither of us took particularly well to fancy foods, so that was a god send.

On the end of the table with fancy food there was some fruit and sweet things, slice and, luckily, cookies. We made our way back to the others carrying the plates of food and I placed one in front of Dan along with a knife and fork, and he smiled wearily at me.

Jay was still reading, her finger trailing underneath the words she was reading and mouthing them as she went, slowly but surely making her way down the page. She took the plate of food from Louise and placed it on the table beside her, continuing to read.

"The food's better out here than it is on the plane, so you might want to eat it now." Jay nodded and started eating it, her eyes still training down the page.

An hour and a half later they made the first boarding call, calling all first class, business class, mothers with young children and disabled passengers and their guests to board. Standing up, I helped Jay pack everything up into her backpack and then grabbed my own, helping her make her way towards the gate.

Our tickets all read row G which was at the front of the plane, behind the first class passengers. There was very few first class passengers and only a few more business class, making about 20 of us in total. There were two mothers with their young children and one man in a wheelchair, who we let go up before us.

Jay, clicking along the corridor, was greeted by the flight attendant first and I held out our tickets for her, helping Jay up the step and onto the plane. The entrance was in the middle of the plane, so we had to make our way all the way up to the front, greeting the flight attendants as we passed.

There was only one window seat between the four of us, the seats facing opposite ways and a little wall in between them. When Jay saw the window seat, her eyes lit up and both Dan and I shared a glance, mutually agreeing to let her have it.

"Who has the window seat?" Louise shook her head, hearing the excitement in her voice.

"You do."

"Do I!" I could almost see her bouncing up and down even though she wasn't and I just nodded again, pointing to it.

"Yes, now go and sit down before I have to carry you there!" She shrieked with laughter and moved to go and sit down in the seat, struggling with her crutches.

Louise was in the seat closest to her, then Dan and then me, with a gap between Louise and Dan and a corridor to the right of me. There was talking from the people in front and behind us, pushing their bags into the overhead lockers and sitting down in their own seats.


Take off was the scariest part for Jay, I really didn't think she remembered the last time she was on a plane properly and as soon as the plane started to move her eyes widened in fear.

Louise offered her hand out to Jay and she squeezed it, listening to the machines and motors of the plane whir. We had sat through the entire safety briefing and it had done nothing to reassure her, she had started to shake.

The plane jerking forwards along the runway startled her so much I saw her visibly flinch and then her eyes widened as the plane started to race down the runway, engines roaring with life. Louise started whispering to her and running her hand down her back.

I felt the plane start to lift into the air and I smiled at Dan beside me, who rolled his eyes and settled back into his seat, totally unaffected. Jay was trying to settled back into her seat but she was still on high alert as the plane started to climb into the sky.

"You're okay Jay, it's okay."

"I swear I am never stepping a foot in a plane again."

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