Chapter 2 ✰ Crossing The Lines

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Colin's pov

'That will be $8,45, sir!'. I smiled to the cashier and gave her 10 dollar. 'You can keep the change!' I said as I winked and grabbed the coffees. I handed one over to Jennifer and took a sip of mine.

We walked back to her trailer and I sat down next to her on the sofa. 'How are things with you and Helen?' she asked. I chuckled. 'Well, you know about two dates I had with her. There was another one after you left, but it didn't work out. She is really sweet, but she deserves better.' I said as I stared to the wall at the other side of the room to avoid her gaze.

'Colin, seriously? You are the most honest and loving guy I've ever met. You deserve a sweet girl like Helen!' she almost yelled at me.

'Thank you, I guess...?' I said a bit shy because of the compliment she just gave me. 'No seriously. Don't say such things ever again. Most of the girls will kill someone to be with a guy like you.'

My cheeks flushed red and I tried to hide it but failed. 'Aww, you're blushing!' she said while grabbing my cheeks. My heart skipped a beat when she touched my face. I covered her hands with mine and they fitted perfectly. She stared into my eyes and I couldn't help to stare back.

We sat there like that for a while. In that moment it felt so right to kiss her, but I didn't. I was too afraid she won't let me. It wouldn't be our first kiss, but it would be our first kiss as ourselves. I already crossed the line today.

She leaned over to me still holding my cheeks in her hands and mine still rested on hers. Her forehead rested on mine. I could smell her sweet scent and it turned me on. I placed one hand on her back and sighed.

Our little moment got interrupted by a knock on her door. She immediatly let go of me and opened it. 'Jennie!! Joining us for lunch?' Josh said with his puppy eyes. Jennifer laughed. 'How can I say no? Colin and I will be there in a minute!'. Josh raised his eyebrow. 'Colin and I? That sounds good' he smirked. 'Bye dad!!' Jen laughed as she closed the door.

She turned around and faced me. 'Colin...' she started. I stood up and took her hand. 'I know.. crossing lines.'

I grabbed my jacket and walked out towards my trailer. Jen and I always had a special chemistry but since she got back it felt more real than ever. I never felt the need to kiss her, but the last few days it's more like a craving inside me.

I was in my trailer for like 5 minutes when I heard a soft knock on my door. 'Josh, really? I'm coming!' I yelled more angry than I intended to. I yanked the door open and stared right into Jen's beautiful eyes.

'Jen... I.. eh... what are you doing here? I just left your place.' I stuttered.

'I want to finish what we were doing' she said as she stepped inside.

'What do you mean? Did we start something?'

She closed the door behind her and pressed me against a wall. 'Yes, something unscripted which will totally cross the lines'.

'Hm, what did you do with Jen?' I asked sarcastically.

'Shut up'. She stared at me. For a long while she didn't move. Then she leaned over and kissed me fully. The taste of her blended in with the smells that always surrounded her.

I let out a moan and ran my hand up over her spine. She suddenly stopped me.

'It's lunch time'

And she was gone.


A/N: I don't like stories in which Colin is cheating on Helen, so in this story they aren't married.

I still have to get used to writing about Jen and Colin instead of Emma and Killian. Normally I write from the author's perspective, but this time I wanted to do it from Jen and Colin's view. Just to try!

Please share your thoughts with me!!

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