Chapter 36 ✰ New Year's Eve

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Jen's pov

It seemed to last forever before it finally was December 31st. The day I would finally see Colin again. It wouldn't be until 8 PM, but that didn't really matter to me at the moment. It was less than 24 hours and with that thought my heart made a leap.

I was already looking forward to tonight's party. Josh insisted on organizing the party and everyone agreed. It would be a masquerade party, something I always wanted to join in ever since my childhood. It was something mysterious and unpredictable. Just like Colin.

It was a drizzly day with snow, just as New York could be in winter. Snow had brought us together that evening, but I refused to let it separate us now. I had to go to Vancouver. When I arrived at the airport, that what I feared most happened. Flight delayed! Sighing I sat down on a bench. I had to be positive. As long as the flight wasn't canceled, there was hope.

I refused to be alone on New Year's Eve. I wanted to kiss him. Kiss him at 11:59 and don't finish that until 12:01. Therefore, I have a perfect ending and definitely a perfect beginning. That kiss is the only firework I needed.

It became a race against time to be on time. I had promised him to be with him at 8 PM, but I didn't make it. Worst of all is that I haven't been able to let him know that I have a delay. If I was in his shoes, I had gone crazy with anxiety. Once I was home, in his house, he was already gone. I quickly refreshed and prepared myself for the party. A short dress that just covered my bottom. I couldn't wait to see his face and I knew he was going to have a hard time. Literally. He isn't the only one by the way. I wanted his firm arms around me and his naked body against mine. I felt myself getting wet at the thought of that.

Before I left the house, my eye caught a letter on the table. I immediately recognized Colin's handwriting. I didn't know if he had forgotten this or if he hadn't expected me to come home earlier than him. I started reading.

'Sometimes I feel out of place, like a sailing ship in space. But if you're on board with me, then who cares if I'm crazy? Even the traffic jam on the roads feels like seconds when I'm with you. And a flat gas-station drink tastes like coffee from Hawaii.

Even when I say nothing, you know what I'm thinking. I don't need to say anything, one look is enough and if life becomes too monotonous for us, I pack you up and we just clear out'

Tears welled up in my eyes as I continued reading.

'You're my favorite person. That's quite the compliment given how well you know me. With you I can be myself, I can dream, I can be crazy. Thank you for being my favorite person. I'm happy we met one another.

Absolutely no one is allowed to know some things about my life, but I entrust you with it because you will keep it safe. And sometimes we go in circles, sometimes we fight over something trivial but I can't be angry at you for more than five minutes.

If I lead you on, you notice it immediately. If I leave myself hanging, then you build me right back up again. Sometimes life feels as heavy as lead but when we're together, everything seems so easy.'

This man is so incredibly talented. Even on paper his words are so perfect. I mentioned a polaroid picture of our first day on set. I smiled as I wiped away my tears. There was a spark between us from day one. I turned the picture and the text continued on it.

'Times always change and they change us too. You and me, so young on this old polaroid photo. The last time that we saw each other is far too long ago, but now we'll laugh together as if we had never been apart'

This man will be my undoing, ladies and gentlemen. Mark my words.

Almost two hours later than planned, I arrived at Josh's party. The home of Josh and Ginny was transformed into a party location. There were a lot of guests. Many people from the set, many friends from Josh and Ginny, but also people that I didn't know or just couldn't recognize because of their masks. The women were distinguishable with their dresses, but all men seemed to wear the same black suit.

'Hey, Jen! You're finally here!' Ginny said as she hugged me.

I nodded. 'My flight was delayed and I'm so glad I'm on time. I didn't want to miss all this!'

I looked around the large living room, but I didn't see Colin anywhere. At least, I couldn't recognize him. I couldn't find him in the kitchen either. 'Are you looking for someone?' Josh asked.

Before I could answer, he laughed. 'Colin is outside' he winked as he passed me.

'How do you... Never mind, I already know!' I said as my eyes shot at Ginny. The role in Once suited her perfectly, she could never keep secrets just like Snow. I loved her anyway. How can I blame her for sharing everything with the love of her life? That reminded me of the fact that I was looking for the love of my life right now and I still hadn't find him.

I moved through the living room, on my way to the backyard. Before I could leave the house, two firm arms grabbed me. 'There you are!' said my favorite voice.

'Colin!' I said surprised while I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He took me in a firm hug. 'I've missed you' he whispered in my ear

'I've missed you too!' I felt tears welling up in my eyes. Not because I was sad, but because this man made me so happy and I was glad to see him again.

The whole evening we didn't let go of each other. Although we hadn't discussed our relationship with the cast and crew yet, nobody was amazed. Adam and Eddy had even expected it and Lana couldn't resist teasing us. Everyone was especially happy for us and that ended our year perfectly.

I sat on Colin's lap with my arms wrapped around him and he with his arms around me.

'I'm going to get the champagne, otherwise I will not be back in time for our kiss' he said around a quarter to twelve

Disappointed I let go of him and stood up. 'Hurry up!'

He nodded with a smile and walked to the kitchen to help Ginny prepare the champagne for the guests.

I turned to Lana and we talked about how the holiday had been. She went to both families with her boyfriend and couldn't wait to get back to work. That was the best thing about this cast and crew, everyone enjoyed it so much and everyone could get along with each other.

At 11:59 PM Lana quickly hurried to her boyfriend. She obviously wanted a New Year's kiss too.

I pulled him beside me on the couch and sat on his lap. He seemed surprised. Everyone started to count down. Just before the clock hit twelve, I pressed my lips on his. Then I realized that I wasn't kissing Colin...

'Happy New Year!' everyone shouted.

My jaw dropped. I turned my head and looked straight into Colin's face.


A/N: Enjoy your NYE and stay safe! I wish you all the best for 2018! ♥️

Colin's text is a translation of a German song by the way! It's called 'Lieblingsmensch' sung by Namika. For my Dutch readers: there's also a Dutch version: 'Lievelings' sung by Teske :)

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@ CaptainSwanStories

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