Chapter 35 ✰ When You're Gone

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Day 1 December 28th

You are near, even if I don't see you. You are with me, even if you are far away. You are in my heart, in my thoughts, in my life.


Jen's pov

The first day without Colin. Officially already the second, but yesterday I saw him in the morning. I was used to being alone and I was never so dependent on others, but I missed him. I didn't miss him unbearably, but I missed him. His smile, the blue eyes that drowned me every time, his jokes, his leathery smell, his presence. Everything. To be honest, I couldn't mention anything I didn't miss about him.

Yesterday I arrived at my parents' place. It made me realize how much I had missed them and I'm glad we have been able to talk a lot today. When I told them about Colin they were very happy for me. They knew him a little and asked me regularly if we were dating. I wished for a long time, but now I could finally call him my boyfriend. Boyfriend... It sounds so unreal, but every time I think about it my heart makes a leap.

Colin's pov

Today I realized that I'm an introvert pretending to be an extrovert. Introverts may have strong social skills and enjoy parties and meetings, but after a while wish they were home in their comfy clothes. They prefer to devote their social energies to close friends, colleagues and family. They listen more than they talk, think before they speak and often feel as if they express themselves better in writing than in conversation. They tend to dislike conflicts. Many have a horror of small talk, but enjoy deep discussions.

My house suddenly felt very empty without Jennifer. I had always lived without her, but we hadn't deviated from each other's side for weeks. Fortunately, I still had Buckley around me. I took him with me for a long walk. He always loved it and I knew that fresh air would be good for me. And it turned out to be exactly what I needed.


Day 2 December 29th

There are moments in live, when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real...

Jen's pov

The second day without him. I survived the first 48 hours, but the next 44 hours would be even worse. I would finally see him again around 8 PM on New Year's Eve. I couldn't wait to take him in my arms and kiss the hell out of him. I missed his arms around me, his soft lips on mine, the sweet words he whispered in my ear. Everything.

Since Aiden's business trip I have no longer been away from him than a few hours, but never whole days. It frightened me how dependent I had become of him, but at the same time I knew he had taken down my walls. We had agreed to send each other a message when we had landed. Furthermore, we would have no contact to see if we would really miss each other. I missed him already when we said goodbye at the airport and with every minute it got worse.

Colin's pov

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment or the smallest act of caring, which have the potential to turn live around. I realized that Jennifer gave me all that. I thought about what she was doing right now. Every minute of the day I wondered how she was doing and what she was doing.

Love makes you do crazy things. Insane things. Things in a million years you'd never see yourself do. But there you are... doing them. The crazy thing I did today? I searched for Jennifer on the internet. At first I only searched for photos of her. I missed her beautiful smile and twinkling eyes and I thought that a photo could soften the pain. Damn, was I wrong! It only got worse. Eventually I ended up on various websites and for two hours I stalked my girlfriend on the internet. True story...

But seriously, love is a mental disease and I'm mentally very sick right now.


Day 3 December 30th

Missing someone isn't about how long it has been since you've seen them or the amount of time since you've talked. It's about that very moment when you're doing something and wishing they were right there with you.

Jen's pov

Only a few hours. Time passed so slowly that it almost hurt. I had never been so eager to leave my family. Not because I didn't like it, but because I just missed him. On day one, I said it wasn't unbearable. I take those words back. It's more than unbearable.

Today we celebrated Christmas with our family. A lot later than usual, but it was nice for the distraction. At least, I thought it was distraction, but in fact I wanted him to be there. My sister asked all kinds of questions about him and how good her intentions were, it made me feel worse.

We had bought some presents for each other. I loved it but I just wanted him, that's it. All his flaws, mistakes, smiles, giggles, jokes, sarcasm. Everything. It may sound like I'm a spoiled child, but I didn't need anything else right now.

You exaggerate things right now, Jen. It's even less than a day from now. You can handle this.

Colin's pov

Today I spent the day with Sean. One of my closest friends. I used to like to see him and do things together, but today was different. I just didn't feel like it. You might not think so, but I'm a really shy person. I don't like to talk about myself. I've never been the popular kid in school. I've been a loner my whole life. Maybe 'loner' is too strong a word, but I've always enjoyed being on my own. My life is like a constant battle between wanting to be alone, but not wanting to be lonely. But I can say there's a big difference between being a loner and being lonely. I'm far from lonely, because of Jennifer. Jennifer is the only person I want to spend every minute with. But right now every hour without her is one hour too much.

This loner and introvert doesn't want to be alone anymore. He wants to keep his girlfriend in his arms and tell him how much he loves her. Only a few hours left to survive.


A/N: Do you like both pov's in one chapter or shall I just keep it to one?

Please share your thoughts with me!!

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@ CaptainSwanStories

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