Chapter 17 ✰ Comforted With A Lie

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Colin's pov

It was difficult to get through the day. I still didn't realize what has happened in this short amount of time. I knew that I had shared the bed with my best friend. Twice! Something I would never do, but something what did happen and all I felt was guilt and self-pity.

The worst part of all this is that I have feelings for her. Of course I already loved her, but this is different. This goes deeper than friendship. Deeper than what I have ever felt in my life. I denied it until last night. Yesterday evening there was nothing holding us back. No opinions from others, no colleagues, no cameras. Nothing. Until Aiden came home.

'Hey you!' I heard a familiar voice behind me. Jennifer walked over to me and sat next to me on the docks.

'Hey,' I murmured back.

'Are you alright? I haven't seen you at lunch '

I nodded. 'Yes, I think so. I just don't feel that hungry, that's all.' I swallowed and felt a lump in my throat. She must have heard it clearly.

'Are you sure?' she asked concerned.

'Do you love him?' I asked before I even realized it.

I noticed that she was startled by my question. There was a moment of silence before she answered. 'Yes, I do love him'

I felt my heart break into small pieces. 'Good.' I managed to say. 'Are you going to tell him?'

She shrugged her shoulders. 'I don't know. I don't want to hurt him.'

'Sometimes it's better to get hurt by the truth than to be comforted with a lie'

'Maybe, but I don't know what I want yet'

'How are you going to find out?'

She shrugged her shoulders again. 'I don't know. Maybe I should spend time with both of you to find out. I haven't seen Aiden in a long time, so maybe things has changed between us.'

'You deserve someone who is always there for you, Jen. Not someone who should comfort you over the phone most of the time.'

'Let me guess, you can be that man?' she asked offended

'Why do you interpret it that way? I do believe that I can give you that yes, but you know your feelings and I don't.'

'I just don't know, Colin!'

I rolled my eyes. 'I love you, I truly do, but I can't do anything with this answer. I want to start building my own life and yes I hope you want to be part of it, but I'm not going to wait while you're with someone else. I refuse to do that to myself.'

Tears welled up in her eyes. 'But I don't want to lose you...'

I wiped a tear from her cheek. 'And I don't want to lose you.'

We sat in silence on the docks for a while. Both not knowing what to say but enjoying the silence at the same time.

'Do you want to go on date with me?'

My jaw dropped. I tried to meet her gaze. 'What did you say?'

'Do you want to go on date with me?' she repeated

'Yes, I would love to! Maybe tonight after work?'

She shook her head. 'Aiden... I promised him to be home tonight.'

Disappointed I stared at the horizon. She put her hand on mine. 'Is tomorrow evening okay?' she asked with her puppy eyes

I shook my head with a laugh. 'You are unbelievable, Morrison'

'Please?' she insisted.

'Yes, surprise me!'

'Wait, do I have to...?' she started but I cut her off.

'Aye, love. Meet me at 7' I whispered in her ear.

'Woa.. wait... wait a minute, a date with Hook or a date with Colin?' she laughed.

'Whatever you want, babe' I winked, pressed a kiss on her cheek and walked away from the docks.


A/N: Date, date, date! What do you think they are going to do? 😏

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