Chapter 40 ✰ A Difficult Confession

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Colin's pov

What started as an ordinary day, ended in a very nice birthday party. I hadn't celebrated my birthday for so many people for years. At least not with all the people I loved in one room. Even my brother and parents were there. Jennifer had asked them when we were in Ireland to celebrate Christmas. I didn't notice anything.

It was far after midnight when most of the guests had already left. A number of cast members decided to stay for a while. I was sitting on the couch next to Josh and Ginny was sitting on his lap.

'Did you like it?' Ginny asked with a thick tongue. Josh laughed. Ginny barely drank, but when she did, the alcohol quickly did his job.

'I liked it very much! I really needed this'

Jennifer plopped on my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck. 'I still have a present for you' she whispered

'Too late Morrison, It's not longer his birthday!' Josh said as he looked at his watch.

She shrugged her shoulders. 'You don't have to be a birthday boy to get presents and maybe I'm talking about a different kind of present.'

'Okay...' Josh began as he stood up with Ginny. 'Guys, we have to go. They want to make love!' Josh shouted. Jennifer started to laugh and I felt my cheeks flushing red.

Jennifer escorted them outside while I started to clean up. She hugged me from behind while she rested her chin on my shoulder. 'Did you enjoy the evening?'

I turned around and nodded. 'I don't know how to thank you'

She pressed a kiss on my lips. 'You don't have to thank me. I'll do anything for you and you deserved this'

I curled my fingers through her long blond locks. 'You're the best'

She smiled. 'I know!' She kissed my cheek and helped me clean up. Within half an hour the biggest mess was cleared up and we sat on the couch with a glass of wine.

'This afternoon you said that you wanted to tell me something' she began

I knew she wouldn't forget that. Jennifer always knew everything and barely forgot anything.

'I don't know if this is the right time, Jen'

She moved closer to me and put her hand on my knee. 'You can tell me anything'

I put my hand on hers. 'I know, but this isn't just anything. It's pretty intense'

Her eyes widened. 'Are you seeing someone else?' she asked sadly

I caressed her cheek with my thumb. 'Of course not' I tried to convince her.

'If there's no one else and you haven't cheat on me, then I can handle everything. Whatever you're going to say '

I sighed deeply. 'about ten years ago I had a relationship and... we were engaged' I began

'I've also been engaged before, that's not a problem, is it?' she cut me off

'Jen ... It's not about the engagement.'

'Then what is it about?'

'She... she was pregnant'

Her jaw dropped. 'So you're the father of a child that I haven't known about for years?' she asked angrily.

'No... I should have been that'

The expression on her face softened. 'What do you mean?'

'She had a miscarriage...' I stared at my feet and tried to control the tears in my eyes. I had never talked about it and I didn't expect it to have this impact on me.

'Oh god... Colin...' she said as she wrapped an arm around me. I rested my head against hers and felt a tear slide down. She wiped it from my cheek with her thumb and caressed my face.

'Why didn't you say this earlier?'

I shrugged my shoulders. 'I never talked about it to anyone. I just couldn't do it'

She pressed a kiss on my head. 'Did you split up for that reason?'

'Yes. It was too confronting. Too painful. It just didn't work anymore. We were both depressed and we couldn't help each other'

'And you never talked about it?'

I nodded. 'My parents and brother know about it, but we never had a deep conversation. They still think that I've went to a psychologist'

'But you didn't do that'. This woman knew me too well.

'Talking about it makes it real. Too real. But now that I'm getting older, I notice how much impact it has on me. You'll always wonder what it would be like if she was still there'

'Your ex-girlfriend?'

'No, the baby'

'It would be a girl?'

I nodded and felt a tear on my cheek again. 'We had just found out'

'How did it happen? What caused her to have a miscarriage?'

'A deviation in her uterus caused it. She never forgave herself'

'Did you?' she asked

'Yes. It wasn't her fault '

'But if you couldn't talk about it with anyone, why with me?'

I sighed. 'It felt good to say it. After our conversation on the set about having children, I had to share it with you. Sooner or later you want children and you just had to know'

'I'm glad you told me. I'm sure you would have been a great father to her.'

I smiled weakly as she pressed another kiss on my cheek. She took my hand and slipped it under her skirt. 'Do you want your present as a distraction, Mr. Irish?'

I grunted as I pulled her on my lap with her face towards me. 'You're impossible, Morrison'

A smile appeared on her face. 'I know the best ways to cheer you up'

She certainly knew how to do that and that's what made her so special to me. She's the only one who I wouldn't mind losing sleep for, the only one who I can never get tired of talking to, and the only one who crosses my mind constantly throughout the day. She's the only one who can make me smile without trying, bring down my mood without the intention to and affect my emotions with every action. I can't explain with just words how much she mean to me. She's just the only one for me.


A/N: Colin Winfrey in tha house! He's so Oprah Winfrey-ish in this story 😂😂

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