Chapter 43 ✰ Pool Party

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Colin's pov

I have learned a lot the last couple of years. I learned that things don't always turn out the way you planned or the way you think they should. I have learned that there are things that go wrong that don't always get fixed or get put back together the way they were before. I've learned that some broken things stay broken and that you can get through bad times and keep looking for better ones, as long as you have people who love you. I can sum up everything in three words: life goes on.

In life we do things, some we wish we had never done and some we wish we could replay a million times in our head. But they all make us who we are and they shape every detail about us. If we were to reverse any of them we wouldn't be the person we are, so just live, make mistakes, have wonderful memories and always remember that when something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you or you can let it strengthen you. It's up to you.

Sometimes you just have to remind yourself that it'll all be okay. Maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow, but one day. Remind yourself that things have changed and that they changed for a reason just like people change for a reason. You have to let go and move on. It's going to be hard and you're going to feel lonely, but hold on. Maybe tomorrow is going to be the best day of your life. I'm living the best days of my life right now, with Jennifer.

'Good morning, handsome!' Jennifer said as she walked into the living room while wearing my shirt. She kissed me with her soft lips.

'Good morning, beautiful!' I still got butterflies even though I've seen her a hundred times.

She sat on my lap and laughed.

'What's so funny?' I asked as I raised my eyebrow.

'Josh just sent me a message'

'Oh god, do I want to know?'

She nodded. 'It's not that bad, I just don't know if you'll like it'

'Tell me, I'm all ears'

'He invited us to a pool party today'

I swallowed. I didn't like to be shirtless in front of people who weren't Jennifer

She caressed my face. 'Don't be so insecure, Colin'

I smiled faintly. I always tried not to be insecure, but it's just who I am.

She lifted my chin. 'Stop being unhappy with yourself and stop hating your body. You have to love yourself and just be happy with yourself. You're perfect.'

'I am not, Jen'

'You are perfect to me, Colin. I love who you are and I love your flaws and imperfections. They make you you and 'you' is pretty amazing'

I smiled as I rested my head against hers. She pressed her lips to my hair and trailed them down my face to reach my lips. When she reached them she gently slid her tongue between them. We kissed long and passionately and I pushed the thoughts of my insecurities out of my mind. I focused on her smell, her touch, her warmth and the pulse of her heart. We were holding on to each other as she still sat on my lap. Eventually she slightly pushed me back.

'I love you. Do you know how much I love you?' she said, barely a whisper

'As much as I love you'

I decided to join her to the pool party. After all, it was a hot summer day and I could use some refreshment. The fact that it was a private party for the cast made it more bearable and also more fun. No uncomfortable conversations with new people, but just familiar with people we know.

We were the first to arrive at Josh and Ginny. The next hour, more and more people came in. Sebastian was also invited, Jennifer's ex-boyfriend. I was hanging on the edge of the swimming pool, while Jennifer talked with Sebastian on the sunbeds. I felt a stab of jealousy going through my body.

'Don't you trust her?' Meghan asked as she swam towards me.

'I do trust her'


'She loved him'

Meghan wrapped her arm around my shoulder and stared at Jennifer and Sebastian. 'She loves you now. She already loved you when she was with him'

I turned my head in her direction. 'She did?'

'Oh, come on, Colin! Everyone notice that she is madly in love with you. It has never been different and she really doesn't give up on you. Certainly not for him '

'Thanks, Meg. I really appreciate it'

I swam to the pool side where Sebastian and Jennifer were sitting on their sunbeds. I pushed myself up on the edge and sat down on it with my legs in the water, my back facing them.

'Shall we have a drink together this week? I'm still in Vancouver for the time being' I heard Sebastian's voice behind me. I rolled my eyes.

'Eh...' Jennifer clearly didn't know what to say. 'I'm not looking for a date at the moment.'

'I thought you were always open for a date?' he asked in amazement.

'I have a relationship, Sebas. I don't think it's appropriate to have a drink together'

'A relationship? You made some progress. Who is the lucky man?'

'Me' I replied as I turned to look at him

'Ah Colin, that doesn't surprise me. You're okay with the two of us having a drink?'

I raised my eyebrow. 'Actually, I'm not. You have enough time to talk right now'

I pushed myself into the water again. I trusted her for one hundred percent, but I couldn't stand him. Josh, the little child he was, threw a ball right next to me in the water and jumped into it himself.

'Come on honey, let's play a game!' he shouted as he threw the ball at me again.

After a few times throwing to each other I noticed that the sunbeds of Jennifer and Sebastian were empty. A weird feeling crept on me. Where were they?

I tried to swim towards the edge when a ball from Josh hit the back of my head and I ended up under water. 'Seriously, dude?' I snorted when I came up again. There was a loud laughter around me.

Suddenly I was blinded. It took a while before I realized that some hands were covering my eyes. A lady jumped on my back. When I heard her giggle in my ear, I knew immediately who it was.


She ran her hand through my hair. 'The one and only'

I put her down and turned to look at her. 'Where is Sebastian?'

She smiled. 'He's talking to Lana and Emilie.'

'Are you going on a date with him?'

'Of course not. I am with you. Why should I date someone else?'

I shrugged my shoulders

'Colin, don't be so insecure. I love you'

'I love you too'

She pushed herself up on my shoulders and wrapped her legs around my waist, while she kissed me deeply. I felt her center against my crotch which reacted immediately. She moaned in my mouth.

'Easy, tiger. You have to wait until we get home.' she whispered in my ear

'Can't we find a quiet spot?' I groaned

She slid her hand in my swimming trunks. 'Perhaps, but what fun would that be?'

'Jen, please...'

'Be patient'


A/N: I hope you enjoyed it! ♥️

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