Chapter 20 ✰ You're In My Veins

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Jen's pov

The only thing I could do was stare. Staring at his muscled arms and abdomen. My eyes were drawn to him and slid all over his body. He turned on his heel and stared back.

'I... I'm sorry' I stuttered. I tried to look away, but my eyes were constantly drawn to his body.

He raised his eyebrow. The eyebrow that makes him even sexier than he already was. Why had I drunk so much wine? I stumbled in his direction and almost fell over my own feet. He caught me before I smashed to the ground.

I had seen him naked before. I knew perfectly well how his hairy chest overflowed into a tight muscular abdomen and everytime it surprised me again. It surprised me how perfect someone can be. Colin brings out the best and the worst in people. The best with his perfect appearance. That handsome face with that sweet smile and naughty blue eyes that you can drown in. Then comes the bad part. He raised the bar so high that no other man can match him. At that point I'm currently with him and Aiden.

'Can't hold your wine?' he asked, referring to one of our scenes as Killian and Emma.

I smiled while he still held me. If he didn't, I would have been lying stretched on the ground right now. My knees were so weak.

'I'm not drunk' I said with a thick tongue.

'Yes, and I'm Captain Hook. Oh wait... wrong joke'

I grinned. 'Do you know what's so nice about you...'

'Tell me'

'Your jokes are so stupid that I only get them if I haven't drunk'

My head was very close to his. I felt his breath against my face. 'Is that so?' he whispered.

The only thing I could do was nod. I had drowned in his eyes and his perfect face so close to mine had taken me to another world. A world in which only he and I existed.

'I want to kiss you, O'Donoghue.' The alcohol was talking. You know what they say about drunk people. Drunk people always speak the truth. In this case certainly true, but this drunk lady would have liked to keep it to herself.

'Then why don't you do it, Morrison?'

'Because I don't want to ruin this moment.' There was the sober Jennifer again. At least that's how it sounded. I really didn't want to ruin the moment between us. There were no circumstances, no expectations, no people, no cameras. Just the two of us. The two of us and the most important fact: Colin almost completely naked within my reach.

He gently pressed his forehead against mine. 'If you don't kiss me, I have to kiss you' he threatened

'Then why don't you do it?' I repeated his sentence

He pressed his soft lips on mine. Emotions overtook me. Part of me felt guilty because of Aiden. The rest was a combination of lust and desire for the man who kissed me passionately. I have kissed many men in my life, but no one did what Colin did to me. He was by far the best kisser out there.

I felt his tongue over my lips, looking for mine. When they met, the kiss became even more passionate. My hand slid across his chest to his abdomen and back up. He moaned between kisses.

Our lips let go of each other so we could catch our breaths again. 'That was...' I began

'The drunk Jennifer who finally admits that there's something going on between us'

'I never denied it.' I protested

'You never admitted it either.' he rebounded

'Don't ruin this moment now'

'Jen, I'm not a toy'

I caressed his face. 'I don't see you like that. Believe me'

'How do you see me then?'

'As a very handsome man, whom I can't and will not keep my hands off and who has to spend the night with me.'

'Jen...' he tried to protest

I put my finger on his mouth to silence him. 'Ssh.. You're not a toy for me Colin. You're driving me crazy and every part of my body is craving for you '

He grinned as he leaned his forehead gently against mine again. 'So if I do this...' He slid his hand into my pants. My whole body shivered.

'Please don't tease me. I want you.' I moaned almost desperately.

I pushed him on the couch and sat down on his lap. I curled my hands through his hair and stared into his blue eyes. I saw some leftover eyeliner here and there, but even that was sexy on him. I carresed his cheek with my thumb.



'I don't want you to sleep on the couch'

He smiled. 'Me neither'

We sat there for a while. He in his boxershorts and I on his lap with our foreheads leaning against each other. He started humming softly. His sound calmed me.

'I wish I had a guitar' I said as I enjoyed his humming


'I like it when you sing'

'As you wish' he said as his humming went into a soft singing.

'Nothing goes as planned, everything will break. People say goodbye in their own special way' he started singing.

'All that you rely on and all that you can fake will leave you in the morning, but find you in the day'

I enjoyed his beautiful voice. He didn't sing often, but every time I heard it it gave me goose bumps. He sings with so much passion and emotion that it touches you deeply. As if he has experienced everything himself, which was often the case.

'Oh, you're in my veins and I cannot get you out. Oh, you're all I taste at night inside of my mouth.'

I blushed when he looked at me and hoped deep inside that he was singing about me

'Oh, you run away 'cause I am not what you found. Oh, you're in my veins and I cannot get you out'

Tears welled up in my eyes. One slowly rolled down my cheek. Colin wiped it away. 'What's wrong?'

I shook my head. 'Nothing. It's just the first time a man sings for me and your voice calms me '

He pressed a kiss on my cheek.

'Everything for you'


A/N: They are like magnets... 😇 Colin sang an actual song again in this chapter. It's 'In My Veins' sung by Andrew Belle. It's such a beautiful song! 

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