Chapter 39 ✰ Surprise!

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Colin's pov

I just had a conversation about children for the first time with a woman I have a relationship with. Okay, not quite the first time, but for the first time in a relatively short amount of time. The very first time was with the woman I had a relationship 10 years ago. She was the love of my life back then and everything was perfect, until the moment that everything went wrong, our lives collapsed and we grew apart. We still have contact sometimes, but it is too painful. I had never talked to anyone about it, but for the first time I felt the need to share it with someone. I felt the need to share it with Jennifer.

'Can we talk tonight?' I asked as we walked towards the trailers. Her eyes widened. She was shocked.

'I'm not going to break up with you. There's just something I have to tell you.' I added quickly

She sighed with relief. A load seemed to fall off her shoulders. She grabbed my hand. 'Sorry, I already have plans for tonight'

I raised my eyebrow. 'On my birthday?' I asked slightly disappointed.

She nodded. 'I'm so sorry. I made this appointment a long time ago. I can't cancel it.'

I was a loner, but nobody wants to spend his birthday alone. She kissed me. 'Sorry. Tonight I'll make it up to you, I promise '

I smiled. 'Naked?' I asked cheeky.

'Perhaps. I'll see you tonight!'

Jennifer lef with Josh and Ginny. They were done shooting  at the same time. I had to do another scene. It barely occurred that I had scenes without her, but they wanted to go a bit more into the story behind Hook. Something I wanted for sure, but it meant more time without her.

At 7 PM my work was also done. On the way home I drove past the McDonalds and I decided to treat myself to a birthday meal. I barely went there. In the last few months I paid more attention to my health and muscle building. Especially for the sex scene that was planned between Hook and Emma. I didn't like to take off my shirt, mainly because of uncertainty.

I parked my car in front of McDonalds and went inside.

Jen's pov

I looked at my watch. It was almost 8 PM and I slightly started to panic. Where in the world is Colin? His whole house was now full of friends, family and colleagues, but there was no sign of Colin himself.

'You checked his schedule, right?' I asked Josh.

He nodded. 'Yes, he was the last one on the set. I even did the planning for today myself with Adam and Eddy'

'Take it easy, Jen. He'll show up' Ginny added

'What if he's angry because I said I had other plans? Or that he is doing something else?' I asked still in panic

'Colin doesn't have anyone besides the people in this room. He'll come!' she tried to calm me

She was right. All the people he loved were right here. There was nothing to worry about. Fifteen minutes later, his black Mercedes stopped ik front of the house. 'Everyone in your place. He's there!' I shouted.

Unsuspecting, he put the key in the door. He slowly pulled off his coat. 'Buck! Where are you?'

I grinned. Buckley was next to me. He had a hard time not to ran straight to Colin with enthusiasm.

He walked to the living room and turned on the light. Everyone jumped from their places. 'Surprise!'

His eyes widened and his jaw dropped. He was shocked. 'W...what is this?' he stammered.

I walked up to him and pulled him in a hug. 'Happy birthday, handsome!'

He growled in my ear. 'I thought you had other plans'

'Wait for it, your gift is still coming' I whispered in his ear.

He smiled as he left me to greet the rest of the guests. He even became emotional when he saw his family. They couldn't celebrate his birthday for 5 years, so this day was extra special for them.

I was talking with Josh and Ginny as I felt his warm and firm arms around me. 'Thanks, Jen!' I felt his warm breath along my cheek.

I smiled. 'You must also thank Josh. Our party planner helped me tremendously!'

He walked towards Josh and wrapped his arms around him. 'Thanks mate'

'You are my best bromance, I can't let you down!' Josh said dramatically

Colin raised his eyebrow and pouted his lip. 'Your best? So you have more than just me?'

'Oh Colin, I just love you!'

Laughing, they fell into each other's arms. These two are the biggest dorks on this earth, but also the most sweet men you can wish for.


A/N: I decided to update when I feel like it. Don't worry, I love to write so it will still be very often! 🙂

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