Chapter 47 ✰ Love Is Forgiveness

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Colin's pov

There is a part of me that is desperate to know if my absence has done any damage to you. That there is a possibility that you too, experience long restless nights due to the thought of me. That your heart is broken in the same places as mine. I want to know that I'm not the only one hurting from this. I want to know that I actually meant something to you.

I don't think I will ever meet someone that could really compete to you. I could see all sorts of people, and no matter who they are or what they say, they can't capture my attention quite the way you can. I could talk to all sorts of other people, yet I always find myself thinking about how they're not quite as charming as you, or they don't make me laugh quite as genuinely. I know people always say your first love is the person you compare everyone to, but maybe they've got it wrong. Maybe the person you compare everyone to isn't your first love, but your true love. Your soulmate.

It's like that moment when you're driving and it's pouring down rain, you drive under a bridge and everything stops. Everything goes silent and it's almost peaceful. Then you finally get out from under the bridge and everything hits you a little harder than before. You were my bridge.

I was still in bed and stared at the ceiling, lost in my own thoughts. At Josh's party she had sworn never to meet Sebastian. Of course she is an independent woman and she can decide for herself what she does and I probably didn't mind if it was just going out for dinner, but it wasn't just that. There was more going on and the truth hurt. I lost her.

I looked at my alarm clock and saw that it was only 9 o'clock in the morning. The sunlight slowly crept into my bedroom, but it was still dark enough to stay in bed a bit longer. She wanted to talk to me tonight and I wasn't looking forward to it. I was afraid of what she had to say to me.

I heard Buckley running back and forth nervously downstairs. He often had those crazy moods so I didn't pay any attention to it. A few minutes later I thought I heard him coming up the stairs. 'Bucks, go downstairs!'

The door handle went down softly. I sighed. 'You should have become a guide dog, Bucks.' I expected my enthusiastic labrador, but looked straight into Jennifer's face.

'W... what are you doing here?' I stammered in surprise

'I had to see you...' she sobbed

I sat up in bed. 'What is wrong? Did something happen to you?'

She sat on the end of the bed. 'No, I just don't know'

'What don't you know?'

'What I have to do. My life feels so worthless without you, but at the same time I am so incredibly angry' she sobbed

She felt the same way. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her towards me to calm her down.

'I stayed with Sebastian last night'

My world collapsed within a minute. 'Oh...' was the only thing I could manage to say

'We didn't have sex' she added quickly

I curled my fingers through her blonde hair. 'I'm glad to hear that'

She looked at me. 'Really?'

I nodded. 'I wouldn't be able to handle it if you had done that'

'Me neither'

'What happened, Jen?'

She sighed deeply. 'I went with him to his hotel. We kissed and...'

'And what?'

'And we have been lying naked in bed'

'Oh...' I said again. Trying to hide my disappointment.

She caressed my face. 'Nothing has happened, I promise.'

I smiled. 'I trust you.'

'I'm sorry'

I raised my eyebrow. 'You're sorry? I am the one who should be sorry.'

'I forgive you' she said soft

'What... why?' I asked surprised.

'You did hurt me, but I forgive you. There's no use to fighting the one I love'

'Are you serious?'

She nodded. 'I forgive you. I mean it. I love you'

'I love you too' I said as I pulled her towards me and kissed her forehead.

'I've missed you' she whispered against my neck.

'I've missed you too, love'

She gently pushed me backwards and lay down on me. She curled her fingers through my hair and pressed kisses all over my face.

I grinned. 'What did I do to deserve this?'

'Being you. The man I love.'

I pressed my lips to hers. 'Hm, do I taste a bit of Sebastian there?'

'Asshole!' she laughed as she slapped me.

I caressed her face as I stared deep into her eyes. 'I'm sorry for everything. I thought I was doing the right thing, but I should have known better.'

She nodded, smiling. 'We all make mistakes. Being with Sebastian made me realize that I don't want anyone else but you. You always treat me so well and with so much love and you are always there for me. You are my boyfriend, but also my best friend and I don't want to lose that because of one stupid mistake'

'I'm so glad you're back'

She smiled. 'Me too'

I sat up, making her sit on my lap. I searched with my hand in the drawer of the bedside table.

'We haven't used condoms for a while now' she grinned

'I'm not looking for that.' I searched through the drawer until I found what I was looking for.

'Ever since we met, I've known that we're special. That the way we talk and laugh around each other is different than everybody else. That I will never meet anyone I can trust as much as I trust you. And I think most people search their whole lives for what we've already found'

She smiled. 'I think you're right'

'Shh. Let me finish, love' I whispered

'I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had. No matter what happens to us in the future, every day that we are together is the greatest day of my life and I'll always be yours.' I continued

Tears welled up in her eyes. 'I love you too'

I opened the little box I'd grabbed from the bedside table. 'Jen, will you marry me?'


A/N: The fluffs are back 🤗

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