Chapter 32 ✰ Under The Mistletoe

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Jen's pov

Christmas with the O'Donoghue family was intense. His mother Mary can cook wonderfully and Colin seems to have that gift too. I still don't understand why he never cooks.

Then there's his father, Con. A very sweet man who is so incredibly proud of what Colin has achieved in his life and what he is doing now. He is very much like him and I am convinced that Colin is just like him when he's getting older.

His brother Allen is hilarious and makes the most nasty jokes you can think of. He has two daughters who are huge Oncers. Allen has been married for years and his wife is a real sweethart. The entire O'Donoghue family seems to be so incredibly perfect.

Apparently it's a tradition here that games are being played on Christmas Eve. I love to play games, but I'm so fanatical. 30 Seconds was the first game. I didn't know it yet, but Colin explained to me that you have a card with five words. You must describe these words without saying it. You must try to describe all five in just thirty seconds. His parents formed a team, Allen and his wife formed one and Colin and me.

Colin pulled out a card first and laughed hard. 'Okay, let's go! You put it in a Christmas tree'


He shook his head. 'It shines generally'

'Christmas balls?'

He shook his head again.

'Then give me some more information, dork!' I screamed fanatically.

Allen laughed. 'Their first fight, ladies and gentlemen'

'At the top of the tree'

'The topper!' I shouted

'Yes! Next one! A well-known actor I worked with '

'Time is up!' Allen yelled.

'Seriously, dude? You work with so many actors! ' I hissed

He laughed. 'I always have to get into this game. I meant Anthony Hopkins'

His parents were very good at this game. Con explained everything perfectly and Mary understood immediately what he meant. If that wasn't couplegoals, then I didn't know. Soon it was our turn again. This time I was the one who had to describe the words.

'It's a very famous movie. You often do it in the bedroom and a place you go for shopping. Both in one title'

He raised his eyebrow while the rest laughed hard. 'Sex and the City?'

'Yes! A bald actor from Fast and the Furious

'Vin Diesel!'

'The capital of Spain?'


'Damn, I don't know this one!' I screamed panicky

'Too bad, time is up!' Allen yelled.

I put the card away. Apparently everybody was still having the greatest fun. 'So you only have sex in the bedroom?' Allen asked.

I felt my cheeks flushing red. Apparently this family didn't have any shame at all.

'At least we have sex' Colin sneered back

'Boys... I thought I was the mother of two grown ups?' Mary tried. Con could only laugh about it.

The biggest fun came when I screamed in the next round that Sydney was the capital of Australia. I was never so good at topography. How am I supposed to know that it was Canberra? The only Australian cities I know are Sydney and Melbourne.

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