Chapter 8 ✰ Not A Typical Parking Spot Conversation

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Colin's pov

I pressed her carefully against her car and deepened the kiss. I ran my hand over her spine up to the back of her head. She sighed as she let go. 'That was...' I started.

'A two days thing now' she added.

I grinned. My head still rested against hers. 'Do you mind?' I whispered.

She shook her head. 'I don't think so'

'Good. I don't know what this means and where it goes, but I'm willing to find out' 

She smiled and I noticed something was bothering her. 'What's wrong?'

'Listen, Colin. I really like you and the last few days are killing me. I don't know what I want, but what I do know is that I don't want to lose you as my friend'

'You won't lose me'

'You're saying that now, but what if we try and it's not going to work out? You're not going to tell me that you can still be friends then.'

I grabbed her hand. 'You're too afraid to give it a try, Jen. What if it does work out?'

'But most people don't stay together forever and I'd rather have you all my life as a good friend than for a few years as a boyfriend' she said while staring at our feet.

'But what if you can't find love because of your feelings?'

'Who was talking about feelings?' she sneered.

I knew that words could hurt, but the words she just said had hit me like a sledgehammer. I let go of her hand and walked over to my own car.


Irritated I turned on my heel to face her and glared. 'What?'

'I don't want to hurt you.'

'You already did, Jen!' I sneered back.

Her face softened. 'You know these things are hard for me, but believe me... I'm trying.'

'You can't say you don't want to be with someone just because you don't want to hurt him. Think about your own happiness.'

'But that's selfish' she muttered.

'It isn't selfish. You're just afraid to get hurt and show your sensitive side.'

'I don't think this is the right place for this conversation'

I raised my eyebrow. 'Seriously, that's what bothering you right now?' 

'You want to talk about your feelings on a parking spot? Go ahead! I've nothing left to say.'

I sighed. 'I know about your hurting in the past and that you've dated the wrong guys, but let me tell you one thing.'

'And that will be?' she interrupted.

'Love didn't hurt you. Someone who doesn't know how to love hurt you. Don't confuse those two.'

She gazed at me. I turned around, walked towards my car and drove away.


A/N: Some troubles in Colifer paradise... :(

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