Chapter 22 ✰ The Unexpected

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Jen's pov

Two weeks ago Aiden left for his business trip. I had to find it terrible, but deep inside I was disappointed that he came back today. I had to face him and tell him that I have just had the best two weeks of my life without him but with my best friend and onscreen husband and soulmate. I felt guilty. So incredibly guilty. You can't change feelings. They'll overtake you. What overtook me was how good it can be to be in love, but how much better it is when you have found someone who feels the same way for you. Not that Aiden didn't love me. I knew he did, but in this fairytale I was the problem. He loved me too much and I didn't love him enough.

Today was the first day without Colin since our snow date. I felt empty without him. A feeling that I wasn't used to. I loved to be alone and to dive into my own world with my own thoughts. The buzzing of my phone woke me from my thoughts.

'I miss you, Jen'

A smile appeared on my face. These kind of sweet little things... that was typical Colin and made me love him even more. It's these kinds of things that I can appreciate the most. I have had several men in my life and they weren't all bad, but I missed these little things. I now sound just like a pampered kid, but an 'I love you' or a simple kiss before going to bed was what I wanted the most. Thanks to Colin, I finally know what that feels like.

'I miss you too'

I sent the message with a huge smile on my face. Less than a second later I received an answer.

'I wish I could help you today'

Tears welled up in my eyes. I had to break someone's heart today and that was the last thing I ever wanted to do.

'I really have to do this alone'

'I know. Be careful and don't forget I'm always there for you. X'

I laughed. 'Be careful?' I repeated aloud. I was about to hurt someone and he was worried about me. I locked my phone and decided to erase all traces of Colin's presence over the past few days. A number of items of clothing were still in the bedroom and Buckley's hair was everywhere.

About an hour later a car stopped in front of my house. Aiden got out and my heart skipped a beat. He was there again. I hated the feeling of two men who loved me, and I knew what was the best choice for me, but seeing Aiden did something inside me. I had missed him.

'Jen?' He called from the hallway. I ran to him. 'You're back!' I hugged him tight as if I never wanted to let him go.

He laughed. 'Did you miss me?' I nodded. 'I missed you too, honey'. He took me in his arms again. Colin appeared in my mind. Why was this so difficult? For years I had longed for his muscled arms, perfect face and beautiful blue eyes. Now it was finally within reach and I doubted. Why am I always a doubter?

Aiden caressed my face and kissed my lips. My knees didn't become weak like with Colin. Aiden was a good kisser, but Colin was breathtaking. Everything about him was breathtaking and that frightened me. He is like a kind of angel who can disappear from your life at any moment, because it was all a dream. Aiden was just a beautiful person.

He walked with me to the living room and told me about the business trip he had had. He had been in Paris and told how much he wanted to go there with me. I was in love with Paris and I always said that we would ever go there together. That's what I said in every relationship by the way, but it never happened. He told passionately about what he had done and seen during his time in Paris. A sense of guilt crept more and more inside me and I couldn't find the moment to tell him.

'Are you alright?' he asked when he noticed that I wasn't paying attention.

I nodded. 'Yes. I just had a few busy days'

'With Colin?' I felt my cheeks flushing red. 'Why do you ask that?'

'You work a lot with him, don't you?' A weight fell off my shoulders. I was convinced he knew, but that poor man didn't know anything.

I nodded. 'Yes, almost all of our scenes are together'

'And you never dislike him?'

Now, Jen. Now is the right time. 'No, we are getting along together, so it's always nice to work with him'.

'You're lucky with such a good friend'

I nodded. Damn it, Jen!

He caressed my face. 'Do you mind if I go to my mother? We can have dinner tonight if you like. Just the two of us'

I nodded again. I bought myself some time to think about how I was going to say it. He stood up, grabbed his things and left.

I picked up my phone and saw some messages from Colin.

'How did it go? Are you alright? Let me know!'

Tears welled up in my eyes. I was so emotional today.

'I couldn't do it...' I sent back

It took longer this time before I got a message back. 'Take your time. I'll wait for you with coffee, drinks, whatever you need'

I needed him. My best friend who always knew what to do with these situations, but who I couldn't ask for help now because it was about him. A tear rolled down my cheeks. I caused this mess myself, but I was going to lose someone today and that hurt me.

'Thanks for everything, Colin. You really have a golden heart'

And I meant it. He's the most pure and honest person I know and that's what makes him so beautiful. Of course his outward appearance is nice to look at, but his inner self is what makes him a beautiful person.

Just before dinner Aiden came home. He seemed very nervous, but I thought it was just the situation. We hadn't seen each other for a few weeks and that was always a bit awkward.

Just as I sat down at the table, he got up

'What are you going to do?' I asked confused.

He stood next to me and took my hand. What he did then was the last thing I expected... He went down on his knees. The naïve Jen thought he had a heart attack and collapsed. The clearly thinking Jen knew what he was doing.

'Jen, the last few weeks I realized that I want nothing more than to be with you. I missed you with all my heart and realized that I want you by my side for the rest of my life...' he paused

'Jennifer Morrison, will you marry me?'


A/N: Plottwist! Do you want the next chapter from Colin's point of view or Jen's? Please let me know!

Please share your thoughts with me!!

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