Chapter 27 ✰ Butterflies And Naked Cuddles

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Colin's pov

I couldn't leave her alone this Christmas. Her family already made their plans and after all that happened, she just can't be alone. I think that no one should be alone at Christmas, but unfortunately it happens too often. My parents responded very enthusiastically when I said that Jennifer would come along. My parents are in any case the most hospitable people you can imagine, but with the holidays they like it even more. I haven't told them about what is going on between me and Jennifer. We haven't made it official yet, but I think that's too early for her.

There were still two weeks of scenes on the program. After shooting we would leave to Ireland to stay there for two weeks. I had the luxury of having my own place there. When I'm in Vancouver I rent it out and as soon as I go to Ireland I have my own familiar place. Drogheda was my home and every time I missed it again. I was already looking forward to be there again.

Jennifer had agreed to do Christmas shopping. I always love to pamper my family at this time of the year. We wandered through the city together. Fortunately, she seemed a lot happier than she was this morning. I knew she loved Christmas. Of course there was a blemish this year due to the death of Aiden, but I wanted to see her laugh again. Something she rarely did lately.

I looked at her and smiled. Every time I looked at her I felt a tickle in my body. The kind of tickle you have when you're in love, but it felt differently. Much more intense. When I looked at her, I saw a future ahead of me.

It isn't very masculine to admit, but I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life. I just didn't know if she felt the same way. We walked past a jeweler. She took me to the shop window and enthusiastically showed me a necklace she liked so much. I was shocked when I saw the price.

'I'm not worth it' she sighed.

I wrapped my arm around her. 'Treat yourself, Jennifer' I said referring to an interview with Josh.

'You're crazy!' she said laughing.

I shrugged my shoulders. 'They say so, but I think it's not that bad'

She laughed as she pushed me away. Jennifer never actually bought anything for herself, except for books... She bought a lot of them.

We continued our way in the city. We stumbled into almost every store, but at the end of the afternoon we had bags full of presents. She was going to have dinner with Rose that evening, so unfortunately we had to say goodbye at 5 pm.

She pressed a kiss on my cheek. 'I'll see you tonight' she whispered.

I smiled. 'See you tonight'

She giggled for a moment as she walked away. Everything about us screamed that we have a relationship or at least that we're screwing each other. I can tell you it isn't both of them. It has been more than 6 weeks since we had sex for the last stime, but she asked me to be patient.

I walked back towards the car and passed the jeweler where she became so enthusiastic. I stared at the jewelery in the shop window and at the necklace she wanted so badly. I already pictured him around her neck. I decided that she did deserve it and went into the store.

In the store I looked a bit further and saw the engagement rings. Given our ages, it isn't strange to think about that, but her last proposal wasn't exactly a success. I did want to ask her to marry me, but this would be too soon. I sighed and walked over to the checkout where I asked for the necklace in the shop window.

'She must be very special' said the girl behind the counter.

I smiled. 'That's for sure'

She winked. 'She's lucky with a man like you'

I felt my cheeks flushing red. I wanted nothing more than to be her man, but I had no idea what she wanted right now. One moment she was very affectionate and the other moment she didn't seem to need me at all.

'Is it a Christmas gift?' she asked.

I nodded. Actually, I didn't want to wait until Christmas. My family would immediately notice that I feel more for her and that she isn't just a friend. My mother will notice that soon anyway. In addition, I'm also very impatient. If I buy a gift for someone I prefer to give it immediately.

I settled and left the store. Before I went to the car, I stopped at a few stores to get some extra presents for her. After that I drove home.

Once at home I decided to have food delivered. Since I'm closer with Jennifer, I haven't had any takeaway food. Previously I ate that almost daily, so I'm making progress.

The rest of the evening I spent on the couch with Netflix. The last few weeks we only watched together, so I had little fun with it. Halfway through the movie was a intense sex scene and it turned me on. Normally I have no problems with that, but it was already some time ago since I had sex. I picked up my phone and decided to send her a message.

'I really want to kiss you right now' I smiled as I sent the message.

Less than a minute later I already received her message.

'Thank you for reminding me what butterflies feel like. I need to kiss you'

She only made me want her more

'I promise to always be by your side. Or under you... Or on top ;)'

'Don't dare me, O'Donoghue. Do you want to cuddle naked when I'm home, yes or yes?'

I laughed as I sent 'YES!' in capital letters to her. I couldn't wait until she was home.


A/N: Do you think Colin should ask her to marry him? 😇

Please share your thoughts with me!!

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