Chapter 28 ✰ Third Leg Day

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Jen's pov

I couldn't wait until I could return to Colin. For a long time I didn't want to be intimate with him, but now I could no longer wait. Rose kept chatting endlessly about her Down Under family. I loved her so much, but I hoped the time would go by soon tonight.

After a few long hours she finally told me that she had to leave. I called Colin to pick me up. Half an hour later we were in his car together. There was a huge tension between us and it was even a bit uncomfortable. Something that was normally never the case between us.

He rested his hand on my thigh. I felt the warmth of his hand on my skin. He continued to slide his hand under my skirt.

'Colin, you're driving...' I moaned.

He immediately withdrew his hand, which made me regret that I had opened my mouth. My thigh felt cold without his hand. It was quiet for a few minutes. He took my hand and stroked the top of it with his thumb. Then he did something totally unexpected. He put my hand on his crotch.

He moaned as I tightened my grip. I felt him getting hard in his pants. He rested his hand on my thigh again.

'Maybe we should wait until we're back home' I whispered between our moans

Home... it wasn't even my home officially, but that's how it felt for me. Colin was my home, my safe place.

'I can't wait' he moaned.

I took my hand off his crotch and took the hand that was on my thigh. 'You're driving and I want you to pay attention. I want to have you by my side for a while'

The fact was that I refused to lose someone else. Especially when it comes to him.

Once home, it didn't take long for our clothes to fly around the room. I longed for him and for the first time in weeks it felt good again.

The following days were all about working. The day we were leaving to Ireland was approaching and I became more and more enthusiastic. He told me stories about Ireland and I wanted to see it with my own eyes more and more.

We would spend the week before Christmas at his house. His place in Vancouver was pretty simple, but if I could believe the stories of Sean, Colin has a beautiful house in Drogheda.

From Christmas Eve to December 26th we would spend the day with his family. His parents are the most incredible people I've ever met and I can't wish for a better in-laws. In-laws... I already considered them that way, while at the moment Colin and I are no more than friends who have sex with each other. Intuitively I knew things were good between us, but we never made it official. Something I would like to do despite everything.

I couldn't think about seeing him with another woman. My heart couldn't handle it. Yet I was too coward to ask him myself. I was afraid that it would change things between us and I didn't want that to happen. Number one on my list with good intentions for next year: don't doubt and wait. Something I did quite often lately.

'Jen, do you know where my suitcase is?' he said as he walked into the bedroom

I laughed. Sometimes we seemed like a married couple. I turned on my heel and looked at him. 'Honey, I've been with you for just a few weeks and I've never seen your suitcase here.'

He shrugged his shoulders. 'Women can always find everything'

'No, I know how you're searching for things. You look fast, but you don't move anything.'

He stepped closer to me and rested his forehead against mine. His familiar, leathery scent came towards me and I felt my knees getting weak. He noticed it and laughed. 'Can't you handle it?'

I shook my head as I grabbed the lapels of his jacket. 'My knees can't handle it'

'Are you in love?' he asked sharply

'No, yesterday was leg day'

I could tell that he was shocked at first. 'Do you mean in bed with me?' he asked laughing

I pushed him on his bed and sat down on top of him. 'That was your third leg day'

'That sounds fun. Can you tell me how to do that?' he asked cheeky.

I moved up and down on his crotch. 'Something like that' I whispered in his ear.

'What else?' he groaned as he moved his hands to my ass.

I pressed kisses on his neck and slowly went to his mouth. I took his face in my hands and kissed him passionately. 'And this' I whispered between kisses.

'I think I want another third leg day' he groaned as he tried to kiss me again.

'We have to pack our bags...' I said while he pressed kisses on my cheek.

'That can be done later. You must be done now'

'I hate how you seem to know that I can't resist you in anything' I said trying to act like I was dissapointed

He laughed as he caressed my cheek. 'And I love you for it'

'Shut up and kiss the hell out of me, before I change my mind'


A/N: Next stop: Ireland! :)

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