Chapter 48 ✰ The Big Answer

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Jen's pov

You know you're in love when you can say anything to the person and you know he won't laugh at you. When you can see his face when you close your eyes. When you can still feel his arms around you holding you tight long after he is gone. When you can still taste his lips after you have said goodbye. You can tell you're in love when you miss him before he is gone. When his voice lingers in your ears. When his pressence eases any pain. When his name sends chills down your spine. When he is the only thing you can think about. You know you are in love when you can see all his hopes and dreams and his soul when you look into his eyes. When he calls you at four in the morning to say 'I love you'. When tears stain not only his shirt, but also his heart. When he is hurt just because of these tears. When even a simple chore done with him can become a lasting memory. Ultimately, you know you are in love when you can't imagine living without him, and can't figure out how you live before you knew him. When he fulfill every need and without him you are incomplete. The love of him completes your heart and mind.

Tears welled up in my eyes. 'I love you too'

Colin opened something he'd grabbed from the bedside table. 'Jen, will you marry me?'

My jaw dropped. Did he really just do this? I blinked because I couldn't realize what was happening.

'If you don't want this or think it's too early, please say it'

I had been quiet for too long. 'Colin, I...'

He smiled faintly. 'I understand'

'No, let me finish now. I just want to spend every possible minute of the rest of my life with you.'

He raised his eyebrow. 'You do?'

I nodded. 'So my answer is yes. I want nothing more right now than marrying you'

A huge smile appeared on his face. He grabbed the ring from the box and slid it on my finger. It was the most beautiful ring I've ever seen in my life. I pressed my lips to his. I've never been so happy. I've never felt this way before. I'm so in love with this man.

I prefer to stay in bed with him all day, but work had to be done. The smile stuck on my face and nothing could change that. When we walked towards the trailers together, Josh already ran into us.

'I see my plan has worked out!' he said proudly

Colin grinned. 'Not exactly. The dinner was with Sebastian'

Josh was startled. 'Sorry buddy. I really didn't know that'

He patted Josh's shoulder. 'It ended well, that's the most important'

'So you are together again?'

I nodded as I played with the engagement ring on my finger. Josh didn't notice and wrapped his arms around us. 'I'm so happy for you guys!'

We continued our way to Colin's trailer and he opened it. His trailer had also become a bit of mine. Only when he wasn't on set, I spent time in my own. I sat down on the couch and grinned.

Colin turned around and raised his eyebrow. 'Why are you laughing?'

'Actually, it all started here on this couch'

He knelt in front of me and took my hands in his. 'It all started when I saw you for the first time, but...'

'I was with Sebastian, I know' I interrupted

He looked at my hands and caressed the top of them with his thumbs. He played with my engagement ring.

'Is there something wrong?' I asked

He shook his head. 'No, why?'

'You are so calm'

He sighed and looked at me. 'This morning was very impulsive'

Disappointment overtook me. 'Do you regret it?'

'No, of course not. I just wanted it to be perfect and it wasn't. It's just a normal day now '

'Colin, it was perfect for me' I said as I grabbed his face between my hands. 'Even if you had asked me in the bathroom I would have said yes'

'Let's celebrate it tonight at the cast night' he suggested. I nodded in agreement and pressed my lips to his.

We did some scenes for the rest of the day. Everyone was ready at the same time on friday and that meant that it was cast night. Every week it was somewhere else and this time we had rented something, because we had a little break after this week.

I tapped my wine glass to get the attention. Colin wrapped his arm around my waist. 'It might be cliché, but I want to thank you all. We are so close to each other that we are a second family. A family that I almost wanted to leave, but fortunately I could stay longer. Many things have changed, but many things have remained the same. Ginny as our mother and Josh with his fart jokes, to name a few. Colin and I have always been close, but during this season we finally fell for each other '

I looked beside me and stared into his bright blue eyes. A smile appeared on my face.

'I have never been in love so much and I would like to announce that another married Once-couple will be coming soon'

Lana seemed to be the first to realize what had been said. 'O my god, you are getting married!' she shouted enthusiastically as she hugged me. The rest followed quickly and everyone was happy for us. The champagne bottles were opened and everyone drank a lot, except for Colin.

'So, Mrs. O'Donoghue, what drink are you going to take now?' Lana shouted in my ear

I laughed. I was clearly drunk and I didn't care at all. 'I want it all!'

'You heard Mrs. O'Donoghue, she wants it all.' Lana thought for a moment and laughed. 'I also want it all!'

I turned around and smiled at Colin. He shook his head, laughing, and continued talking to Sean and Andrew. I ordered a Coke for him and walked with Lana to the men.

'A Coke for Mr. O'Donowhoo' I said with a thick tongue

Sean laughed hard. 'For whom, Jen?'


'You said something else. I didn't understand you' Lana teased

'I'Donowho' I tried again

'You don't know who?' Sean and Lana cried with laughter

Colin rolled his eyes with irritation, handling the Coke from me. 'Thanks'

I wrapped my arms around his neck. I wanted to hold him, but I also wanted him to hold me because I didn't know how much longer I could stand. He wrapped his arms around my waist. 'Drunk too much, Morrison?'

I nodded. 'Mr. Obvious'

'Don't be so cheeky to your fiancé. I still have to bring you home'

I grinned. 'You will never leave me'

He smiled and grabbed my hand with the engagement ring. 'And this reminds you of that'

I rested my head on his chest. 'I can't wait to be married'

'Me too, love'

"Mr. and Mrs. O'Donoghue. Sounds perfect, right? "

He smiled as he caressed my cheek. 'So you can pronounce it'

I pressed my lips to his. 'How can I forget the most beautiful surname? The surname I want to carry with me for the rest of my life'


A/N: It took me longer than expected to update. Tomorrow is my first day of school since half a year. I really hope that I have enough time to continue writing.

Please share your thoughts with me!!

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@ CaptainSwanStories

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