Chapter 11 ✰ Cooking Is Like Performing

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Jen's pov

There was tension between us all day. With every touch I felt goose bumps all over my body and I was sure he had it too. With every smile I felt my knees become weak. He had that influence on many women. I didn't lie this morning. He was my kind of man, and after I had felt what he has in his pants, it became increasingly difficult to hold back.

The end of my shooting day approached and I knew that Colin was going home at the same time. I was waiting for him at his car, something I did more often lately. His beautiful smile appeared on his face when he saw me.

'Hey you!' he said cheerfully.

'Hey you!' I repeated. 'What are you doing tonight?'

'Not many plans. It will probably be a Netflix night. Again.' he said with little enthusiasm.

'Maybe we can do something fun together?' I gathered all my courage to ask the question. There was a long silence.

'If you don't want to, then...' I began.

'No, no, that is not the point.' he said quickly.

'What is the point then?'

'I didn't expect it, Jen.' he said as he grabbed my hands. 'But I think it's nice to do something together. It's a long time ago.'

I nodded. The last time we did something together was over a year ago. Of course we're on the set every day, but it's different. Being together with him has always been very nice. He's the kind of person you can laugh with, cry with and share everything with. I smiled at the thought of that.

'Earth to Jennifer. What do you want to do?' he asked for the second time.

'Sorry... We can go to my place and cook together if you like it?' I suggested

'I would really like that!' he said genuinely enthusiastic.

I felt a weight falling from my shoulders. 'Shall we go then?'

He nodded. 'There is only one problem...'

Please, don't say that you have a girlfriend and that you can't do this. 'What kind of problem?'

'Buckley ... I really have to walk with him before I go to your place'

Another weight fell off. 'No problem! Then we first go to your place and then to mine. I also like to see Buckley again.'

We got into his car and drove to his house. He has said for a long time that he wouldn't move for his work, but he did it anyway. Traveling became too much for him. I've always had a lot of respect for the fact that his family lives on the other side of the world and that he's actually completely alone here. Of course he has his friends and colleagues from Once Upon A Time, but a big part of his life is back in Ireland.

'There we are!' he said as he parked the car. He got out and walked to the other side to open my door. He is such a gentleman. I smiled when I got out of the car and we walked together to the front door. Behind the door I heard Buckley running enthusiastically back and forth.

'Hey Bucks!' Colin exclaimed enthusiastically as we walked inside. He knelt down next to Buckley and tickled his head. 'Hey buddy!'

We put on his collar and leash and walked together. It almost felt like we were already a couple. 'You can take Buckley with you if you want to? Ava would love it!'

He nodded. 'I don't have to pay attention to the time, so if you do not mind...'

'Of course not! You and Buckley are always welcome, you know that.'

We walked back towards his house. Colin fastened Buckley in the car as I leaned against it. When he was done he came close to me. 'Ready to go?' he asked.

I could only nod. His head was very close to mine and my knees became weak again. 'Ready to cook?' I finally managed to say.

'Don't you just want to order something?'

I shook my head. 'No way, O'Donoghue!'

He laughed. 'Since when are you so dedicated to cooking?'

'Cooking is like performing. Put it all together and raise the temperature. That's why I am so dedicated'

He groaned. 'Are you sure you're still talking about cooking?'


A/N: Date number 1 is on it's way!!

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