Chapter 41 ✰ Settled For Less

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Jen's pov

A few months later

'Please welcome my on-camera wifey, Jennifer Morrison!' Colin yelled from the stage to announce me.

The first convention of the year was a fact. I love to do conventions because it's the best way to get to know the fans better. Especially the ones with Colin are my favorite. We always have a good laugh together and he's just an amazing actor and person.

'Hi Colin!' I said as I embraced him. 'Hi everyone!' I said to the crowd as I sat down on my stool.

'What's the news, Colin?'

He laughed. 'Just having a good time'

We turned to the left for the first question. A cute little girl, barely 6 years old, was standing there. 'My question is for Killian. Are you missing Milah?'

Colin smiled. 'Yeah, of course I'm missing her. She was my first love and I was out for revenge for centuries. Until I met this woman next to me' he answered as he poked me with his elbow.

'What was the most funniest moment together on set?' the girl on the right asked.

He looked at me and chuckled. 'For her it was definitely the Wish Hook scene. I thought she was gonna wet herself'

I rolled my eyes. 'You're always saying that! You just can't forget about it, can you?'

He shrugged his shoulders. 'Don't blame me. I'm just incredibly funny'

I laughed as I tried to answer her question. 'You know, working with Colin is a blessing. He's always there to make people laugh and there's not a day going by without laughing.'

'I agree'

The crowd laughed and so was I. 'You agree with you being funny?'


'Since you both know your characters so well, have you ever had a moment when you got a script and your character did or said something that you struggle to understand why your character would do that and how do you handle that?' the next girl asked.

'Such a deep question' I exhaled deeply

'It's a good one' Colin added

We both had to think about it for a few minutes. 'Emma is just complicated when it comes to loving someone, because of her past and all the people who let her down. I think I totally understand everything she did or said during the seasons. Maybe she should have given Hook a chance a bit earlier. He did everything for her and she was very... unkind to him.' I started

He nodded. 'I think Eddy and Adam did a great job with the writing. Every line seems to suit the character. Sometimes I miss the cheeky, flirty Hook, but I do get why they changed that on him.'

'What's the best thing of working at Once Upon A Time?'

'That would be a whole list...'

Colin chuckled. 'Yeah, you always have the biggest and poetic answers so go ahead. I'll agree'

'Everyone is just great. We're like one big happy family. I'm able to work with my best friend every single day' I said as I looked to him. God if only they knew that he was more than just my best friend...

'and the storylines are great, the locations are perfect...'

'I agree with, Jen'

The whole crowd started laughing again. 'No honestly, I agree with her' he tried but they couldn't stop laughing.

The questions went on and on for a while. It always amaze me that some people are travelling all over the world to meet us. The Oncers are so dedicated and loving that I love to make some time for them. Colin and I went backstage for the break in between the conventions.

He pulled me into a hug. 'When are we going to tell them?'

I shrugged my shoulders. 'I really don't know. I love what we have now. Our little bubble.'

He nodded. 'I know, I love that too. But don't you think we have to tell them sooner or later?'

'Yeah, but I prefer to tell them later. I just want to enjoy you, us, everything, without the opinions of everyone.'

I felt his soft lips on my forehead. 'If that's what you want, than I agree'

I laughed. 'You always agree with me, O'Donoghue'

He stuck out his tongue. 'Let's get some Starbucks. I'm craving for a coffee'

I acted like I was hesitating for a moment.

'O, come on. You never say no to a coffee. Especially if it's one from Starbucks'

I rubbed my chin. 'Well, if you put it like that, then I would love to get some coffee with you'

He raised his eyebrow. 'Seriously, are you quoting a scene right now?'

'Yeah!' I laughed as I pressed him towards the door.

'I really hope there's not a bus, Morrison' he said laughing as he pressed the door.

I chuckled. 'Dork!'

We tried to reach the closest Starbucks as unobtrusively as possible. Mission impossible, of course. Everyone knew that we were there at that moment, so in no time there were a lot of fans around us. We rushed back as quickly as possible.

'You have to make a sacrifice if you want a good coffee...' Colin sighed as he sat on the couch in his dressing room. I sat down next to him. We sat there for a while in silence.

'Since the time I was with my parents, you and I haven't actually spent a day without each other' I began

'Do you mind?' he asked.

I shook my head. 'No, but it just surprised me. It never worked in previous relationships'

He grinned

'What?' I asked irritated

'You keep saying that it didn't work, you were busy and all that kind of excuses. I think you didn't want it. You didn't need to be with someone all the time, until now.'

He hit the nail on the head. I had never been as deeply in love as I am now. Colin changed something in me, in the positive way. I don't understand why I have ever settled for less.


A/N: I guess this story needed a less emotional chapter 😂

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@ CaptainSwanStories

UNSCRIPTED ✰ COLIFER ✅Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora