Chapter 42 ✰ Dear Future Husband

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Colin's pov

After a few hours of waiting it was time for the afternoon convention. Days like this were very exhausting, but I really loved to do it. Jennifer had a convention on her own before this one, so the last hour went by very slowly without her.

'Speaking of handsome man.... Please welcome my on-camera hubby, Colin O'Donoghue!' she shouted to announce me. I walked onto the stage. 'You were lucky I was right there, Morrison' I said as I sat down on the stool for the second time that day.

The fans started with easy questions about the seasons, episodes, progress between Emma and Hook and how we think about Captain Swan. Until a shy, young woman took place behind the mic. 'My question is for both of you. I already passed the age of twenty and I'm still single. Do you guys have any advice for girls like me?'

Jen smiled. 'It takes a strong person to remain single in a world that is accustomed to settling with anything just to say they have something. Being single isn't something bad. Your time will come but you just have to be patient.'

This woman always had the perfect answers for questions like this.

I nodded in agreement. 'I completely agree with her and you know what... Someday someone is going to look at you with a light in their eyes you've never seen. They'll look at you like you're everyting they've been looking for their entire lives. Wait for that and don't settle for less just because you want to be with someone.' 

'Thank you so much' the girl answered.

After the convention we went backstage again. I was starving. 'Shall we go eat somewhere to celebrate our anniversary?'

'I don't know... I don't want it to be like Starbucks earlier today. Maybe we can order something and eat it together in your room?'

I smiled. She always knew how to convince me. 'That sounds even better. But on one condition...'

'And that will be?' she asked suspicious

'You have to stay the night' I answered cheeky

She wrapped her arms around my neck. 'And what made you think you deserve that, O'Donoghue?'

'Because I'm the best boyfriend out there and because I know you want to stay'

'Says who?'

'Then tell me you don't want to stay'

She sighed while a smile appeared on her face. 'Okay, you're right. I want to stay.'

'Meet me at eight, in my room' I whispered. I pressed a kiss on her cheek and left.

Jen's pov

I was nervous about my date with Colin. It didn't make any sense, of course, because I had known him for years and we had been together for six months. I knew him better than anyone else and he knew me, but I was still nervous. Probably it was because I was so in love with this man. Head over heels.

I went through the clothes that I had taken with me on this trip. It wasn't much, but I was glad that I had decided to take a party dress with me. Not that there was a party planned, but I always took it with me just in case I needed it. This was such a moment that I was very happy with that decision. Colin had only told me that I had to be in his room at eight, so I had no idea if he would wear his comfortable clothes or a suit.

I went to his room a few minutes before time. Unfortunately, it was a floor below mine. I knocked at his door, which was immediately opened by him. He stood there in a black pants and a dark blue shirt. I loved it when he wore blue, especially when it was dark blue. It was beautiful with his bright blue eyes. It made them even pop out more than they normally do.

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