Chapter 16 ✰ My Chosen One

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Jen's pov

Colin had left early in the morning. I knew I would see him again on the set later that day. I was looking forward to it, but I was also ashamed. I knew I should have told him about Aiden, but I just couldn't bare it. Being together with Colin was nice, so incredibly nice that it can't be described. It feels like coming home after a long journey, even better than that. The evening and night we had together was great and I ruined everything in barely ten minutes.

I buried my head in my pillow. Although I didn't see Aiden often, I really started to love him. It wasn't comparable with what I felt for Colin, far from it, but I loved him. 'Dammit!' I screamed in my pillow. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I can't lose Colin. I refuse to.

I went out of bed a little while later. I looked at myself in the mirror and what I saw was awful. Red eyes with bags underneath it. Something that appeals to every man... Not! I laughed at how pathetic that actually sounded in my head. 'You're a 38-year-old woman, Jen. Get your shit together' I said to my reflection in the mirror. I poked the bags underneath my eyes and laughed. 'The make-up artists will have a lot of work on that!'

The morning slowly passed. Colin would start at 11 o'clock, but it was a scene without me so I started later. When I was picking up my stuff, I saw his t-shirt in the corner of my eye. My heart skipped a beat. His t-shirt was on the couch. As a movie, the night before played off in my head.

And then I realized that we had already pulled out each other's shirts on the couch. I sat down on the couch with Colin's shirt in my hands. I brought it to my face and sniffed his smell. His delicious familiar scent. He always wears t-shirts under his blouses and he must have forgotten it this morning. I took me a while to realize something else. The most terrible part. Aiden... Aiden must have seen Colin's shirt when he came in. I buried my face in my hands. What was I doing?

When I arrived on set they were already done with the scene without me. It went so well that they were done very quickly. I went looking for Colin. Something I did every day for almost 6 years. Only this time it was different. This time he probably wouldn't want to see me.

His shirt burned in my bag. I doubted whether I should give it back or not. I walked towards his trailer and knocked. No answer. I pushed the door handle down, but it was locked. I stared through the window, but saw no movement. Colin wasn't in his trailer at all.

I turned around as I heard a voice singing softly. I recognized the sound like no other and walked in the direction it came from. Colin sat on a bench with his guitar, humming a song. When I came closer I could hear him sing.

'Touch my mouth and hold my tongue. I'll never be your chosen one. I'll be home, safe and tucked away. Well, you can't tempt me if I don't see the day'

I swallowed as I watched him. He didn't realize I was there. He was often ashamed to sing, but his voice was beautiful. I could listen to it for hours.

'The pull on my flesh was just too strong. It stifled the choice and the air in my lungs. Better not to breath than to breath a lie. Because when I open my body, I breathe a lie.' he continued.

Tears welled up in my eyes. It felt like he sang about me and I was pretty sure he did.

'I will not speak of your sin. There was a way out for him. The mirror shows not. Your values are all shot.'

I felt a tear roll down my cheeks. Don't get me wrong, his singing was beautiful, but the words hit me one by one.

'But oh my heart, was flawed I knew my weakness...' he went on but he stopped immediately when he heard a loud crackle. A branch broke under my feet.

'Jen? How long have you been there?' he asked in amazement.

'Long enough'

He nodded and continued on his guitar. I walked over to him and sat down next to him on the bench.


He laughed. 'If you start a sentence with my name, it usually means nothing good' he said annoyed.

I took his hand but he pulled it away. 'I'm really sorry. It was so incredibly wrong to tell you nothing about Aiden, but I started to fall for you.'

He rolled his eyes. 'I already fell for you. And do you know what has fallen with me this morning? My heart.'

Tears rolled down my cheeks. 'I'm so sorry.' I sounded more desperate than I would have liked.

He wiped the tears from my cheeks. I smiled. 'I don't want you to cry' he said. How has the world  deserved a man like him? The most loyal and sincere man out there.

'I don't want you to hate me...' I cried

'I don't hate you. You hurt my feelings.'

'That's even worse!'

He sighed and stared at his feet. 'You know, Jen... I wish you all the luck in this world. You deserve that. You really deserve that.'

Another tear rolled down my cheek. I wrapped my arm around him and put my head down on his shoulder. It felt so good to be with him.

'What about us now?' I asked. I was afraid of his answer. Afraid he didn't want to see me anymore. Afraid he wouldn't tell me everything again. Afraid that he couldn't or wouldn't be friends anymore. Did I mention that I was afraid?

'I don't know. I honestly don't know. I can't imagine a life without you'

'Neither do I...' I had spent most of my life without him, but he had become so important to me. 'You're my best friend...' I added.

'And you're mine'

A weight fell off my shoulders. We both stood up and I hugged him. 'Are we finding our ways through this together?'

He nodded as he hugged me back. I felt my knees getting weak and my skin was on fire because his touched mine.

'Colin...' I said when I pulled away from him.

He laughed. 'You really like to say my name, don't you?'

I smiled back. 'What did you mean when you sang: I'll never be your chosen one?'

'It's just a song.' he tried.

I shook my head. 'No, it was more than that. Tell me!'

He sighed. 'I'm disappointed in relationships so often. You know me. If I like someone I'll go for it all the way but it hurts even more if it's not mutual. It also happened more often that there was another man and it never worked out well. '


'I was never the chosen one'

I caressed his cheek with my thumb.

'You'll always be my chosen one'


A/N: Cutie pies ❤️ The song Colin was singing is an actual song. It's 'Broken Crown' by Mumford and Sons.

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