Chapter 18 ✰ No Desserts Before Dinner

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Jen's pov

That evening I had a date with Aiden. When I got home he had cooked a delicious meal and there were candles on the table. Normally I would have loved it, but this time it didn't matter much to me. Aiden talked about his business trip and told me that he had to leave again tomorrow for his next trip.

'Can't you stay longer?' I asked

He shook his head. 'It get paid well, honey. This summer we can finally make that long journey that you would like to'

That he would like to. I've spent part of my life in an airplane, so I don't even want to make a long journey. I was disappointed that he had to leave so quickly, but it gave me opportunities to find out what I wanted with Colin.

Everything that Aiden does, I now compare with Colin. I even compare the sex between us with that one night I had with him. It was so perfect. He was so loving and gentle, but also had his crazy naughty side.

'Jen?' Aiden said. I was apparently lost in my thoughts.

'Sorry what did you say?'

'Don't you work too much?' he asked concerned.

I shook my head. 'It was just an intense day' I lied. There was only one person in my head and that wasn't Aiden. After a while I fell asleep with my head on his chest.

The next morning I woke up and I noticed that Aiden was already gone. It surprised me because he always woke me up when he had to leave. I found a note on my bedside table.

'Good morning darling,

I've let you sleep because you were so tired last night. Don't forget I love you and I'll see you in two weeks.

With love, Aiden '

I smiled. He was always so sweet and concerned. I sent him a message to let him know that I had read it and to wish him a nice trip. Then I quickly got ready for a new day of work. That night I would finally go on a date with Colin and I was really looking forward to it. We have been friends for years and we know each other very well, but we can talk endlessly about everything.

I picked one of my favorite dresses for tonight's date and looked for a nice pair of heels. I put them in my bag and less than a minute later Josh and Ginny were at the door to pick me up.

The day slowly passed. I didn't see Colin that much that day and it only made me more nervous. Our gazes met at lunch, but he sat down with Andrew and Rose. It frustrated me that I couldn't talk about it to anyone.

Somewhat before 7 we were finally done. I hurried myself to my trailer to change my clothes. 'Are you going somewhere?' Ginny asked when she came by my trailer to say goodbye.

I nodded. 'I'm going to eat something with...' I paused

'With whom?'

'With Colin' I admitted

Ginny laughed. 'Finally! Have fun tonight!' she yelled to me as she walked away with Josh.

'Thanks! See you tomorrow!' I yelled back. I quickly fixed my hair and make-up and walked outside. Colin leaned against my trailer. He looked beautiful in his dark jeans and black shirt. His jaw dropped.

'You look...' he paused for a minute '...beautiful, Jen'

I smiled and looked at my feet shyly. It was colder than I expected. He noticed that I shivered so he wrapped his arm around me as we walked to his car.

'Where are we going?' he asked as we sat in the car

'Your favorite restaurant'

He raised his eyebrow. 'My favorite restaurant?'

'Come on, O'Donoghue! You're not going to tell me that I know better what your favorite is than yourself!'

He laughed. 'I'm afraid so, Morrison. I have no clue'

'Think about it' I insisted

He thought for a few seconds. 'McDonald's?'

I rolled my eyes. 'I think we're really well dressed for that, dork. We're going to eat at that Irish restaurant you talked about recently'

He laughed harder this time. 'Irish restaurant? You mean a pub?' he almost cried out of laughing.

'You know what I mean!' I said offended.

He started the engine while he was still laughing.

I slapped his knee. 'Colin! Stop it!'

'Sometimes you really don't know how funny you are, Jen. But you want to get to know the Irish atmosphere?'

I nodded. 'Yes, you know the United States by now, but I don't know anything about Ireland.'

He looked at his rear-view mirror and then at me. 'Why don't you go with me once? My parents would also like to see you again'

'I would love to, but...' I began, but he cut me off.

'Aiden, I know...'

I put my hand on his hand that rested on his gear stick. 'Shall we not talk about him tonight, but only about us?'

He nodded. 'Don't you feel guilty?' he asked directly.


'I'm sorry, I just can't get it out of my mind'

I caressed the top of his hand. 'Shall we just enjoy tonight?'

He nodded in agreement.

After a few minutes of driving, he parked the car in front of the restaurant. He turned to me and caressed my cheek with his thumb. He rested his forehead against mine and our noses touched each other. I felt his warm breath against my face. We were like that for a few minutes and neither of us wanted to let the other go.

'You really have to let go, otherwise I can't stop myself from kissing you' he moaned

When his lips came closer, I pressed a kiss on his cheek.

'No desserts before dinner, O'Donoghue'


A/N: Next chapter is about their date from Colin's point of view! 🙂

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