4. Chapter

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Almost two weeks had passed and I had grown closer to BTS. "Hurry up Dea", J-Hope yelled at me. It was Friday and the midyear holidays were coming up and we all wanted to get away from school. We had plans, now we only needed to discuss some more and most importantly convince my parents of the idea. Yeah, if everything went right I would soon be lying on the beach!

"Relax, slave driver! I have to get my books first or my mom will be angry", I yelled back. "You are behaving just like little kids", my educated English literature teacher stepped out of his classroom. "I'm not. Tell her to hurry up Namjoon, I'm hungry" Hobi complained. "Me too" "Yes, same here" That could only be Jin and Tae. I sighed and slammed my locker close. "Then let's go."

The rest of the boys were already pacing outside in impatience. "Finally! What took you so long?", Jimin groaned. "Dea..." I shot Hobi an condescending glance and he shut up. But of course Tae, whom I still didn't get along with told them. Sugas gaze shifted towards me in annoyance before he muttered something under his breath. I am sure it was a curse. "Let's go", the maknae interrupted. "Yeah, let's go!", everyone agreed.

I got in the car with Hobi, Yoongi and Jimin and the others took Jin's. We parked in the garage and then went into their house. I had probably spent more time here than at home for the past week to the discomfort of my parents. I had only told them I was with friends but I hadn't told them that my best friend was a teacher. No, I had yet to tell them and today was the big day. But before that we'd grab something to eat. I was starving.

J-Hope went straight up to the fridge and growled. "Who forgot to buy my snacks?!" That's when the others entered and he looked at Jin accusingly. The man threw his hands in the air and meant, "I am not in charge of the household alone. Jimin was rationed to take care of our food resources this week."

"Jimiiiin!", J-Hope screamed. Huh, poor Jiminie he hadn't done anything wrong. But I had to think about myself because I was guilty. They were also my favourite snacks.... I tried not to frown as I heard the Mochi whimper. Tae pulled me into the living room and whispered, "I observed you when you took them." Now I frowned. I didn't want to imagine what would happen if he told Hoseok and he sure would. "What do you want, Tae?" , I rubbed my forehead in frustration. "Nothing", his warm breath fanned across my neck and sent a shiver down my spine. "Then what is this about?" "I think you want something from me", he smirked. I wrinkled my nose in disgust, "In your dreams." "Maybe" he whispered and added "Hoseok" in a louder voice.

I glared at him and covered his mouth with my hand. "Changed your mind so quickly?" "No. Just don't tell him. Please", I pleaded. He smiled his boxy smile and said, "You owe me", before leaving. I made a mental note to myself to not steal snacks anymore.

- - - - -

"Let's order food", Jungkook suggested. "Yes, pizza alright with you guys?", Suga said already on the phone. Everybody nodded. "Here seonsaeng Min. The usual please and a pizza Hawaii."

The service arrived and we sat down to enjoy our food. After we had finished we all split up again and drove to my parents house.

To say that I was nervous was an understatement. I was more than just nervous. In the short past I hadn't gotten along too well with my parents because in my old school my grades had started suffering. Now I had changed schools and it had gotten better but still I feared that they might not allow me to travel. I love my parents but we don't have the same opinion on grades. A lot of my freedom concerning my spare time depends on my success in school.

I opened the door and let the guys in. "Welcome to my home!" I tried to smile but rather frowned. "Don't worry so much", Hobi meant and hugged me. "Yeah, you really have nothing to worry about Dea", Namjoon reassured, "Your English paper was impressive. I wasn't able to tell that you missed almost half an year, indeed I'd say your writing skills are over average." I blushed and looked away. "Thank you guys for supporting me", I mumbled. "Always noona", Jungkook smiled cutely. I wasn't his noona but fine.

Jin accused us loudly, "Nobody told me about that!" "It's not such a big deal guys", I replied wearily. I stepped into the spacious living room and greeted my mom. My dad was fast asleep on the sofa and I exchanged an interrogatory glance with my mom before waking him up. He looked puzzled and sat up when he saw me.

I gave an insecure smile and dad immediately knew that something was wrong. I turned my head but kept an eye on him as I invited the guys. "You can come in now."

Somebody should have pictured the expression on my parents face when seven almost grown up men stepped into their view. It was priceless: Surprise, shock, confusion and finally realization. Realization that they didn't actually have a clue about what was going on in my life. For once something I had known before them.

The pupils were all shy and cutely waving. Aww, ChimChim!!!. Namjoon brave as he was went up to my parents and introduced himself as... my English literature teacher. Followed by complimenting and praising my writing skills in the sky. J-Hope saved me once again as he interrupted him and shook hands with my parents. He stated that he was my best friend first and left out the teacher part, preach! Then he stood next to me and slung his arm over my shoulder and I leaned onto him. The maknae found the courage to follow their example and after five more minutes my parents looked even more puzzled than in the beginning.

Just great! I have to admit my hope of going on a holiday together sunk. Let me express it like that: My parents always act like they have to protect me from every good looking male because they think they are only about one thing. Yes, sad but true.

I bit my lip and waited. Maybe somebody else would do the first step but it seemed like that was my job because it got uncomfortably silent. I sighed.

J-Hope squeezed my shoulder in confirmation and I spoke. "Mom and dad. I wanted to ask you...." I frowned and looked at the others and they nodded so I continued, "I wanted to ask if I could go on a holiday with the boys?" This was so titanic: going down, down, down. I added quickly, "I know it is a big favour to ask for but I will afford it all by myself. I really want to and I will study hard after it I promise."

My parents eyes widened and they exchanged glances. "We can talk about that. But let me ask you a question Dea: What does your semi-annual result look like?", my dad demanded to know. I grimaced before answering, "I didn't get one because they didn't have enough marks to put one together." "How are you doing in school? No lies. It's not necessary for us to call your teachers to find out, or is it?"

Yes, that sounds.. ahm not so nice. Yet, they only want the best for me, especially my dad. The issue here is that they really believe in me and they always think that I can do better and truth be told: I most of the time can and they know. So usually they're not satisfied with my marks and they call me lazy . I am really grateful for their support in my life but we have different values and mine don't include school on top.

"She is an excellent student, seonsaengnim Taek", my best friend blew off his cover. I started fake crying and Jimin hugged me while my mom stared at me in confusion. My dad was busy challenging J-Hope, " And how do you want to know that?" "I am her teacher."

My dad ruffled his hair and sighed in exasperation. "Who are you all and what do you want from my daughter?", he sounded tired. Yoongi rose the word, "We are her friends and our only sincere request is to go on a holiday together. Nothing else and now I'd like to get this over with."

- - - - -

You can imagine that was a discussion that was more than just embarrassing. Fortunately my parents won't have time to talk to me about Bangtan it in detail anytime soon. Because...after all my mom said yes and my dad had to accept it.

One week with my best friend and his hot friends. Sounds great right? I mean what else could you possibly want? Haha, no i am not that facile but pretending is fun because I despise those people. We will have a great time and I love swimming or reading a good book under the hot sun.

Maybe I'll even be able to get it going with Yoongi, I mean he really surprised me today. And Rapmon oppa!!! Wow, he---I felt good with him. His work is awesome and I'd like to--maybe he could help me find my spirit again.

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