27. Chapter

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I remained in the Genius lab a little longer before trying my luck with Dea again. When I found her she was in Hobi's room again. The two of them were busy discussing something but immediately stopped speaking when they noticed me. “What were you talking about?”, I asked a little hurt.

They exchanged glances. “Dance moves.. just life”, the girl responded slowly. “Oh that's nice! You can ask me too next time if you need help. We’ll be rooming together.” I gave her a warm smile but the one she gave back looked rather apologizing. “I already told her and she'd rather stay with me”, Hobi meant distanced and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. Huh? Possessive much. I shot him a warning look. “You also know why we made this decision so let it go.”

“Jimin, it would be way better for you to not share a room. I don't want to share a bed with two love birds. And I will notice if you sneak out and I don't even want to think about what that means”, she explained while cringing. I blushed and started fiddling with the hem of my striped t-shirt. They knew. Of course they knew. I sighed and nodded in agreement to the suggestion. Then I pointed at them and said that it was on their own risk. My assumption was that Namjoon would get jealous. And I thought Dea liked him too! Why was she provoking him so much? She might overdo it.

POV: Dea

Hobi and I smiled at each other. “I knew it would work”, I cried out and grinned. He laughed and we fist bumped. I really liked Jimin but there were a few reasons I wanted to sleep with my best friend.

a) I felt way more comfortable about my body with him. I mean it’s pretty obvious, right?

b) We always had something to gossip about.

c) He knew that I had issues. So he was totally used to me getting emotionally unstable at nightfall. Hobi also didn't mind it if I got clingy and he just gave great cuddles. Oh and well, maybe a part that would be devastating to leave out, I could slip in his presence without it being weird.

And I slipped into littlespace easily. But usually I got out with the same efforts too. There was this constant fear that I would stand out too much. That people would think I was disgusting or immature and didn't want anything to do with me anymore. Judgement. Hobi had proven me he didn't mind more than just once. It's not like I had regressed and started to suck on a pacifier in front of him. No not like that. I had had him so we just did fun things together. Ok (mainly cuddled and played with stuffies hehe) and I don't know if he was aware of why I sometimes acted like a toddler but he never complained.

“Hello, Dea!” a hand waved in front of my face and I jerked out of my daze. Hoseok laughed at my startled expression and I punched him lightly. He teased, “You're so weak, Deaaaaa.” I attempted to express anger but burst out laughing loud because I failed miserably. I bent over and leaned right into my teacher causing him to fall back into the mattress. “You're such a potato”, my friend giggled.

He had just attracted my wrath. I sat up, straddling him and gave a devilish smile and attacked him with my fingers. (Trying to tickle someone who is taller and stronger than you if you yourself are extremely ticklish is never a good idea.) Hobi laughed out loudly. Sadly because I couldn't hold against his grip on my hands. He turned me around easily and peaked his long fingers into my sides. My whole body contracted and my stomach started to hurt soon. “Stop! Sto--p!”, I begged him between laughing and gasping for air.

“So my princess wants me to stop?”, he teased slipping his hands under my pyjama shirt. “Stooop!”, I giggled trying to push him away. He attempted to run his hands up my bare skin to my shoulder blades and I arched my back. He chuckled, “If you honestly want me to stop you should at least try to resist.” “Huh?”, I asked innocently.

He looped his hand around my waist and supported his weight on the other elbow while stroking my cheek with his thumb. His expression was ever so gentle and I smiled back at him warm-hearted. Then he tugged at my thin scarf and took it of. Comparable cold skin rushed to my skin and I shivered. A low chuckle escaped Hobi's sensual lips and the next moment I could feel their warmth at my neck. The teacher trailed soft butterfly kisses from my collarbone to my chin. Oblivious to my body's reaction I wrapped a leg around him and pulled him closer. I was craving his touch and although I wondered how something so wrong could feel so right I didn't care.

He tilted my head back choking me slightly. Memories flashed in my mind and I felt myself getting wet. “Ngh~”, I parted my lips thus his next action was to push two fingers into my mouth. I sucked on them eagerly and he did the same with the sensitive spot beneath my ear. A moan was to escape my lips but instead I gagged. This happened a few more times until I calmed down and swirled my tongue against his long fingers. He pulled them out and complimented me how a good girl I was.

I giggled and snuggled into his chest. “You’ll have to hide your neck again tomorrow, princess”, he whispered and I only nodded before sinking into a light sleep.

- - - - -

POV: Namjoon

Dea has been wearing either a turtleneck or a scarf for the last three days. She was doing the laundry well but of course that wasn't really of interest to me. Why was she covering her neck? She spoke just as much as usual so I forgot about the possibility that she had a sore throat. I mean why would she? We were the ones singing and rapping not her. Indeed a moment later I was proven wrong. We stood in line at the school cafeteria and Jimin was complaining to the girl about something.

When I listened closer I realized that he was talking about having a sore throat. The girl took her tray and bowed slightly before turning to the younger and saying that she had too. Oh no! Don't tell me both of them were getting sick because after all they were sharing a room. I didn't like the part of myself that was still bothered by it. ‘He is gay!’, I reminded myself.

Unlike usually, when I ate with the other teachers, I decided to sit with them. JK, Tae and Hoseok were already digging into their brought lunches but they interrupted their meal to make space for us. The girl sat down next to her best friend naturally although there was way more space where I was sitting.

“Are you and Jimin becoming ill?”, I asked and looked at her. “Nah, why would we?”, she meant and stopped moving rice into her mouth. “I overheard you talking about having a sore throat earlier.”  “Uh..”, the male responded vaguely. She looked at him and then replied that she was fine and that it was pretty common for her in winter. That's why she always drank tea and wore something around her neck if it got worse.

I smiled at her and offered to step by the drug store to get some soothing bonbons. Hobi chuckled and bumped his elbow into Dea’s rips, wiggling his eyebrows. “I don't think we'll need them”, Jiminie meant hastily. “I’m not sure, Jimine. It might get worse”, the older rapper cooed and our patients both got embarrassed. What the hell was happening here and why didn't I know?! “Thanks for the offer, oppa.” The student got up and left the table after throwing J-Hope a shady glance.

I scratched my neck and looked at Jungkook questioningly. “What's going on here?”, I mouthed but he only shrugged. He didn't know either.

- - - - -

I paid for the herbal bonbons and left the store with the bill. Just in case - a leader had to take care of his members. Jin had driven home without me after I had told him I still had business to do so there was no other choice than to walk.

I wondered about my feelings. What did Dea mean to me? It was undeniable that she did mean something to me. A cold breeze blew into my face and I zipped the jacket up as far as possible. Only my face visible I walked down the street. Just a normal boy with a dream. We all worked hard for our dreams. In the beginning nobody believed in us. The world we knew was predicted to end in 2012 yet a year later we debuted. Bangtan Sonyeondan. The Bulletproof Boys. The hard work didn't stop there like some may think, instead the fame we slowly gained brought quite a few disadvantages and sometimes we still doubt ourselves.

No girlfriends, lately no boyfriends. Diets. Less than enough spare time. Being an Idol group was a full-time job. But now there seemed to be hope. It might not be allowed but what do you do if you fall in love and your crush likes you back? You break the rules. At least I thought she initially like me back.. I wasn't so sure anymore.

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