25. Chapter

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POV: Jimin

“Did you hear noises yesterday night too?”, JK poked my shoulder. “Hmm, noises?” Indeed I had heard something but it had sounded more like something else… “I think Namjoon download and watched porn without us yesterday”, the younger added. I gasped and turned around to my friend. “Are you sure? We shouldn't just accuse him.”

Unfortunately for the victimized, RM walked by at that moment and Jungkook waved him over. Our leader looked worried and bent towards him quickly. “Did you watch a sex tape yesterday night?”, Jungkook whispered while I sat aside wide eyed. Monnies expression lost warmth at the question. “Are you kidding, kid?”, he snarled, “I’m in a hurry.” JK tried to argue and lifted his hands in the air, swearing that he was not. Namjoon sighed and strode away towards the food bank. I could tell from the look on the face that it burdened him. Another thing to think about for our leader. Moans at night…

I turned towards my friend and glared at him before indicating him to continue. “It sounded like a girl at first but I think she wasn't alone”, he told me. I agreed and added that later I had heard lower moaning of a man too. And suddenly it had been gone.

But I still doubted that Namjoon would turn up the volume in the middle of the night instead of using headphones. “Maybe someone had a nightmare?”, I suggested. The maknae only laughed and said that I didn't even believe that myself. “What doesn't Jimin believe?”, Tae interrupted sitting down on our table. So JK explained everything from the scratch again. We all found the subject very interesting…

“Sorry, I need to go!”, I excused myself when I spotted Dea walking into the cafeteria with Hoseok. I trudged towards them but Hoseok shot me an unfriendly look that told me that he didn't want me to come closer.

My mood sank and I left the cafeteria. I still had to think about what I wanted to wear to my date with Yoongi today afternoon.

- - - - -

“You look nice”, Suga meant when we met in front of the school. The last lesson he had had to visit had just ended and we were on our way to Café Defizit. They had the best muffins in town and I knew my accompany loved them too. Maybe even more than I did.

We walked next to each other and Yoongi slipped his hand inside of mine which painted a little smile on my face. When we entered the café a small bell announced our entry. We sat down on a bar table so we could look at each other. Suga wore his usual expression but I was so happy I didn't care to bother. We ordered a coffee each and Suga took three! muffins so I took two!. He gave me his gummy smile and I melted. His face was so beautiful, his soft skin and deep brown eyes.

I ran a hand through my hair and tilted my head back admiring his precise portions and chiseled jaw. Blond really looked good on him. I caught him staring at me too and the look he gave me reminded me of the situation that had led to this date. My face heated and I felt hot. Why did my fucking bandmate have to be so incredible sexy? I just wanted him on top of me.

Our order arrived and Yoongi smiled at the girl friendly. As soon as she’d left out table after trying to start a conversation with the cute rapper, he dug into the delicious treasures. We had ordered Vanilla Strawberry, Dark Chocolate, Caramel Apple, Yoghurt Refresher and Butterfly kiss (I used to thread the latter because of its name but it was just a soft biscuit with lots of butter, a pastel icing on top and flowery decorations.)

Yoongi was happily chewing on his first muffin (Vanilla Strawberry) which was creamy inside. Some of the vanilla pudding stuck around his lips and I immediately reached out to run my thumb over it. Then I licked it off and hummed with satisfaction unaware of my hyungs stare on me.

“Why aren't you eating, Jiminie?”, he spoke with his deep voice in between two bites. “Oh, I totally forgot!” My cheeks warmed and I smiled at Suga, already reaching out for the muffin. The taste of marshmallows exploded in my mouth and I knew they had yet again tried out another icing. This time it was soft pink and topped by a beautiful marzipan butterfly. I quickly shoved the decoration into my mouth, enjoying the taste far more than the sight.  “Hmmmm.” I finished off the desert way too fast and licked my lips.

It made me think of what JK had told me and I giggled. What if what we heard was someone secretly eating sweets?? Yoongi looked at me amused and asked what it’d been thinking about

Of course I got flustered. With efforts I retrieved my lustful stare from the second muffin to meet his gaze.

“I just thought about something Jungkook had told me earlier”, I answered avoiding to meet his dark orbs. The older nodded his head smiling. “You're such a naughty boy. RM told me about our maknaes suspicion right before I left work. He doesn't like that you blamed him first”, he revealed. I sunk together in my chair which made me look shorter than I already was.

I mumbled that it was Jungkook who had said that but Yoongi had a very good hearing. “He really wants to find out who or what you witnessed. He feels offended that JK immediately jumped to the conclusion that he was watching stuff”, the man sitting across me gave a warning. I sighed, if it wasn't for our fetus I would have never brought it up. All of us needed some privacy and let’s face it.. that was already hard enough in a dorm of seven.

“Jimin”, the rapper waved his hand in front of my face and smirked, “what are you thinking about now?” “Ah hyung! It's not what you think!”, I hit his shoulder lightly. His eyes wrinkled and he laughed showing his natural white teeth. “You box like a girl.” “Yah!”, I shot him a mad stare while crossing my arms. “I’m a manly man. Don't you see?”

His eyes trailed from my face down to the table plate. “I know, Jiminie”, he whispered and I blushed tomato red. Suga smirked at me and my face got even brighter in color. A shiver ran down my spine and I held onto my cup ashamed.

Yoongi chuckled and called the waitress. “Let's get out of here”, he meant and got up. The small bell rang. I quickly paid and the waitress stored the muffins we had left in a box for me. Then I headed out after my date. The cute musician was waiting outside leaned against the light blue wall.  Some of the colour was coming off and you could see the bricks which gave the café a special charm. Yet nothing could ever compare to the man. His hands jugged into his back pockets, lasciviously gazing up at the sun. His beauty was stunning. He directed his gaze in my direction and I got flustered again.

A giggle escaped my plumb lips and I went up to him. Yoongi pulled me closer by my waist and kissed me softly. Neither of us wanted to break away so I pressed my lips against his harder and started to move them. He tasted sweet like vanilla. My stomach flipped and I slung my arms around his neck almost dropping the muffins. Not that I cared. We parted to breathe and the older still held me close to him. I smiled against his lips not being able to resist the temptation to tie him in for another passionate kiss.

“We should do this again sometime”, Suga whispered cutely and I nodded. Both of us grinned at each other widely and my inner self was doing a crazy dance. My hyung pushed himself off the wall and intertwined our hands.

“Do you want another muffin?”, I asked him and looked at the crumpled box. He let go off me and clapped his hands as I inspected the damage. His breath tickled over my skin and gave me goosebumps when the rapper bowed over my shoulder to look inside the box. He pointed at one and said that he needed something to freshen him up because I was so hot. Warmth shot up my cheeks and he grabbed the cake (Yoghurt Refresher) while giggling.

‘I could just listen to his giggle all day long’, I meant to myself. Yoongi tapped my shoulder and I must have looked like a lovestruck idiot because of what he said next. If possible my face got even redder and I turned my gaze to his left side.

He laughed it off, “You're cute Jiminie!!!”, and flashed his white teeth. “I want to show you something…”

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