26. Chapter

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Includes mature content again. The same kind as last time. I swear that's going to be it for now x'D

Namjoon had summoned all of us in the living room as soon as Yoongi and I had arrived home. “Where’s Dea?”, Jin asked and looked around. “She isn't here. This is a man’s business”, RM meant seriously and glanced at all of us.

“JK told me that he had heard moans during the night. His accusation that I was watching porn is wrong so here we are to figure out what really happened.”

“I heard them too, RM hyung!”

“Can you tell us more about it?”

“Well, it sounded like a girl at first..”

“And then we also heard a man.”

“Are you sure it was a female?”

“Very, hyung”

“Maybe someone of us just sounds like a girl.”

“Eyy, Tae!!”

Yoongi grinned and teased me, “Hmm you moan like a girl, Jiminie?” I blushed and hid my face saying that I didn't. “Stop!”, Jin spoke loudly. “Who even said it was something sexual? Is there any proof of it?” “Are you trying to defend yourself hyung?”, Tae replied snaky. “Of course not!”, the other Kim shook his head. “I'm just a little more grown up. Maybe someone was having a nightmare or a hard time on the toilet.”

I grinned at Jungkook but then wrinkled my face in disgust. “Hyung!!”, Hoseok exclaimed whiney. Namjoon sighed and scratched his neck before saying that he didn't think it was the latter. “I had a nice dream”, Tae replied. “I didn't have a dream because I couldn't sleep”, JK said while the rest of us agreed with V.

A nasty explanation formed in my head. Jungkook hadn't heard the man but I had. Maybe I had heard him. He couldn't sleep, probably woke up with a boner from the noise and then started jerking up. But curious as he was he couldn't give it a rest today morning. What or who had he listened to?

“The only girl in here is Dea”, Yoongi noticed. “She wouldn't”, RM exclaimed shocked. I shrugged my shoulders and Hobi remained unusually quiet like he had been the whole time. “Where was she today morning?”, Jin changed the topic. “I don't know, does anybody else?”, I answered and glared at the oldest dancer. Everyone shook their head. “Why didn't you ask her? I thought you made her a lunch box?”, Tae meant and I nodded.

He told us that he had but he didn't believe her words. “Even if she's a girl she cannot have spent the whole time from when I got downstairs to when she did in the bathroom.” All of us nodded. It was crystal clear that she had lied. But why?

“Hobi, do you know?”, Yoongi meant and directed his piercing stare at the younger. My friend gulped. “Yeah, you left the house with her”, JK interrupted. J-Hope tensed and giggled nervously, “Yeaaaah?” RM glared at him angrily. “We don't keep secrets from each other. This counts for all of us!”, he meant and looked all of us in the eyes. “Tell us what happened”, he then demanded and Hoseok shrunk together like a balloon.

“She--she was with me. It's not what you may think.. she couldn't fall asleep on the sofa so she came into my room in the middle of the night. I didn't really mind. She got underneath the covers and I turned around once,maybe twice, and fell asleep again. You know that if I’m tired I’m immediately out like a light. Dea was scared the story would come across wrong so we agreed on keeping it a secret.” He looked at Rapmon with guilt in his orbs. Ah yeah.. this actually made more sense than any of my ideas.

Still it didn't explain the moans. But having shared a room with Hobi for a long time I had always admired his gift to just fall asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. Therefore I believed him and oh my freaking god everything else would have been so upsetting. They were just friends! I felt bad that we had sexualized their friendship just because it was guy-girl.

“So she can't sleep on the cushions?”, Tae asked for confirmation. The asked man nodded a small smile grazing his lips. Jin said that we had to find her another sleeping place then. Hobi nodded eagerly and said he would share his room with her, adding that he had already brought her bag upstairs. RM pressed his lips together into a small line clenching his teeth. “I don't think so. I will let neither of you room with a girl. Don't even try to argue about it, all of you think she's hot. That's not the right combination.”

Wowie was he jealous! Dea was a pretty girl but I only had eyes for Yoongi. I blurted out, “I am gay!”, and held everyone's attention. Jin stared at me making my knees go weak while the others were waiting for his reaction nervously. “I thought you were bi.?” I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding and so did the others. “No-- No I'm not. I only like guys.” Tae laughed and smirked at the oldest rapper. “And we all know who…”

I glared at my friend already feeling a blush forming on my cheeks.

- - - - -

Our leader ended up allowing Dea to share a bed with me but she didn't know yet. Why was it his decision anyway?

The girl came home half an hour later and from the looks of it she had been working out. She bent over and propped her hands up on her knees, being out of breath. “Where's Hobi?”, she coughed. “Uhhm, he’s upstairs I think.” She thanked me and rushed to the first floor before I could tell her the news. Why was she in such a hurry? A door slammed shut and I cautiously went back to my room. Not a minute later music sounded through my wall.

‘Oh’, I thought and laid down on my bed. Then I got up and started cleaning up my room and changing the sheets. After all I was hosting a girl. Next time she needed dance practice she could ask me. Their session took longer than I had expected it to. I was again laying on he bed (the left side) and scrolling through my phone when the EDM finally stopped. She had better condition than I had thought. I heard rumbling outside the door and caught a sweaty Hoseok running towards the bathroom. Now I could go and talk to Dea, just quickly of course. I knocked on my ex-roommate's door but nobody opened so I peeked inside. Nobody was there.

The girl had the tendency to always slip from my grasp today. I thought that maybe I should buy Yoongi hyung a visit and a light pink tinted my cheeks. A knock, another knock and yet another knock. A minute later the good looking male opened the door not looking happy with my interruption at all. I smiled embarrassed. “Ehmm, I didn't want to annoy you”, I quickly blurted out and turned on my heel. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his bedroom that at the same time functioned as his studio. “Stay.”

I grinned happily and Suga pushed me down onto his bed climbing over me. A giggle escaped from my lips and I shivered at the mere thought of what would happen next. The boy left a wet trail of kisses on my neck and I leaned back onto the pillow. “So you moan like a girl?”, he whispered into my ear seductively. I shook my head offended but he gripped a strand of my hair and pulled it back. His breath touched my sensitive skin and I arched my back wanting to feel his lips. Slowly he licked his hot tongue over my throat, his teeth grazing my skin.

“You're exactly what I need now”, he mumbled against me huskily trailing his hands up and down my sides. “Oppa has been working way to hard. Be a good boy and help him.” I grinned and glanced down at his boner. Kinky little shit. I ran my hand over his chest and down to his grain. Softly I teased him through the thick fabric of his joggers and felt his dick twitch. It was an amazing feeling.

Suga grew impatient and I slipped my hand inside his boxers swirling my thumb around the tip of his dick. It drove him wild and precum spread onto my hand. I smirked and started to pump up and down slowly. “Fuck Jimin”, the rapper cursed softly moving his hips against my small hand. I was playing with the thought of sucking him off but before I could make it happen he released into his pants.

It made me kinda sad because I had really wanted his big lolly in my mouth. He had had to be very desperate if he came through a simple blowjob. I sighed, pulled my hand out and licked his cum of my fingers. My lips wrapped around them and I sucked on them greedily the image of his dick flooding my mind. Yoongi chuckled and replaced my fingers with his tongue. “Next time babyboy.”

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