8. Chapter

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POV: Dea

"Come on Suga!", I pouted and pulled on his arm. He grunted and repeated his statement from before. I rolled my eyes and hurried back into the water where the maknaes were having a splash fight.

"Watch out Dea!", Jimin yelled. The next moment somebody jumped at me and pushed my head under water. Pffrbl..blub, blub. I broke through to the air and took a sharp breath before locking eyes with my attacker. It was Yoongi! He smiled his signature gummy smile and meant, "Nobody rolls their eyes at me until I allow so."

I couldn't stop my instincts and rolled them again while smiling. He was really cute once you warmed up to him. "Hey! What did I just say...?", he complained and splashed water onto my face. I wiped my face and laughed. "You wanna fight?"

He turned away disgusted, "Na thanks." Puh, too late now. I took a deep breath and dove down. Where were his feet???

When I stuck my head out of the sea I noticed that I'd swam in the wrong direction. My best friend pointed at me laughing and the others joined him.

I glared at them and started running through the shallow water. I fell when I grasped at Jungkook and just managed to catch him by the ankle.

He looked down at me in amusement before easily freeing himself from my tight grip. He just shook me off like some bug! I seriously needed to develop stronger arms.

I stayed where I was and pouted. When I finally got up due to Jin's unnecessary worry, that I'd get a sun burn, my stomach and legs were both red.

"Shh! What happened to you!?", Jimin screamed.
"I was right!", Jin said triumphantly. "See, you should have listened to me. Now you have a burn :("
"Hyung, that is not a sunburn. Her back was facing the sun not her front", the maknae explained.

Yes, Jin: oh. I sighed. "It's nothing guys." Namjoon didn't take any notice of what was going on and startled us all with yelling that he'd caught a crab.

I laughed and jogged towards him. The pink crab was eager to escaped his hands and he'd already lost it two times when I came to stand in front of him. "Look! It's a hermit crab", he said excited.

I kneed down next to him to take a closer look. "What's special about this little crab?" Information overload! Information overload! Haha no, he was simply talking too fast.

"Namjoonie" I giggled and he looked up. "Can I hold it too?", I asked softly. "Umm sure." He shrugged and the poor little crab fell into the sand again. We both reached out for it and our hands touched. My eyes wandered to his face and met his gaze there. We stayed in that position for three seconds or so. In the meantime the crab had recognized it's chance to escape...

Hoseok's face appeared next to mine and he shot me and RM a confused look. He of course couldn't see the small animal. "Huh, where did the crab go?"

My face heated and he looked at me in shock. "You didn't eat it, did y-!?" "Of course not.", Monnie cut him off.

"Ah, God of Destruction what did you do?" "I dropped it!", I answered quickly. Hoseok looked at me and laughed. "You too would be perfect together! Dea can be soo clumsy."

"Hey!" I punched his shoulder. He smirked and then lifted me up. "What are you doing?",I yelled when he walked into the water. Arguing probably wouldn't help anymore so I only added that he please should throw me into the deep water.

"You're no fuuun", he stated. He started to lower my body but instead of putting me back to my feet he went straight down until his pants got wet. "Ahhh! J-Hope! Don't do it, please!!!", I begged but he showed no mercy. "You wanna bath?" I shook my head vigorously. "Yah!, I yelped when the water touched my warm and dry skin.

Cliché I know but I was that type of girl. Suddenly my saviour appeared out of the dark. Or was it my second tormentor?

Namjoon shoved a whole lot of water towards J-Hope and I. At that Hobi threw me and I landed in the sea with a loud splash. I wiped my face and and ran my fingers through my short hair.

Hoseok was now busy with the younger man and got him all wet. They were so caught up in their splash fight it was easy for me to leave unnoticed. That was until Taehyung stood right in front of me and pushed me back into the water. He then shared a evil laugh and trudged to the parasol in his Gucci slippers.

Seriously? Why was he acting like that? I know we had had our differences in the beginning but he could not possible still be hanging on to that. Sigh. I guess I was going to apologize. Not that I knew for what but I I'd clearly done something wrong. When I met him I should have treated him better.

I shook my head and lied down on my towel next to Jimin before taking out my book. It felt like a sin taking this holy piece of paper to the beach where it could get wet. For me 'Spin' by Robert Charles Wilson had a special meaning.

I had never finished reading it 'though because it was pretty complex and you had to read it in one go. So this was my typical summer literature and if I felt lonely I'd hug the book. My love for writing was immense. I am really possessive and protective of what's mine. Oops.

"What are you reading?" Suga glanced over my shoulder. "Uhh, a popular science fiction novel", I replied surprised by the interaction. "So you like science fiction? What is it about?"

"Ahh, actually I don't. I've had this books for three years now and I just can't get to the end", I admitted. He didn't respond to that so I sat up. "Look, it's so thick!" I gestured with my hands and showed him the cover. "Why are you reading it then?", he asked uninfluenced by my complaint.

I blinked and my eyes got stuck at the endless horizon. I'd never see her again. I swallowed hard and wiped my eyes. Yoongi pressed my shoulder and sat next to me. "My best friend lent it to me", I muttered. He understood without further declaration.

My tears welled up and I buried my face in my hands. His pale arms wrapped around me and I cried without hesitation. He tightened his embrace and I let him comfort me.

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