20. Chapter

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I continued to irrationally whisper to soothe the younger while massaging her head until she fell asleep.

My thoughts wouldn't let me get rest until it was quarter past ten and every idea of going out was wasted. If I could I would have locked the door so her parents couldn't disturb us but I didn't want to wake her up so I just closed my eyes and cried myself to sleep too.

A tug on my shirt awoke me from my soft slumber and I sleepily ran my fingers through my best friends hair and gave her a kiss on the forehead. A loud knock jerked me back fully into reality and it wasn't pleasant. I only wanted to go back to sleep!  A look at Dea’s phone told me that it was already past midnight! Who the heck was interrupting at such an inhumanly time? - Her father. “Hey!!”, somebody yelled outside of the door and hit his fist against it. God damn shit of holy hoes I needed to solve this quietly. Somebody brushed back my hair and planted a kiss on my collarbone. “Make him shut up please”, my best friend mumbled wearily.

I laughed and freed myself from her grip. “I will. Just go back to sleep, bb.” She nodded, handed me the keys and wrapped her legs around the blanket.  That's how easy you get replaced I thought to myself and then opened the door carefully.

A few things ahead before I get stomped into the ground. Dea’s parents don't like her having guys over and dislike it even more if said males unexpectedly sleep at her place. That had never happened before (or rather they had never noticed when I was over because they were asleep) but she had told me hell would break loose if they knew.. yay!

Fair enough as soon as Mr. Taek spotted me he dragged me out by my collar. (My shirt really didn't get lucky today.) He only stopped when we reached the kitchen downstairs. The man ordered me sit on chair and I did as I was told.

“So who are you again? You look similar.. aren't you one of Dea’s new school friends?”, he viewed me up and down and I quickly fixed my clothes and hair.

“Yes, sir. But--” “No buts!”, he interrupted me.

“What are you doing inside my house at 00:34 pm? In my daughters room?! WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!”  Now I felt highly uncomfortable… I mean tell him what? I’ve been friends with your daughter for more than 3 years now and I attempted to go clubbing with her tonight. Of course, you're right, she's underage so I helped her get a fake ID because her first dealer sucked. Not.a.good.idea.™

“Uhm.. I wanted to pick her up to celebrate (oh it already was past midnight? Happy birthday J-Hope!) but she was sad so I comforted her”, I muttered. His piercing gaze pinned me down as he asked his next question. “Okay and how does that connect to being in her room tonight with the door being locked?

“Oh she wanted to t-talk so we went upstairs and then she fell umm a-asleep”, I lied not so confident. “The door”, he reminded me. “She locked it.” “And why?” Maybe because her parents would get mad if they saw me in their house uninvited? I didn't say that. “Mr. Taek we’re only friends”, I tried to assure him. “I’ve known Dea for quite awhile and I’m not in the position to allow myself any other feelings towards your daughter.”

The older knotted his eyebrows. “You're her teacher.. but not the Kim one she likes”, he thought aloud and pointed at me. “Get out of my house. I’ve decided to believe you for today but next time you will talk to me or my wife first before entering this house.” I nodded obediently and strud towards their door. When I turned around I saw Dea standing at the stairs. She was crying again. There was time to mouth her to go upstairs again before her dad put me onto the gardenwalk and slammed the door shut in my face.

I winced and picked up my mobile to call Dea. But was it really such a good idea? To be honest this would be the perfect moment to run away. No, my conscience forbid me to just leave her like this. I tipped on the picture of her on my home screen and the line bleeped before I got connected. I heard her softly sobbing into the mic. “Hobi.” I ducked down and sneaked along the wall until I was under her window.

“Shh, I’m still here”, I whispered into the phone, “Open your window.” She hung up and not late after I could see her puffy face appear in the wooden frame. “What is it?” “I’m coming up”, I meant in a matter-of-fact tone. She waved her hands in an x motion. No. “You got into enough trouble because of me. Hoseok I’m so sorry. I’m a miserable best friend. Just leave.” Ouch. It hurt to be pushed away but I knew she didn't mean it. Her insecurities were taking over.

“Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!” She snickered and said that I even was the one who gave her the idea to cut her hair. Yeah, I knew… and it suited her incredible well. The 'new’ haircut highlighted her high cheekbones and jawline. Actually she had wanted to make further changes and dye it but her parents didn't allow it. Still don't.

As her best friend I knew quite a few things. So I also remembered the one time some lewd guy in a club gave her a few ropes as a present. And from a secret source I knew that she kept them although she said she'd throw them into the next waste bin. They were right at the back of her wardrobe. Secret source.

“Dea, just fix the rope on your bed and give the other end to me”, I suggested. “What rope?” “I know you keep a rope under your old socks.” She sighed and mumbled something about me being gross before disappearing into the shadow of her room. I muffled a laugh. After all I wasn't the one who kept their ruined socks to do DIY recycling with them.

Not much later a tow hit the wall next to my head. “Are you okay?!”, my friend whisper-yelled while bowing out of the window. I nodded, realized she probably didn't see it and held my thumbs up while smiling widely.

- - - - -

We were laying in her bed again but this time under the covers. She had changed and I conveniently had some PJ’s in her shelf too. Of course we had locked the door! Her smell was so good. Instinctively I pulled her closer to my chest. Dea giggled and looked up at me. “You’re so affectionate.” “You always complain a lot for enjoying it so much”, I chuckled. She broke the eye contact embarrassed but then changed her mind again and completely faced me.

“Shall I tell you how great you are then?”, Dea whispered and her eyes sparkled. “Sure, sure go ahead.” Sometimes the younger had her moments where she acted kinda childish but I considered it cute. I loved to see that bright soaring aura around her. “Well, you’re the bestest friend evaaa and I want to give you lots and lots of cuddles. I luv it when you drag me out to party and take care of meh. You always watch out for little me and forbid me to drink alcohol. Sunshine makes me feel so bright!”

She clung on tightly to me and looked up at me while pouting. My uwu machine just broke. The longer I looked at her like this the more it gave me the feels. I brushed my fingers through her soft hair. So soft. “I luv you too”, I mumbled while looking at the ceiling. “You mean the world to me.”

I retrieved my stare and checked her expression. I felt like her eyes could see right into the unknown depths of my soul. She held my gaze and seriousness had erased her playful self. A shiver ran down my spine.

“Promise you’ll always be with me.”

“I could never leave you.”

"Now wish for something!", my bff quirked and smiled at me warmly. "But it is a selfish wish." "Sometimes you need to be selfish", she retorted. I leaned in and pressed my lips onto Dea's.

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