12. Chapter

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POV: Namjoon

I don't know why I did what I did. Basically I've known Dea for around two weeks now. Wait actually not known - scratched on the surface of her personality. And here I was wiping her blood off the floor.

I had no doubts that she was ill anymore and I shouldn't support her unhealthy behaviour. When I'd heard the doors fling open and witnessed somebody obviously escaping the hospital I should've rung a nurse or doctor.

I didn't. I blindly chased after the person without any evidence it was Dea indeed. Maybe I wasn't that healthy myself.

Now I was cowering outside on the cobblestones. It was way harder to get rid off the blood outside than on the even surface of the hospital hallways. Obviously, because you immediately saw if somebody did clean because the street was dirty. I guess this night would stay our 'dirty' little secret too.

I gripped the broom and the water bottle and stood up. I'd done my best to fix it. She'd be harder to fix. But it wasn't really my job was it? I poured the stinky water in the gully.

- - - - -

I swiped over my eyes in exhaustion and shrugged of my jacket before putting it on the rack. Shoes off and socks, and now sleep.

I hmmpfed at the couple in the armchair and climbed onto the hospital bed. I didn't actually know what I was doing but Dea's presence provided me with comfort and it was a lot better than sleeping on a plastic chair in the entrance.

One arm arm under the pillow and the right one gently around her waist I fell asleep.

POV: Jimin

Yoongi had called us a taxi right after we had gotten the confirmation that Dea was allowed to leave the hospital. He didn't want to eat that awful food, he explained to us. It made Dea laugh a little because she shared his trauma on hospital food.

I was happy that we were able to go too. No offence but we clearly needed to shower. Namjoon and I, I mean. Since hyung was so wet yesterday they allowed him to wash himself after the check up.

When I woke up this morning I knew it would be awhile until our lives could go back to normal again. Maybe this would be our new normal. I mean she was part of our family now, right?

Namjoon shared a bed with her but I had to promise him not to tell anyone. He was practically wrapped around her when I woke him up but I shouldn't point my finger at anyone because same. I had slept on Yoongi's chest? Things definitely got out of control.

- - - - -

"How are you feeling?" Hoseok ushered to his best friends side the second after the cab rolled onto the parking lot. Yoongi waved his hand irritated, "Yahh, let her get off first!"

Hmm, grumpy hyung wasn't exactly my favourite. The rapper looked taken aback but cleared the way wordlessly. With a bright smile on her face the girl swung her legs out of the car. She was only wearing one of my oversized shirts and some old jeans Yoongi organized. Pretty reckless to just throw her out without clothes....

There was no holding back now and Hobi stormed off to pull her into a close embrace. I noticed that she flinched when he hugged her too tight but she put on a smile for him.

"Let's eat breakfast. I'm starving!", she laughed and linked their arms together. Wow, that was idk.

- - - - -

Jin paid the cab and went to talk to Namjoon while the most popular Bangtan ships joined the friends for brunch.

- - - - -

"What did the doctors say?", Taehyung wanted to know. Dea looked surprised that he was the one to ask. "No serious injuries. I mainly was cold. I shouldn't walk to much though." She made it sound like it was nothing.

I interrupted, "She also has to drink a lot and absorb calories to make up for the blood loss. Bathing might not be such a good idea either in the next few days because of the enorm heat and salt water."

Dea glared at me in anger. "It's okay! I'm fine.", she talked back.

"Wouldn't it be better if we just went home?", the maknae dared to ask. Hobi hyung nodded mindfully.

"Would you just?! I definitely do not want to have to deal with my parents like this and I won't let you guys throw away your well deserved vacation for me. I'll take care of myself, okay? I want to stay here", she retorted eagerly.

To my surprise Yoongi sided with Dea. "We shouldn't break off now. I think we need time to ourselves even more now than before. Remember? We need to figure out some stuff."

"He has a point there", Taehyung and I said in unison. Neither of us really wanted to leave the island before schedule.

You may not see it this way but being a popular boy group was hard. Of course we love our fans A.R.M.Y. Still, sometimes we just wanted to be normal too. We weren't perfect. We were human after all. Except for Jin and V but that's another story to tell.

I noticed that Dea was eating incredible slow therefore she barely ate anything at all. Suga hyung exchanged a worried glance with me. He had noticed it too.

I'd talk to her about it later. Concerning issues with food I probably was the expert in Bangtan. Sigh.

"D--Dea, can I please talk to you in private?", Tae mumbled. "Oh humm, sure. Just let me finish eating first, is that okay?"

He nodded and fiddled with his hands nervously. The two got up together and left the table to talk outside shortly after.

Hoseok looked behind them and turned towards us in range, "Like she ate anything at all!"

The older rapper tried to calm down his friend but our sunshine was really upset. I understood the way he felt but when he started yelling at Suga I had had enough.

I slammed my hand against the table and told him to shut the fuck up. "We are all worried!" Yoongi glared at me and Jungkook pulled me out of my seat and dragged me away. I shot furious glances at the other dancer.

"Don't touch me!", I hissed at the vocalist and backed up.

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