6. Chapter

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The sunlight caressed my skin softly but honestly it was way too bright! "Ugh", I groaned as I pulled my pillow over my head. I couldn't have slept a lot last night I was so fucking tired. And I just couldn't get back to sleep because of the sun! I squeezed my eyes shut and reached for my sunglasses. Yeah, I know...

I slipped out of the room without realizing that Jin wasn't there either. Maybe I should just go on a walk? Said and done. I stepped outside and went down to the wide sea. Some sea-gulls were picking in the sand and the water was swapping peacefully against the shore. I welcomed the warmth with opened arms and turned my face towards the sun.

There I stood barefoot and still in my pajamas when I suddenly heard somebody come closer. I opened my eyes abruptly and turned around. A sigh escaped my lips when I realized it was only Jin. He jogged closer and I could see the glint of sweat on his forehead.

POV: Seokjin

I'd just finished my workout and was heading back to the hotel when I noticed Dea standing by the shore. I changed my direction and walked up to her. She turned around when my feet slammed into the sand and waited in silence until I reached her. Dea hadn't changed out off her sleeping clothes and her hot pants rode high on her tights. With her hair still ruffled and a sweet blush on her face she made my heart skip a beat.

Only when she looked away I realized that she might be embarrassed since I was staring at her intensely. I did the same and extended my face towards the sun and closed my eyes while sighing. "It's beautiful, isn't it?", she interrupted the silence. "Yeah" It was never that peaceful in the city, there was always life and noise surrounding you wherever you went. I had a job as a librarian and it was quiet there most of the time. Lucky me.

"Jin?" I opened my lids at the sweet tone of her voice. "What is it?", I replied. She smiled and laughed quietly. "I asked you if you'd like to go for a swim. Would you?" I must have looked a bit dumbfounded because she added, "We could just grab our stuff and get down here again in a matter of seconds. I left the balcony door open when I left."

I nodded, "S--sure." She smiled and ran back to the resort. I followed close behind. We sneaked in over the balcony. "Shh. Be quiet!", she mumbled before slipping the door open.

I quickly gathered my swimming trunks and a towel when I felt that 'ugh-feeling'. I had to pee. I scurried towards the bathroom. Noises came from outside the door and made me feel uncomfortable.

"Are you coming or what?", Dea whisper yelled and I hurried out of the toilet.

Dea was waiting outside in a green halter bikini top and fitting shorts while Hoseok was standing next to her already dressed too. "Let's go!!!" Hobi shouted excitedly and pulled her with him. She laughed happily and sprinted into the water with him. I sighed and watched them play around for awhile. I guess I had spent my chance for some alone time with her.

"What are you waiting for Jin?!", the girl yelled and waved for me to join them. No thanks. I shook my head and mentioned for the hotel.

I'd made up the excuse for myself that I just needed to get changed. I was huffy 'though. They were more than just fine without me. I kicked the bin and it keeled over displaying the waste over the floor. I sighed in frustration. Why? I started cleaning up the mess and immediately wished we hadn't eaten so many crisps yesterday.

A strand of hair brushed over my cheek when Taehyung bowed down to help me. "Oh. I didn't want to wake you up, Tae. I'm sorry.", I apologized. We finished and I sighed heavily.

"What upsets you so much, Jin hyung?", Tae asked concerned. He patted the cushion next to him and I sat down. "It's nothing." "Don't lie to me hyung! It's alright, you can tell me", he assured me. I cuddled into his warmth and mumbled, "It's Dea. We wanted to go swimming together but then she went with Hoseok instead. She treats him so differently than me. I feel like she lets him get away with almost everything! Boy, she is so generous to him. I wish she would act that way towards me. Well, they're best friends she doesn't need me. She'll never look at me the same."

"Don't say something like that, hyung!", the younger boy hugged me tightly. I brushed my fingers through his soft hair. "Why not? It's true Tae. I would only be the third wheel forever."

I snuggled against his chest in misery. Tae traced his fingers against my back in circular motions while whispering things to cheer me up. I was glad I had an honest friend like him. He was always there when I needed him. "I won't let her hurt you again." he mumbled against my hair.

POV: Dea

I shot Hobi a questioning look, confused about the elders reaction. He only shrugged his shoulders and grimaced before pushing me underwater. He didn't have to wait long for my REVENGE!

- - - - - -

We had breakfast together and Tae threw me mad glances every time I looked his way. I didn't know why. Yes, we didn't get along well but his behaviour seemed a little bit extreme.

The other room was still half asleep so we decided to stay inside some more. I left the others with the intention to explore the hotel. I still hadn't figured out where the toilets were  and since we were staying here for ten days I needed to know.

The resort was huge and it had a swimming pool? It was right beside the sea and there was a swimming pool? Seriously?! "Yah right, who wouldn't rather use a pool full of germs then the clean ocean?", I exaggerated in frustration.

I went inside again because my blood started boiling up due to the extreme heat.

Strong power to the invention of air conditioners! I entered the left wing and passed endless hallways with guest rooms. Some looked really fancy. I continued on into that direction and found a staircase.

As I followed it down a club came into view. How cool! I loved to party ;) and of course I also loved my fake ID. The feeling of being hhigh. CHASING THE ORIGINAL HIGH! My addiction towards anything that could make me lose my mind was immense and Hoseok knew.

The thing that really got me off wasn't the alcohol though. Hoseok wouldn't let me get drunk anyway... It was the dancing, the sight of exhausted bodies moving against each other with the strong beat almost blasting our ears off so it resounded even hours later. It was the smell of sweat mixed with alcohol that hung in the air like a dangerous allurement to let loose. My hopes seemed so close to reality then.  I loved the feeling of letting myself go.

It was my second time going out when I met J-Hope. I was sitting by the bar because I was too shy to move when he approached me. Everything I know he taught me. The night he didn't take 'no' for an answer and dragged me onto the dance floor changed me. I'd never seen somebody dance like that before. I let him get the best of me and the feeling was fucking amazing! I soon started craving the adrenaline...

- - - - -

But there wasn't anybody here now. Which meant I could sneak around freely. They had very, very nice loudspeakers. I was a total hoe for proper sound systems and everything else that was electronic and had to do with music. Do not ask. I hated low quality sooo much!

I had to blink when I stepped into the open until my eyes accumulated to the bright sunlight.

When I looked around I noticed that I had ended somewhere completely else than planned and it didn't take me long to figure out that I'd gotten lost. I sighed. I should finally stop running around, certainly somebody would find me. Actually I wasn't that sure but I forced myself to sit down. There was a nice water fountain and the burbling sound of the water helped me calm down.

I lied my back onto the marble bench and looked up into the blue sky. The sun was burning down mercilessly and there wasn't a cloud to be seen. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warmth, that was only bearable because I was in the shadow of a huge tree.

My thoughts drifted off to a beautiful Daydream.

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