17. Chapter

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The faint smell of pancakes woke me up. I sat up and got out of bed. My mom never made something sweet for breakfast except when it was my birthday.. and it wasn't. So why?

A look at my phone revealed that I was up early and I had gotten twelve messages. I put on fluffy socks and took my mobile downstairs with me. Nothing too complicated right? However when I shifted open the door to the kitchen I was rubbing my head because I had tripped and bumped against the wall out of sleepiness.

“Hmmn?”, I hummed.

“Ah, I didn’t mean to wake you up. I just thought you might enjoy something special for breakfast”, my dad meant facing the cupboard. Just as I was about to ask why he turned around, smiled and added, “I assume you still want to move out for a week?”

At that I jerked up from my daze and hugged him from behind.

“Am I allowed to go? Thank you so much!!!”

“Yeah your mom and I decided on it yesterday. We think it’s good that you’ve finally started socializing again and it’s what we’ve wanted for you all the time so we shouldn’t throw sticks and stones your way. It’s just hard to accept that our baby is growing up.”

I covered my emotions by a chuckle, shoved a strawberry into my mouth and mumbled, “You’re so cheesy.”, while chewing.

“Hey!”,he swatted at me and I quickly let go of his back to create some safe distance. Haha, I had to respond to the boys. I WAS ALLOWED TO GO!!!

- - - - -

Everyone had texted only the button of the account pinned on top of the page was empty. It would always be. If you signed in with her account things would look different. You would be flooded with hundreds of messages I had sent over the months.

But to my surprise I hadn’t opened the chat for a week now. Was I finally ready to let Liz go for good? I looked at her profile picture and smiled.

I would never forget her. She had a special place in my heart but maybe, just maybe, it was time to let go off the sadness. I’d forgotten how to live over mourning for months. Now I had new friends who were there for me. The hesitation was short. I wanted to close this chapter of my life and I wanted to start being happy again.

Unfollow account?


Delete chat?


“Dea can you please go and wake up your mom? Tell her to be ready in five.”

“Sure dad. Just let me finish this first.”

“Okay but hurry up I didn't make fresh strawberry pancakes to eat them cold.”

“Yes of course dad. I love you.”

I quickly opened the chat with Hobi.

What did they say?
Jimin says he is going to kidnap you
*with Taehyung-ssi and me
Respond gurl 😂

Ah it’s alright they allowed it.

Send RM then you don’t have to sneak in to get me. You’d be way too loud anyway 😜🌵

I put down my phone and sprinted up to my parents bedroom. The door was open a crack wide so I walked in and pulled apart the curtains. “Mom, wake up”, I tugged a bit on the sheets and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

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