35. Chapter

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I went inside the BigHit building and searched for the practice room, where my best friend had told me to meet him. “There you are!”, he grinned and came towards me, engulfing me in a big hug. “Affectionate, aren't we?”, I laughed and pulled away. “Let's get started!”

We went to PH8 and first revised the choreography without music before speeding up. After half an hour I was already exhausted and wished I could simply take of my shirt, because, boy - I felt hot. “Let's take a break”, Hobi yelled over the beat and I gratefully accepted. We sat down on the ground next to the muted stereo and Hoseok handed me the water bottle. “So how are you doing?”, he chimed happily. I chuckled and said that we’d seen each other two days ago. He insisted I’d tell him.

“Yeah, well.. I’m fine. Hobi, I’ve decided to follow your advice and tell Namjoon about littlespace. So, s-so we need to end whatever it is what we have. It's not right.” He stared at me wide eyed. “You can’t be serious, Dea!” I looked down and muttered an apology. Caused by a sudden remorse the older lifted up my chin and cupped my face. “It's fine. I am sorry. It's fine. One last kiss?”, he suggested and smiled but misery was evident on his face.

I shook my head slightly, “You’ve watched too many dramas. No last something.” “Please, I love you”, he begged. Oh wow. Firstly WHAT THE HELL!? Crazy shit I was in. Tears welled up in my eyes. “I don't want this to be a last time. No last times for us. I need you, I still need you as a friend. I’m scared of losing my friend, Hoseok”, I confessed and got up. He immediately crawled to his feet too and pressed me against the wall.

It should have made me feel uncomfortable but it didn't. I knew he wouldn't hurt me. Unlike I had him. Everything was wrong. The teacher cornered me and slammed his hands next to my head. His breathing was unsteady and he whispered in a hardly controlled voice that I should please let him have a moment. I nodded a little frightened by his intensity and endured his warmth against mine, his heavy breath fanning against my neck, producing low sounds in my ears. Damn that shit. Although I was nervous for the situation more than inappropriate thoughts flooded my mind.

The man sneaked his hand around my throat and leaned down closer so he his lips were already touching my skin. At what he said next, I gasped and my lower regions started to tingle. “You will miss my hands around your pretty throat, princess.” Omg, yess! ‘Noooooooo! Bad girl!’ my brain screamed back. However, I couldn't deny that my knees felt weak.

“You will miss choking me more”, I retorted but it came out lame. He chuckled asking why I thought so. “Because I watched you choke your other friends too on YouTube, so it's definitely a huge kink of yours.” “You're right, I still have my other friends”, he smirked. I glared at him, he wouldn't dare! The dancer noticed my stare and teased me. “Possessive much of another man?” I pressed my eyes into slits and hissed at him. “No!”

He sighed and said that ‘his moment’ was over now and he wanted his kiss. I swatted at his chest but he didn't buckle an inch. “Fine”, I gave in, tired of resisting. “Let's make a deal. We will be each other's last kiss, kinda.  Whoever of us dies first will get his last kiss, when we're still alive, from either me or you.” The look on his face was priceless, it seemed to say something along the lines of ‘areyouabsolutelycrazy?whathaveidonetodeserveyou?’.

However he nodded. The next moment I felt the gentle touch of his pink, orange-tinted lips on mine. Barely grazing my skin, he moved them against my sensitive skin in a soft caress. I shivered a little and tangled my hands in his hair to pull my best friend closer. His kisses felt just too angelic to not hold onto them. The male smiled into the kiss and so did I.

The door busted open and we both jumped away from each other quickly. “What are you doing?”, Yoongi shouted and stared at us in shock. The younger was quick to make an excuse but of course Yoongi knew him better than to buy it so I had to interfere. “Look Suga, it was a one time thing. It's not unusual for best friends to kiss”, I tried to explain the awkward situation. He laughed and looked at us, muttering that we were unbelievable.

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