19. Chapter

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I’d just finished talking to Jin hyung and was hurrying home.. on the bus. I hate, hate, hate public transportation. After all I wasn't a little school boy anymore.

When I walked into our driveway I saw J-Hope backing out of the garage. He waved shortly and drove away to pick up Dea. I let myself in, threw my shoes into the corner and switched on the TV. The program was boring as always so I fell asleep.

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POV: Hoseok

“Get in the car!”, I waved at Dea. She sighed and meant, “Don't you wanna come inside for a little bit before we go out? The sun's still up.” I thought about it then nodded and put out the engine. Before she could disagree I jumped over their garden fence. Dea shook her head in disapproval and hurried into the house with me on her heels. A short chuckled escaped my lips and she smiled at me.

“You're so hyped.. J-Dope.”, she snickered. “Yeah, yeah.” I slapped her ass. “Up the stairs we go, kitten.”  She looked me over, groaned and ran her hand through her short brown hair. “What am I gonna do with you until we reach the club?”, she muttered. “I’d know something”, I meant slyly and grabbed her hand.

She twisted immediately and held my wrist tightly which made me grunt. Dea pulled me upstairs and then roughly pushed me into her room and locked the door. I smirked at her and licked my lips. Dominant was so sexy.

Her hips shifted and my focus was on her curves as she walked to the bed and threw herself onto the sheets. “Humpf.” Ignoring me she went onto her phone. I watched her shift some more and then came closer and positioned myself on top of her. My hot breath caught on her neck. “What are you reading?”, I whispered into her right ear. “Can't you see?!”, she snorted and tried to roll me off her back.

I glued my eyes to the screen.

» I ran my fingers through my hair and groaned out in desperation. Things like that could only happen to clumsy souls like me!

I felt a body shift closer to mine and I could feel his warmth from behind. His hand caught my nervous one and pinned it to the desk. I turned still on the phone and his breath fanned against my face. His eyes showed compassion as he said “Hang up the phone” but there was also authority in his words.

I stared at him frozen in my pace and then I obeyed. I don’t know why but he had that effect on me, I felt like I would do anything he said. Anything.

He chuckled knowingly and tilted his head. “My name is Jeremy and yours?” My breath caught in my throat and heat rushed to my cheeks. “K-Kate” I stuttered. He released my hand from his tight grip to gently caress…«

She skipped to the next page before I could finish reading.

» “Do you like me too?” What!? I tried to push away but he was pulling me closer. As you can expect the whole situation resulted in me being smashed hard into his body. His hard body, with its wide shoulders and well trained chest. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my head.

None of us spoke a word and my temper slowly calmed down and I started to relax after I realized that I was stuck. I gazed up at him and I shouldn’t have because my blood started to boil again. His brown eyes were clouded by desire. I let out a sharp breath and he held my gaze sending more waves of electricity through my system.

He looked away and moved his lips to my neck while his hands wandered to my hips and he slowly pressed himself against me. Great pleasure hit me as I heard him moaning into my ear, slightly nibbling on my earlobe while he kept grinding himself against my lower body. His soft lips moved down to my neck again and he bit down, puckering on my skin and sliding his hot tongue against it. I closed my eyes and threw my head back to give him better excess. A low sound escaped from my lips as he went over every inch of my neck.

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