14. Chapter

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Fluff ^^
I hope it's not too much too fast...

POV: Dea

Namjoon was testing a nasty classmate of mine and the boy finished with a C. "You may pick the next student now", Monnie nodded. No wait... we were back to school so it was Mr. Kim.

I sighed and rested my head on top of my maths homework. Yeah, it was due after breaktime and I forgot to do it during the holidays. I was stressed out once again because of my bad time management and I didn't quite get the topic so... hmmpf.

I was only half ear listening to the conversation. "Mhmm who shall I take?", the boy mumbled. Some girls were eagerly rising their hands, I bet. Most of them just wanted to shove up their cleavage into Namjoons face though. But like always they'd be disappointed because the boys usually chose their pals.

"Dea." I jerked up and groaned. "I'm sorry. I wasn't sleeping, Sir", I retorted quickly. Namjoon scratched his neck, "Ehrmm, no but please come to the blackboard, okay?" Some snickered and girls glared at me. I buried my face in my hands. So awkward.

When I stopped beside the front desk I was shaking. Fortunately the teacher set an end to the laughing. I felt his warm body next to mine and he squeezed my shoulder. I swallowed and he slipped his hand in mine for a split second. Wow, I must look miserable if he risked to do that in school.

When I opened my hand I realized he had only given me the chalk. Sheez. I picked it up and read "believe." I smiled and bit my lower lip. He was so sweet!

"So why did Romeo kill Juilet's cousin?", Mr. Kim asked. Easy question I thought. "He was sad about the loss of his friend whom Tybalt had staked and wanted revenge." Yah, don't judge me but I read Shakespeare when I was twelve.

"Good job, Miss Taek. That's a plus", he meant to me. I sighed in relief. Finally a positive message for today.

The lesson continued and I tried to focus on my homework again but I felt as if the teacher was watching me. The bell rung and I jumped up, collected my books and was about to leave when Mr. Kim held me back.

I turned around and looked up from his grip on my wrist to his face. He seemed worried so I gave a small smile and he returned it. As expected he let go off me immediately. We stood there in silence until the others left.

He crossed his arms. "You know this is a literature lesson, right?" My feet suddenly were super interesting. I knew he had to treat me like everyone else, but damn I hated being his pupil. I wanted more than this.

He sighed and tilted my head up. His gentle fingers felt good against my skin. Nevermind the sin, I needed the touch. Our gazes met and his expression softened. "Meet me in the library at lunch break", he told me. His palm grazed my cheek for a moment before he broke away and hurried out of the classroom.

- - - - -

"No, I can't Jimin. I'm meeting Namjoon at the library in five minutes. Just show me your new dance choreography at the dorm, okay?", I explained. He fake whined. "You are silly." We started arguing with Tae after that. Whoa! I ran off and waved, "I gotta go see you at home."

I pushed through the heavy library doors and greeted Jin. "Where's___?" He cut me off and pointed behind a bookshelf.

"Hi!" I plumed onto a chair besides to Namjoon. "Are you okay? You are late", he asked. "Yeah, yeah", I assured him. He looked at me suspicious but came back to business after I smiled. "What are you struggling with?" I was about to say plenty but he added, "Take out your math exercises."

"I have a surprise for you later", he lured me into studying. It took even longer than expected but after an hour of hard work we were finally done. I rubbed my eyes and leaned back in the chair.

I'd gotten it all wrong but Namjoon actually was able to help me. My next class got cancelled so we still had time and I just fell off the chair.

"Woah!", Mr. Kim screeched. "Huh." I tugged on his jeans and he looked down at me. Then I extended my hand and he took it to help me up.

Don't spell PART backwards.

I pulled strongly and Namjoon hit the floor next to me. "Oh my god! What am I doing?", I gasped. I couldn't just push people off their seats without warning! Why was I like this!? Strange mood...

I crawled over my teacher and placed my hand on his thigh. "Did I hurt you?", I asked full of guilt. I answered the question myself: "I'm so sorry. Obviously I did."

"What are you doing!!?", a high pitched voice called out. I turned and was confronted by Jin who had a shocked expression on. "First Yoongi and now you Namjoon", eomma commented. "You", he pointed at me,"get off him!"

He sounded outrageous so I obeyed mindlessly. Monnie propped himself up and touched his hip before flinching. Then he looked up at us and smiled. "Don't worry it's only a bruise." "Bad enough", the man meant merciless and strode away.

I offered to help Namjoon up but he denied it. Again the older man popped around the corner just to tell us to 'go study and nothing else'. I made a face but shrugged it off. Awhile my teacher was still sitting on the carpeting. He looked kinda lost but it suited him. Fluffy cutiepie <3

"Come on let's sit at the cushions in the corner", I motioned to the left. He tried to get up strangely and I helped him because he moved like a baby. "Thanks."

We sat down and I mumbled a quiet, "I hurt you", while staring at my lap. "It's okay", he quickly retorted and placed his hand on my knee. It really wasn't but I knew he would argue so I didn't say it. Instead I intertwined our fingers and traced the lines on his palm to distract myself.

He tensed and whispered a breathy "Dea..". When I lifted my head his gaze was already fixated at me. Uhhhh, the look on his face sent shivers down my spine.

I wanted to turn away but my teacher gripped my chin and forced me to look at his revealed feelings. Even when he let go of me I just stared at him.

The longer I memorized every single detail of his face the more my body adjusted to the situation and I trembled.

He smiled the warm smile I loved so much on him. It made me feel special. Beautiful, accepted. In those moments it was enough to just be myself.

I leaned into the soft touch of him cupping my cheeks. I- No! I pushed his hand away and jumped up ready to leave but the hurt look on his face made me falter.

Apparently enough time to get up and make me stay because I wouldn't have. Trust me every time I built up enough distance I swore not to get close again. Then this clumsy person crashed into my life again and brainwashed me.

Namjoon back hugged me and I leaned into his warmth. The way I clinged on to his arms reminded me of a drowning man, even my blurred view was directioned at the blank ceiling. "I feel so empty", I whispered. He pressed me closer and his voice cracked, "I know."

Mr. Kim carried me back to the comfy seat and made me sit on his slightly parted tights sidewards. I twisted my body and snuggled into his shirt. The way he tightly wrapped his arms around me gave me a feeling of safety even if I sometimes was scared he'd crush my bones with his sudden affection.

A smile slipped onto my face and I awkwardly hugged him back as good as possible. He giggled, "I admire your flexibility, Dea but that can't be comfortable."

I pulled away enough to lock eyes. "I don't care and you know so be silent", I lectured him but I restrained from my position anyway. He chuckled and combed through my short hair.

"You know I actually had an idea you might like", he teased me. I sighed and told him to continue.

"So remember when you told me that you would love to write and compose your own song? I thought about it. Let's collaborate - just you and me."

Whoa. My eyes widened and he smiled at my flabbergasted expression. "Is that a yes?", RM asked jokingly. Was it? I had never managed to produce anything that could compare to his lyrics.

He noticed the change in my emotions and shut my worries off. "I'll teach you... everything." The way he stressed everything clouded my mind. It gave me an irrational hope to do more than just write proper songs together (besides studying English literature of course).

I tilted my head down. He didn't mean it that way. Why was I this disgusting?

"Nah, smile, Dea.", he meant but I wouldn't cheer up. "Why did I even ask her?", I heard him murmur.

Ouch. Yeah, feed the demons. Even he had realized I wasn't worth that much effort.

"Awwy, is my baby sad? Don't be sad. Oppa loves you", Namjoon cooed quietly. I looked up in shock. My teacher was doing aeygo for me! Oh my... he was so embarrassed. So was I, probably because it was the cutest thing I had ever seen a person do. My ears warmed and I cupped my face grinning widely. "You're adorable", he said and nudged my nose.

I could simply...  everything about him.

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