13. Chapter

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POV: Dea

Nobody wanted to discuss what had happened so we spent the rest of the day in silence hanging after our own thoughts. Towards the afternoon Jimin approached me. He sat down next to me on the rocks by the sea.

"How are you?", he asked sincerely but I didn't answer. "The sky is beautiful", he tried again.

I looked up at him and cautiously ran a hand through my hair. He giggled, "Usually that's my gesture. The members always tease me about it."

The smile I gave him in return didn't turn out happy enough and he stroke my arm. "Hey, it's okay! We'll get through this together", he assured me.

"Really?!", I meant coldly. "You don't know anything! You can't approximately tell what it feels like..."

"Then tell me", he auffordern.

"You wouldn't understand...", I murmured and turned to stare at the ocean.

"How are you so sure of that? You're just scared of telling somebody, that's it. I know because I suffered long enough myself. If you really think you're alone, keep pushing people away nobody will help you. We can't force you to get better."

He sighed and spun me around to hug me ungainly and wipe my tears. "Let's go inside. You should eat something. I saw you skipped dinner."

I nodded weakly but then shook my head eagerly. "I--I- I am not hungry." He shot a mad glance my way. "Uhm, I had a banana", I stuttered an excuse. He pulled me up, "A banana is nothing. You can't fool me, I know exactly what you're doing."

He did?

"It's easy to develop an eating disorder if you earn your money with looks."

Oh. "I'm so sorry I didn't think about it, Jimin."

He nodded forgivingly, "Now let me take care of you."

- - - - -

I ended up having a long chat with the dancer after he fed me some soup and noodles.

"Remember to drink a lot!", he told me before leaving me to myself. I smiled and this time it was honest.

- - - - -

We went to bed early because neither of us had slept well last night. I admired Hoseok for his ability to just lay down and sleep. For my part I twisted my neck and stared at the curtains who moved in the breeze.

Ah, screw it! I swung my feet over the edge of the bed and tapped to the balcony. To my surprise I wasn't alone outside. I strolled a bit a bit and recognized RM sitting in the sand.

He looked up and I took his hand to sit down. Instead of talking both of our gazes were fixed on the horizon while he held my hand. When a cold breeze hit from the sea I automatically scooted closer and Monnie wrapped his big jacket around me wordlessly.

I rested my head on his shoulder and looked up into the darkening night sky.

"You're cold - so cold", he whispered and moved our intertwined hands under his shirt. I hummed in agreement. "You're warm. That's the perfect match."

Embarrassing. I'd said that out loud but he only laughed warmly, pulled me closer to his chest and pressed a kiss on my forehead. "You're right."

I shivered but in a good way. Namjoon lifted his head from mine and meant, "We should go inside or we'll catch a cold", in a worried tone.

"Nah, I'm alright." "Yeah, but you're wearing my jacket!", he chuckled. I blushed but fortunately he couldn't see it because of the dark. Damn, I had to start thinking more about others.

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