Whistles and party hats

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Jung Hoseok -introduction-
2.23pm. 02/20/2015
whistles and party hats

Hi, I'm Hobi!

Dea and I have been best friends for a while now and with pride I can say no-one quite  knows her like I do =D.

So since we're already close I'd like to tell a little story. If only Jimin hadn't noticed that day then I wouldn't have to break it to you now..

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It was the day before my birthday and I got home early and decided to cook some rice because I hadn't had time to eat in school. Ah! My heart filled with love when I looked at the rice cooker we had been gifted for a mission. In the search of ingredients I roamed through the cupboard and found candles.

I felt happy. “I knew they were preparing something!” I meant to myself and jumped in excitement. Shortly after I found the rice too. I took ⅓ cup and poured it into the cooker with a cup of water. I didn't know if that was right and frowned a bit before turning it on. Now I know I should have double checked...

After some time weird steam came from the rice cooker and I looked up from the homework I was correcting to investigate what’s wrong. I turned off the rice cooker and opened the lid.

When I opened the lid (after having turned off the kitchen device️) it smelled burnt and strange. Dea, you probably already know what happened next but I was surprised. So what I did was to wrinkle my nose and then I put the side dish into a bowl.

Yeah.. I had accidentally boiled party hats and whistles…

I'm sure you hid them there. You can be such a crackhead, honestly. In the future I will always look twice before putting my precious food somewhere! ㅋㅋㅋ

But it wasn't that bad, I ordered Vietnamese food and it was delicious. So this is why is was late at picking you up although it didn't really matter since we stayed at home that night.

I had to shop new party hats and whistles so you guys wouldn't realize I knew about the surprise party.

The end

Haha I hope this is good enough for your project. Dea you’re great. And you deserve the world. I really j-hope that your dream comes true but don't be disappointed if it doesn't work out right away. I love you and I believe in you! 💜

(Dear readers (if this gets published because she won the contest) make sure to also show her lots of love (u°ω°u))

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