22. Chapter

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I got of my pink bike not so gracefully and headed towards the entrance of the school in excitement. Although I didn't have much time I had managed to be here early - never be late for a date! Of course it wasn't a date. No, no, no. Of course not. I tried to catch my breath and not sweat to much. Five minutes left.. the restroom. I made a run for it but it was locked. Shiiiiit.

My luck - exactly then RM came around the corner. Apparently he had the same mindset about punctuality. Well, he saw me there and thought I had to go and pee so he unlocked the door for me. I blushed, thanked him and hurried inside. Always a good way to meet your crush. Hahaha. I quickly took care of my business and almost screwed up my makeup while doing so. That's why I didn't put it on usually. I either forgot about it or cried.

I sent a short prayer to whoever might have an interest in helping me  a) look good b) smell pleasant and c) act like I wasn't totally crazy because that's what I acted like if I liked someone. Or maybe just in general but take it to another level for the first one.

Joonie was waiting in front of the door. Gosh, why?? He looked at me warmly and then locked the toilet room again. Oh yeah… I would have forgotten about that. “It's nice to see you. Wanna go?”, his deep voice vibrated in my ears. I nodded eagerly and flashed him a shy smile.

The young man strode towards the school doors and then again turned his keys in the hole. He didn't say anything and therefore I just followed him. Down the road, away from the centre, over the street and to the left. We stopped at the beginning of our forest resort. I turned my body to face my teacher. “Where are we going, Namjoon?”, I whispered and glanced towards the darkening woods.

He scratched his neck. “I wanted to share my hideaway place with you. I--I always come here to take a break and think.” And dark, and cold. At least in the winter months.

I chuckled, “I’d love to see it as long as you bring me back home safely before eight.” RM nodded his head and looked me up and down. “What are you looking at?”, I teased him, tensing under his intense gaze. He shook his head quickly. “You look good, Dea. We don't have to go if don’t want to”, he grabbed my hand, “You're skin feels very cold.”

Uff. He was sooo caring. “It's nothing. My hands are always cold, my feet are cold and my nose is cold. It fine. My heart tops it all”, I laughed it off. “You're heart for sure is the warmest part of you”, he meant but he didn't look at me. Monnie intertwined our fingers (a meaningful moment) and tucked them in his big pocket. I got pulled closer to him and leaned my head back so I could look him in the eyes.

It meant something. So many feelings. My gaze held onto his and I trailed my other hand up from his strong arm to his chest and cupped his cheek. He didn't do anything about it but his expression changed into a soft surprised one mixed with anticipation.

Then I pulled away. “Let's go. I'm getting cold”, I spoke quietly not daring to interrupt the atmosphere. Namjoon nodded and we walked towards the forest. The tension soon disappeared and we just strolled around the trees. “It’s really beautiful here”, I nodded towards RM, “thanks for showing me around. I would not have come here alone. It's kind of scary when you're foreign and alone in the woods.”

“You’re welcome! Something about this place calms me. It's so peaceful and still full of life.” I nodded again, and said that I really liked the smell too. He smiled at me and pulled me away from the barely visible trail we’d been following for a while now.

We reached a huge cut off tree trunk and Joonie easily climbed onto it and then helped me up. I grinned and joined him, not letting go of his hand. He sat down on the moose but I hesitated because it looked a little wet. The older looked at me expectingly and I nervously ran a hand through my hair. It had grown longer and I should have it cut again soon.

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